Wie Sie die richtige Schablone für Ihre SMT-Anforderungen auswählen

Wie Sie die richtige Schablone für Ihre SMT-Anforderungen auswählen

Wenn Sie planen, eine Schablone für ein Projekt der Oberflächenmontagetechnik anzufertigen, sollten Sie einige Faktoren kennen, die Ihnen bei der Auswahl der benötigten Schablone helfen können. Diese Faktoren sind der Preis, die Form und die Abmessungen. Wenn Sie diese Faktoren berücksichtigen, können Sie die beste Wahl treffen.


Eine Schablone muss die richtigen Abmessungen haben, um die Daten der Leiterplatte darauf unterzubringen. Dies wird als effektive Fläche bezeichnet. Dies ist der zentrale Teil der Schablone, der so zugeschnitten werden kann, dass er zu den Pads auf der SMT-Platine passt. Der verbleibende Raum um die Schablone wird als Schablonenrand bezeichnet. Die Schablone kann nicht über diesen Bereich hinaus geschnitten werden.

Es gibt fünf Haupttypen von SMT-Schablonentechnologien. Dazu gehören lasergeschnittene, elektrogeformte, chemisch geätzte und hybride Schablonen. Chemisch geätzte Metallschablonen sind sehr nützlich für Stufenschablonen. Diese Schablonen werden auf beiden Seiten chemisch gefräst, und das Ergebnis ist eine fast gerade Wand mit einer leichten Sanduhrform in der Mitte.


Bei den Schablonen haben Sie viele Möglichkeiten. Sie können Schablonen kaufen oder sie selbst herstellen. Eine Schablone ist ein Design, das mit einem Plotter ausgeschnitten wurde. Die Qualität und Größe der Schablone hängt von den Einstellungen des Plotters ab. Vergewissern Sie sich vor dem Schneiden einer Schablone, dass Kraft und Geschwindigkeit richtig eingestellt sind. Die Kraft sollte ausreichen, um durch die Folie zu schneiden, ohne die klebrige Unterlage zu beschädigen. Die Geschwindigkeit sollte so hoch sein, dass die Schablone so schnell wie möglich ausgeschnitten werden kann. Wenn Sie jedoch zu schnell schneiden, können die Ecken der Rechtecke einreißen.

Die in der Oberflächenmontagetechnik verwendeten Schablonen werden in der Regel aus rostfreier Stahlfolie hergestellt. Sie werden mit einem Laser so zugeschnitten, dass sie auf das oberflächenmontierte Gerät passen. Diese Schablonen werden auf der Platine positioniert und zum Auftragen von Lotpaste verwendet. Die Schablone ermöglicht eine genaue Platzierung der Lotpaste, ohne dass manuelle Arbeit erforderlich ist. Darüber hinaus spart eine Schablone Zeit und Mühe.


Beim Kauf von Schablonen muss der Kunde darauf achten, eine Schablone zu finden, die für seine Anforderungen geeignet ist. Es gibt zwei wichtige Faktoren, die zu berücksichtigen sind: Schablonendicke und Plattendaten. Die Schablonendicke trägt dazu bei, dass sich die Paste von der Platine löst. Außerdem muss die Schablonengröße innerhalb der effektiven Fläche (EA) liegen, d. h. dem zentralen Teil der Schablone. Der Rest der Schablone wird als Rand bezeichnet, der nicht geschnitten werden kann.

Die Größe der Schablone ist ein wichtiger Parameter für jeden automatischen Lotpastendrucker. Verschiedene Leiterplatten haben unterschiedliche Innenmaße, und die Schablone muss an die Rahmengröße des Druckers angepasst werden.


Schablonen sind eine hervorragende Option für eine Vielzahl von Dekorationsprojekten. Ganz gleich, ob Sie einen Raum streichen oder ein Möbelstück mit einem einzigartigen Design versehen wollen, Schablonen können ein sauberes, klares Bild liefern. Im Gegensatz zu einem Pinsel sind Schablonen wiederverwendbar und halten jahrelang.

