Apa Itu Manufaktur PCB?

Apa Itu Manufaktur PCB?


FR-4 is the most common substrate used in PCB manufacturing. It is made from a glass cloth impregnated with a hybrid epoxy resin. It has excellent electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, making it a popular choice for a variety of applications. Typical uses of FR-4 PCBs include computers, communications, and aerospace. This material is easy to work with, and offers designers a number of benefits.

FR4 is an ideal material for high-density multi-layers. Its advantages include low-expansion rates and high thermal resistance. It is a good choice for applications where temperatures exceed 150 degrees Celsius. It is also known for its ease of processing and electrical characteristics.


FR-4 is a low-cost, flame-retardant industrial laminate that has a paper substrate and a phenolic resin binder. It is a common choice for printed circuit board laminates. It is also less expensive than woven glass fabrics. Its dielectric constant is 4.4 to 5.2 at frequencies below microwaves, gradually decreasing at higher frequencies.

PCB manufacturing requires a variety of substrates. The most common materials used are FR-4 and FR-6. Other common materials include G-10, aluminum, and PTFE. These materials are used for their mechanical and electrical properties and can be molded to fit specific specifications.

FR-4 is used in PCB manufacturing for its low cost and versatility. It is an electrical insulator with high dielectric strength and a high strength-to-weight ratio. It is also a lightweight material and resists moisture and extreme temperature. FR-4 is typically used for single-layer PCBs.


There are several different materials used for PCB manufacturing. Each material has different properties and a different set of properties can affect the performance of the board. Generally, PCBs are classified into three different classes, Class 1 and Class 2. Class 1 PCBs have limited life, Class 2 PCBs have extended life, and Class 3 PCBs have high performance on demand, and Class 3 PCBs can’t tolerate failure.

The first step in PCB manufacturing is to design the PCB. This is typically done with the help of a computer program. A trace width calculator is helpful for determining the thickness of the various layers, such as the inner and outer layers. The inner and outer layers are typically printed with black ink to indicate conductive copper traces and circuits. In some cases, a color is used to indicate the surface finish of the components.

FR-4 + FR-4 + FR-4

FR-4 is a common substrate used in PCB manufacturing. It is composed of glass cloth impregnated with a hybrid epoxy resin. Its excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties make it an ideal material for printed circuit boards. These boards are used in a variety of industries including computers, communications, aerospace, and industrial control.

When choosing a PCB material, consider the amount of moisture the circuit board is likely to absorb. Moisture absorption is the measurement of how much moisture a circuit board can hold without degrading. FR4 exhibits very low moisture absorption, averaging 0.10% after 24 hours of immersion. Because of its low moisture absorption, FR4 is an ideal choice for PCB manufacturing.

While FR4 is not a single material, it is a group of materials designated by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). FR4 PCBs are typically composed of a tera-function epoxy resin and woven fiberglass cloth with filler. This combination of materials provides a superior electrical insulator and high mechanical strength. FR4 PCBs are used in a variety of fields, and are among the most common circuit boards in many industries.

Cara Mencari Papan Sirkuit

Cara Mencari Papan Sirkuit

There are several ways to look up a circuit board and determine its components. The first step is to know the components’ names, which are part numbers. Next, determine which type of component it is. These components can be resistors, capacitors, inductors, or potentiometers. The resistors will be marked with an ohm measurement mark. The ohm symbol looks like the Greek letter Omega. One example is 100MO, which stands for one hundred megaohms. Other components that may be on a board include oscillators and diodes, which are marked with the letter D. Relays, on the other hand, are usually marked with a K.

Part Numbers

Part numbers are used to identify parts on printed circuit boards. They make repairs or replacements easy, and help ensure the integrity of electronic devices. Circuit boards are manufactured over months or years, and their designs often change. Some boards also include individual serial numbers, which help technicians identify the right part in a problem or repair.

Copper layer

When designing a circuit board, it is important to consider the thickness of the copper layer. Depending on the amount of current to be transported and the type of circuit, copper thickness may vary. For instance, PCBs with high current levels require more copper than a low-voltage board. Usually, copper layer thickness is specified in ounces per square foot. However, some PCBs use two or three ounces per square foot for high-power circuits. A standard ounce-per-square-foot copper sheet is 34 micrometers thick.


Circuit boards are commonly made of different types of substrates. The type of material a board is made from will determine its performance. Substrates are usually selected based on their electrical properties, environmental properties, and form factor.

Power rails

When building circuits, you will often need to connect power to different locations. This is made easy by the power rails. Each power rail is labeled with + or -, and may have a red, blue, or black stripe.


If you want to make sure that a transistor is compatible with a certain circuit, you need to know how to look up its part number on a circuit board. Most transistors have a part number, which usually starts with “2N.” This part number usually indicates the type of transistor and is not necessarily a standard format.


LED PCBs are one of the most popular types of circuit boards. They are used in virtually every type of circuit today. To look up a circuit board, you first need to download the Kicad software. Once you’ve downloaded it, you’ll need to unzip the Kicad design files. These files include the Pro, CMP, Kicad PCB layout, and schematic.


