Cómo retirar la lengüeta de separación de la placa de circuito impreso

Cómo retirar la lengüeta de separación de la placa de circuito impreso

During PCB assembly, the breakaway tab on the PCB assembly board must be removed after the components are assembled. To remove this tab, you have several options. These options include using a Milling depanelizer, a V-cut depanelizer, or manual removal.


To make the removal process easier, a breakaway tab on a PCB is positioned so that it is not touching the adjacent components. The distance between the tab and the adjacent components should be about half an inch. It is also necessary to separate the two sides of the breakaway tab in order to prevent them from damaging each other. If the breakaway tab is not placed at the right location, it may lead to inedibility of the board, and this may cause damage to other components.

The PCBA break away tab removal tool consists of a slider base and mounting base plate. The movable slider is controlled by an adjustment button. This allows the device to move along a preset track and release the PCBA. The PCBA board is then held in two hands. A gentle force is applied to remove the PCBA breakaway tab.

Manual removal

Manual removal of PCBA breakaway tab is easier than you might think, but the process is not without risk. It can damage components and put unnecessary strain on the PCB. In addition, this method requires extreme care, as the breakaway hole is located off the edge of the board. Using a special device to break the tab can help prevent damage.

Manual removal of PCBA breakaway tab can be accomplished by several methods, including the use of a milling or V-groove depanelizer. Using this type of tool will eliminate waste and guarantee quality, and it will help you reduce scraps. However, you will have to program the machine for this task.

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