Exklusive Layout-Tipps für BGA-Chips

Exklusive Layout-Tipps für BGA-Chips

To layout a BGA chip, you should understand its footprint. There are several different types of layouts. You can choose from Vias, Fanouts, and Fiducial marks. The datasheet for the NCP161 chip provides the recommended pad size and shape.


If you’re designing a PCB with BGA chips, it is important to consider the best routing pattern for your part. A high pin-count BGA chip, for example, requires meticulous planning to achieve the right escape routing patterns. You’ll need to take into account factors such as the component’s pitch and the desired spacing between its balls.

The best route for a BGA chip consists of two basic steps. First, you should calculate the number of layers needed to route the signal pins. There are two basic routes you can use for your BGA: a traditional fanout, or a dog-bone fanout. Typically, the dog-bone fanout method is used for larger-pitch BGAs. It allows you to route the outer two rows of pins on the surface layer, while leaving the remaining inner pads free of vias.

Fiducial marks

BGA chips are widely used in electronic assembly. However, because of their peculiar shape, they present a higher risk of short circuits during soldering. The right layout tips and practices can help you avoid these problems. In this article, you will learn how to correctly place BGA chips on your PCB in order to maximize the soldering effect.

The first step in proper BGA chip layout is to ensure the proper spacing of the components. Usually, the pads are not numbered sequentially but rather in a column-row format. The columns are numbered from left to right, starting with A1. Pin A1 is typically indicated by a mark on the top side of the chip.

Corner marks

When it comes to PCB layout, the same rules apply whether you’re working with BGA chips or other types of electronic components. The best way to achieve optimum performance is to make sure that your BGAs are mounted with a powerful X-ray system. You should also use a vision placement system to ensure that your BGAs are positioned correctly.

When working with high-pin-count BGA chips, planning is key. You may need to add several board layers to accommodate all the escape routing. You must also carefully consider the placement of components before you begin routing the traces.

Power integrity

High-pin-count BGA chips require careful planning before routing traces. You should also take into account the routing channels required for vias that exit the pins. In some cases, it may be necessary to add two additional board layers to accommodate the extra pins. Moreover, BGAs have multiple rows and columns, which requires careful placement of components.

The first step is to decide where to place the BGAs. Some designers use flip-chip BGAs, in which some pins are removed from the interior rows. Others use microvias, which are drilled by laser. Blind vias are also an option, but they are more expensive. Blind vias are usually included in the most expensive layout plans.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Hasl Bleifrei und Hasl Bleifrei?

What’s the Difference Between Hasl Lead Free and Hasl Lead Free?

HASL ist eine Zinn-Blei-Legierung. Sie bildet leicht Verbindungen und wird häufig beim Handlöten verwendet. Seine festen Verbindungen werden durch die enge molekulare Bindung der beiden Metalle ermöglicht. Dies macht es zu einer bevorzugten Oberfläche für hochzuverlässige Anwendungen.

HASL is a tin-lead alloy

HASL is a tin and lead alloy that is often used for electronic circuit boards. It forms strong joints easily and is commonly used for hand soldering. The two types of HASL are similar and will interact on a molecular level. These similarities make HASL an excellent choice for high-reliability applications.

Tin-lead solder has several unique characteristics. The chemical and physical properties of tin-lead solder have been the subject of extensive research over the past 50 years.

It is thinner

There are several advantages of lead free PCBs compared to HASL. Among these advantages, HASL has the best shelf life. In addition, lead free PCBs are more spreadable. This makes them better for soldering copper. However, there are several disadvantages of lead-free PCBs.

Lead-free HASL is thinner and has better coplanarity than lead-lead HASL. The difference in solder coating thickness is approximately half the lead-lead finish. Lead-free HASL has a higher melting point and requires a slight adjustment in the soldering process. The process is similar to standard HASL but uses a special flux. This flux helps in activating the copper surface of PCB. When solder is applied to the board, it is important that it has a uniform thickness. The air knife is an important tool in this process.

