4 gyldne regler for PCB-design

4 gyldne regler for PCB-design

When designing a PCB, there are several golden rules that you must follow. These include the Design rule check (DRC) as often as possible, grouping components, separating traces, and the Thermal relief pattern. All of these will make the design process go more smoothly and reduce costs. Moreover, these rules will help you save time and money by making stock decisions easier.

Design rule check (DRC) as often as you can bear it

Design rule checking (DRC) is an important process that helps engineers avoid costly design errors. It helps them identify flaws before they are implemented into their PCB designs. Design rule checking is an efficient way to check that a design meets its specifications and that it will not cause any problems for the final assembly.

PCB designers can run a DRC on their schematic and layout designs to identify and fix errors. These tools generate a comprehensive report detailing any violations. These reports include details such as the rules violated and the specific components involved by reference designator. These tools can also be used manually. However, you should keep in mind that they are not a replacement for a DRC.

While the DRC on PCB design takes some time, it can save you a lot of headache later on. Even if your PCB design is simple, checking it frequently will save you hours of tedious work. It is a good habit to get into, especially if you are working on a complex PCB.

Grouping components

Grouping components is an important part of PCB design. Components with similar functions should be placed together. For example, power management ICs should be grouped with LDOs and other similar devices. In addition, power management ICs and other devices with high currents should be separated from analog and digital parts. Also, keep components with high switching frequencies and high electromagnetic noise separate from other parts. By grouping components by function, you will have a better control over the return path, and you’ll also be able to avoid overheating certain components.

Grouping components in a PCB design is essential to avoid crosstalk and interference between digital and analog signals. Crosstalk is a problem that can compromise the integrity of the signal. To prevent this problem, grouping non-homogeneous components into distinct areas is the simplest solution. This way, the analog and digital masses won’t confuse each other.

The placement of components is important because it affects the overall process and the overall design of the product. Improper placement can result in poor functionality, manufacturability, and maintenance. Some signals may also be corrupted if they are placed incorrectly. The correct placement of components can improve the design process and save a lot of time.

Separating traces

The process of PCB design involves separating traces. The exact width and number of traces will depend on the nature of the signal being transmitted. Thin traces are usually used for low-current TTL signals that don’t need noise protection or high current carrying capacity. They are the most common type of traces on a circuit board. However, some PCB designs will need thicker traces to carry high-power signals and other power-related functions.

Trace geometry is of great importance for proper circuit operation. Because traces are used to carry electrical signals, they must be the right width to prevent overheating and minimize the area of the PCB. There are many calculator tools online that will help you calculate the proper width of a trace.

When designing a PCB, it’s vital to separate analog signals from digital signals. These signals can interfere with each other, and it’s important to keep them separated to prevent crosstalk.

Thermal relief pattern

A thermal relief pattern helps circuit boards dissipate heat across a large area. This is useful when soldering through-hole devices. It is important that the circuit board be designed to minimize the risk of heat buildup during the soldering process.

Thermal relief patterns should be used at any place where a component plate meets a via or a ground plane. They also provide additional support for the component and help reduce thermal stress. Thermal reliefs should be checked regularly during the design phase. Caught early, problems can be minimized or avoided entirely.

It is also important to note that the size of the thermal reliefs must match the width of the power trace. Too small a thermal relief can result in excessive heat and a burned-out connection. A better thermal relief design is one that features enough metal and fewer spokes.

5 tips til fremstilling af brugerdefinerede printplader

5 tips til fremstilling af brugerdefinerede printplader

If you’re looking to create a custom printed circuit board, there are four key tips you need to follow. These include choosing the right circuit board design software and components early in the design process. Choosing the right materials is another important step to take. Finally, make sure your components are physically and electrically close to one another in the schematic.

Choosing the right circuit board design software

There are several different software solutions to choose from. Choosing the right software for your project can make designing your printed circuit boards easier. Some options provide more advanced features than others. For example, OrCAD PCB Designer includes libraries for signal integrity, schematic capture, auto-routing, and constraint management. It also supports a wide variety of electronic solutions, the English language, and Windows operating systems.

Circuit board design software is a vital part of any electronic product design. It helps engineers visualize and analyze electronic circuitry. It also helps them share their designs with mechanical engineers. A good PCB design software has an extensive library of components to choose from. With a library of pre-defined components, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time you create a new part.

While there are many EDA tools out there, the best ones are not free. They are premium tools with robust features. It can be difficult to choose the right one for your needs. The most important thing to consider is the community support of the software you choose. Choosing the right software for your custom printed circuit boards can make your design easier to produce.

Choosing components early in the design process

While creating custom printed circuit boards, it is crucial to choose components early on in the design process. Early selection of components will help you avoid problems with PCB layout and manufacturing. The design process includes several steps to ensure your board is suited to your needs. The first step is to define your PCB’s scope. This is the process in which you specify all components and their locations on the board.

The size of your custom circuit board will determine the components that are most appropriate. Choosing the right size will depend on the final functionality of your circuit. For example, you may want to choose a circuit board that is a certain size in order to fit the entire device. Also, larger circuits may not fit on a single copper layer, so you may need to choose two layers of copper. In such a case, traces will need to be routed on both sides of the PCB.

Early selection of components is critical for the performance and longevity of your PCB. Component placement can affect heat distribution, weight, and performance. While you should adhere to industry best practices when designing custom PCBs, it is a good idea to inject some of your personal style into the design process as well. By integrating your personal ideas, style, and creativity into the design process, you will be able to make your custom PCBs stand out from the competition.

Conducting a design rule check

Conducting a design rule check (DRC) is an important process for engineers creating custom printed circuit boards. It allows them to identify potential errors and fix them before manufacturing begins. Design rule checks should be carried out frequently to ensure that the board design meets all manufacturing parameters. For example, DDR rules will check whether the PCB contains any traces with differential impedances, which must be symmetrical.

By conducting a design rule check, engineers can determine whether the board meets the requirements of the customer. A design rule check can also help improve the manufacturability of a custom board. In modern PCB design, thousands of components and connections must be managed. Some boards may have multiple layers, so a design rule check is essential to ensure an acceptable manufacturing yield.

A DRC runs the design and layout together, allowing for a tight collaboration between the two. By doing so, designers can ensure the PCB meets the required design rules and avoid any unexpected SI, EMI, or safety violations. They can also modify tests to accommodate design requirements and minimize costly board failures. These improvements can increase the product time to market and maximize profitability.

Choosing materials

When it comes to choosing materials for your custom printed circuit boards, you need to take several factors into consideration, including the environment and application where your PCB will be used. You should also consider industry-specific standards and regulatory requirements. For example, you may need to comply with strict requirements relating to fire and heat safety. Choosing materials with the right properties will help you achieve the desired performance at an affordable price.

The material used for PCBs is crucial to the overall performance of your finished product. Different PCB materials have different electrical properties, which will determine their suitability for your particular application. For instance, if you’re designing a circuit board for high-frequency transmission, you need to choose a material with low thermal expansion (CTE) values.

The first step to choosing a material for your custom PCB is to understand how the circuit board is made. A PCB is made of two components, a substrate and a laminate. The substrate provides the structure and foundation of the circuit board, which includes the copper foil and other surface materials. Some boards also include a core material.

Hvad gør printkort?

Hvad gør printkort?

Der er mange komponenter og dele, der udgør et printkort. Denne artikel handler om printkortets komponenter og funktioner. Den vil også dække layoutet af et printkort. Når du har en grundlæggende forståelse af disse komponenter og dele, kan du bedre forstå, hvordan printkort fungerer. Hvis du har spørgsmål, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os! Vores venlige personale er altid klar til at besvare dine spørgsmål! Vi håber, at denne artikel vil være nyttig for dig!

Trykte kredsløbsplader

Printede kredsløb er rygraden i de fleste elektroniske enheder, fra mobiltelefoner til computere. Disse kredsløbskort er lavet af metallag med ledende baner imellem dem. De er normalt lavet af lag, der er ætset hver for sig og lamineret sammen for at skabe et mønster. Trykte kredsløbskort indeholder også spor, som er de stier, hvor signaler bevæger sig gennem kortet og bærer information mellem forskellige komponenter.

Disse lag skabes ved hjælp af specialudstyr kaldet plottere. Denne maskine skaber fotofilm af printkortet og kan opnå præcise detaljer og print i høj kvalitet. Plotteren udskriver blæk, der ligner de forskellige lag på printkortet. Substratet er normalt lavet af glasfiber eller epoxyharpiks. Derefter bindes kobber til den ene eller begge sider af panelet. Når det er gjort, lægges den lysfølsomme film på panelet.