It is more uniform

Since the lead-free movement began in the electronics industry in 2006, lead-free soldering has become a popular method for assembling printed circuit boards. Before the move towards lead-free manufacturing, this method was considered to be an outdated technology. It was, however, the predominant finish method in North America, Europe, and Asia outside of Japan. This method is now considered to be the preferred method for lead-free production. Several Chinese printed circuit board manufacturing plants have installed lead-free HASL lines to meet the growing demand in Europe. Lead-free HASL is also gaining popularity in India and South East Asia.

The lead-free alloy is much less toxic to humans than the HASL version. Its eutectic temperature is about two hundred and seventy degrees, which is significantly lower than the HASL lead-free alloy. Moreover, it has a higher degree of mechanical strength and brightness than its lead-tin counterpart. However, there are some disadvantages associated with lead-free, such as its higher cost.

It has a longer shelf life

Hasl lead-free has a longer shelf-life than lead-lead solder. It is also cheaper and can be reworked. However, it does not provide a smooth finish and is unreliable in fine pitch applications. It also creates solder bridging along the board, resulting in a less uniform mount pad surface. Immersion tin solder is another option. It is a white metallic substance that is applied directly to copper. The two metals are very attracted to each other.

Lead-free solder has a longer shelf life than tin lead, but it has a few disadvantages. Tin lead is toxic and can cause the environment to suffer. Lead-free solder is more environmentally friendly. It is also easier to clean. Unlike lead-based solder, Hasl lead free is compatible with most alternative finishes.

It is RoHS compliant

The lead-free version of HASL is similar to conventional HASL PCB but does not use tin-lead in the production process. It is a RoHS-compliant alternative, but may not be suitable for ultra-tiny parts, such as tiny LEDs.

Lead-free HASL has a higher temperature range of 260 to 270°C, a temperature regime that can cause skewed results and board failure. HASL lead free is also less effective for SMD/BGA components with element pitches below 20 mm. In addition, LF HASL is less uniform than HASL Pb/Sn. It can also cause shorting due to lead-free vapors exuded during the application process.

Faktoren, die die Kosten der PCB-Montage beeinflussen

Faktoren, die die Kosten der PCB-Montage beeinflussen

If you’re in the market for PCB assembly services, there are some factors that affect the price. These include custom specifications, the number of layers and lead time, as well as the quality of labor. Understanding these factors will help you negotiate with a PCBA assembly service. If you’re looking to reduce the overall cost of PCB assembly, keep these tips in mind.

Anzahl der Schichten

A number of factors affect PCB assembly cost, including the number of layers. Having more layers increases the number of production steps required and the raw material required. Higher layer counts will also result in higher costs because the lamination process becomes more complex. For example, a four-layer PCB will cost more than one with two panels.

When selecting the number of layers, it is important to understand the purpose of the board before deciding on the number. The number of layers will also be determined by the type of machines used and the complexity of the electronic circuit. Typically, high-tech applications require many layers.

Lead time

Lead time is one of the most important factors to consider when comparing PCB assembly costs. It will determine how long the production process takes and how much the PCB assembly will cost. As lead time can vary widely between companies, it’s important to find a supplier that can meet your needs in a timely manner.

Lead time is broken down into three different categories: customer lead time, manufacturing lead time, and shipping lead time. For example, if you order a specific material, you may need to wait several weeks for the material to be delivered. Similarly, if you order a raw material from a supplier, the lead time will be longer than if you order it from a different source. In order to reduce lead time, you should make sure that your supplier maintains inventory and can quickly ship the material to you if necessary.

Quality of labor

While PCB assembly costs may seem low, they can go up significantly when assembly is done in a foreign country. For example, a PCB assembled in South Asia costs several times as much as one in North America or Western Europe. Moreover, the cost of PCB assembly in an overseas location increases because of handling, shipping and communication delays. So, even though cheap PCB assembly costs are attractive, it’s important to think about the quality of the labor and packaging you’ll be receiving.

PCB assembly costs can also be affected by the quantity. Larger quantities will incur lower PCB assembly costs because of economies of scale. High-quality PCB assembly services will usually charge more than those that offer small orders. But if your PCB assembly needs are limited to low-volume production, you can choose a cheaper country to manufacture your PCB.

The complexity of board design

The complexity of a board’s design has a large impact on PCB assembly cost. The more complex a board design is, the more time and effort it takes to manufacture. For instance, adding a BGA to a PCB design means a whole new set of inspections and additional assembly steps. Additionally, a PCB manufacturer’s costs are influenced by the standards it must comply with. For example, a contract manufacturer needs to invest in the necessary certifications to make IPC class III PCBs for the aerospace industry.

PCB assembly costs are impacted by factors related to the complexity of the board design, the type of product being produced, and the method of assembly. Regardless of these factors, there are several steps that can be taken to minimize PCB assembly costs. First, the design process is key. Inconsistencies in the manufacturing process, board size, and component size all affect the cost of PCB assembly.

Tipps zur Bewertung eines PCB-Herstellers oder eines PCB-Bestückers

Tipps zur Bewertung eines PCB-Herstellers oder eines PCB-Bestückers

When you’re selecting a PCB manufacturer or assembler, you’ll want to be sure that they’re equipped to handle your project. This means that their processing capabilities and tools must be current and state-of-the-art. This means that they must be able to handle both manual and automated labour with the latest technology.

Choosing a pcb manufacturer vs a pcb assembler

When deciding between a PCB assembler and a manufacturer, consider what each can offer to your company. A PCB assembler can help keep your company ahead of the curve by alerting you to any manufacturing concerns or procurement problems. A PCB manufacturer can assist you with compliance issues and ensure documentation. They can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure the highest quality product possible.

PCB assemblers can save you time and money by avoiding the need to stock your own inventory. An experienced PCB manufacturer can also help you cut the cost of other parts. Since you can get more quality for less money, it is worthwhile to seek out a reputable manufacturer. However, it is important to note that the cost of PCB assemblers will vary depending on the distance from your location, the size of your order, and the shipping options you require. When you’re looking for a PCB assembler, find one that offers a quote and is within your price range.

Lastly, consider the size of your PCB assembly company. As the components make up a significant portion of your PCB budget, you’ll want to work with a manufacturer with a large order list and extensive experience in the industry. Larger companies can usually negotiate better prices with suppliers and have the ability to handle larger orders.

Keeping in contact with a pcb manufacturer vs a pcb assembler

Keeping in touch with a PCB manufacturer is an excellent way to ensure your product is assembled correctly. While PCB assembly used to be a manual process, it has now been replaced by automated equipment. Machines can be more accurate and speed up the assembly process compared to humans. They can also work faster and do not become fatigued during the process.

PCB assembly is a technical process that requires careful consideration of many factors. Even small changes can significantly impact the cost and final product quality. Typically, PCBA manufacturing and assembly are undertaken by separate companies, but you can also combine the two. When selecting a PCB assembler, it is important to ask about their certification and best practices. Look for IPC certification. If the PCB assembler has this certification, you can rest assured that they follow the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

Identifying a pcb manufacturer vs a pcb assembler

You need to distinguish between a PCB manufacturer and a PCB assembler. PCBs are printed circuit boards that contain the components needed for the board to operate. An experienced PCB manufacturer and assembler will have experience and expertise in creating PCBs. Zero defects and high precision are required for the finished product.

PCB assemblers and manufacturers offer different services, which affect their prices. You should compare prices to ensure that the company will offer the best value for the money. While the prices of PCB assemblies may vary, they should be at par with the quality of the products they produce. Prices will also vary according to the size of the order. For example, a surface-mount assembly will be more expensive than a through-hole assembly. Whether the company offers component production or design assistance is another factor that can affect the price of your PCB assembly.