Et printkort består af forskellige komponenter, der arbejder sammen om at udføre en bestemt funktion. De vigtigste komponenter er kondensatorer, modstande og transistorer. Disse komponenter tillader elektrisk strøm at flyde fra en højere spænding til en lavere spænding, hvilket sikrer, at et apparat modtager den rette mængde strøm.


En af de vigtigste komponenter på et printkort er en transformer. Den omdanner elektrisk energi, så kredsløbet kan fungere, ved at ændre spændingen. Disse enheder kan have mange forskellige konfigurationer, og eksperter i kredsløbsdesign overvejer ofte processen med spændingstransformation, når de designer et kredsløb. En transformer består typisk af en metalkerne omgivet af en række spoler. En af disse spoler kaldes sekundærspolen, mens den anden er primærspolen.

Andre PCB-komponenter omfatter afbrydere og relæer. Disse enheder bruges til at regulere og tænde og slukke for strøm. En type halvlederkontakt er Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR), som kan styre store mængder strøm ved hjælp af et lille input. Passive enheder som kondensatorer og modstande findes også på et printkort.


Layout af printkort er en vigtig del af PCB-design. Det er en kompleks proces, der indebærer at bestemme placeringen af forskellige komponenter og huller på printkortet. Der findes mange forskellige typer printkort, herunder industrielle printkort og kredsløb til forbrugerelektronik. Selvom disse typer printkort stort set er ens, skal PCB-layoutdesigneren overveje de specifikke krav til hver teknologi og det miljø, hvor printkortene skal bruges.

Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet

Elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet (EMC) er et vigtigt begreb, når man designer elektroniske kredsløb. Det handler om problemet med elektromagnetisk støj, som kan forstyrre signalerne i et kredsløb. Det er vigtigt at overveje EMC i den tidlige designfase, da det kan have en betydelig indvirkning på det færdige produkt. Det rigtige PCB-design kan undgå EMC-problemer og sikre et systems funktionalitet.

Printkort skal overholde EMC-standarder og -retningslinjer for at forhindre elektromagnetisk interferens i at påvirke deres funktionalitet. De mest almindelige EMC-problemer stammer fra forkert designede kredsløb. De kan resultere i, at inkompatible signaler interfererer med hinanden og får printkortet til at svigte. Det kan undgås ved at følge principperne for EMC-design, som bør være beskrevet i kredsløbsdesignet.


PCB-holdbarhed er en vigtig overvejelse i elektronisk design, især når PCB'er skal udsættes for barske miljøer. Industrielle PCB'er kan for eksempel have brug for at være robuste og holdbare. Det kan også være nødvendigt, at de kan modstå høje temperaturer. Industrielle PCB'er kan også kræve særlige samleprocesser, såsom gennemgående hulteknologi. Industrielle PCB'er bruges ofte til at drive udstyr som elektriske boremaskiner og presser. Andre anvendelser omfatter DC-til-AC-omformere og udstyr til kraftvarmeproduktion med solenergi.

PCB's holdbarhed kan forbedres ved at indbygge passive komponenter og enheder. Pulsholdbarhed er en af de vigtigste parametre at overveje, når man vælger passive og aktive enheder. Det hjælper med at bestemme den maksimale effektafgivelse og den modstandsændring, der opstår efter en pulsstigning. Det kan også hjælpe med at bestemme anvendeligheden af pulskredsløb. For at forbedre printpladernes holdbarhed kan man fremstille tyndfilmsmodstande på overfladen eller indlejre dem i printpladen. Et eksempel er en nikkel-fosfor-legering på et FR-4-laminat. Den har en arkmodstand på 25 O/kvm.


Kredsløbskort er en vigtig komponent i enhver elektronisk enhed. Et defekt printkort kan få en enhed til ikke at fungere ordentligt eller endda svigte helt. På grund af de stigende krav fra forbrugermarkedet arbejder ingeniørerne på at designe mindre, mere effektive og fleksible printkort. Derudover skal de overholde strenge go-to-market deadlines. Det kan føre til fejl i designet, som kan skade produktets omdømme.

Det er afgørende, at arbejdspladsen er sikker, og at medarbejderne er ordentligt uddannet. Eksponering for PCB kan føre til alvorlige sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser, herunder øjen- og hudirritation og irritation af luftvejene. Medarbejderne bør bære beskyttelsestøj, herunder åndedrætsværn og handsker. De skal også opbevare og bortskaffe farlige kemikalier korrekt i henhold til EPA's retningslinjer.