Resistors on a circuit board play a critical role in a circuit. If the resistors are damaged, it can lead to a failure. When you choose a resistor, you need to consider its maximum current carrying capacity. If the resistors are too low in this capacity, they will not protect your electrical components from high current fluctuations. High power resistors are available for high-current applications.


There are a few key properties to know when choosing inductors. First, you need to know the self-resonant frequency of the inductor. It must be at least 1.5 times the operating frequency. Also, you need to know the DC resistance and impedance. These properties are critical when choosing inductors that will filter electromagnetic interference.

What Is PCB Assembly?

What Is PCB Assembly?

PCB assembly is a complex process that involves the building of circuit boards. Circuit boards are typically made from plastic and require a high level of precision. The process of assembly is often performed by hand. However, some circuit boards are so intricate that a machine is required to handle them. This process can be costly and time-consuming.

Printed circuit board assembly

Printed circuit board assembly is an essential process in the creation of electronic devices. It is a process in which printed circuit boards are placed onto a non-conductive substrate. Then, components are attached to the PCB. Depending on the type of board and its application, different processes are used.

One of the most important factors in PCB assembly is the component footprint. Ensure the footprint matches the datasheet exactly. Otherwise, the component will be positioned improperly and receive uneven heat during the soldering process. In addition, a wrong footprint can cause the component to stick to one side of the PCB, which is not desirable. Moreover, the wrong land pattern can cause problems when using passive SMD components. For example, the width and magnitude of the tracks connecting pads can affect the soldering process.

The process of PCB assembly starts with printing a circuit board design onto copper-clad laminate. This is followed by etching the exposed copper to leave a pattern. Upon placement of the components, the circuit board is then placed on a conveyer belt. After the board is placed in a large over, it undergoes reflow soldering. Reflow soldering is an important step in PCB assembly. The reflow process involves placing the circuit board on a conveyor belt, and then putting it inside a heated chamber. During this time, solder melts and shrinks.


There are several different techniques for PCB assembly. One of these techniques is automated optical inspection, which incorporates a machine with cameras to examine the boards from various angles and detect any errors. Another technique is visual inspection, which involves a human operator checking the boards manually. These techniques are useful for PCBs made in small quantities, but they have their limitations.

Orienting the parts in the same direction is another technique for making the PCB assembly process faster and easier. This method helps minimize the chances of cross-connecting components, which can lead to soldering problems. Another technique is placing the edge components first. The reason for this is to guide the layout of input connections on the board.


The costs of PCB assembly vary greatly between companies. This is because the basic materials used to manufacture PCBs are expensive. In addition, some companies will charge much more than others for the same PCB assembly services. However, the quality of the finished product remains unaffected. So, if you are unable to afford the high cost of PCB assembly, you can always look for cheaper alternatives.

PCB assembly costs are dependent on the volume of PCBs that you need assembled. Low-volume orders will incur higher costs, while medium-sized orders will incur lower costs. Moreover, the quality of the design and components used in the PCB assembly process will also play a role in determining the overall cost.

Downfalls of manual pcb assembly

Perakitan PCB secara manual adalah proses padat karya yang membutuhkan teknisi terampil. Proses ini juga membutuhkan banyak waktu dan memiliki risiko kesalahan manusia yang tinggi. Karena alasan ini, perakitan manual tidak direkomendasikan untuk proyek perakitan PCB skala besar. Ini juga bukan pilihan ideal untuk beberapa komponen, seperti pin pitch halus dan komponen SMT yang padat.

Kerugian lain dari perakitan PCB secara manual adalah kurangnya otomatisasi. Bahkan tangan yang paling berpengalaman pun akan kesulitan untuk mencapai tingkat presisi yang sama dengan mesin. Juga sulit untuk mencapai penyolderan yang konsisten dan bebas residu. Akibatnya, papan buatan tangan memiliki kualitas yang tidak konsisten. Selain itu, komponen yang lebih kecil lebih sulit untuk dirakit dengan tangan.

Pengujian Dalam Rangkaian

Pengujian Dalam Rangkaian (In-Circuit Testing/ICT) adalah proses di mana PCB menjalani sejumlah langkah untuk memastikan bahwa semua komponen terpasang dengan benar. Ini adalah pengujian yang sangat berguna, tetapi memiliki beberapa keterbatasan, seperti membatasi cakupan pengujian. Beberapa komponen PCB terlalu kecil untuk metode ini, atau memiliki jumlah komponen yang banyak. Namun demikian, metode ini dapat memberikan tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi pada kualitas rakitan papan dan fungsinya.

PCBA dapat diuji dengan berbagai cara, termasuk pengujian dalam sirkuit, yang menggunakan probe listrik yang dipasang pada titik-titik tertentu pada papan. Probe dapat mendeteksi kegagalan komponen seperti pengangkatan, pergeseran, atau penyolderan yang buruk. Probe juga dapat mengukur level tegangan dan resistansi, serta faktor terkait lainnya.

Bagaimana Papan Sirkuit Cetak Dibuat?

Bagaimana Papan Sirkuit Cetak Dibuat?

Salah satu komponen terpenting dari papan sirkuit tercetak adalah lubang koneksi. Lubang-lubang ini dibor dalam pola yang tepat untuk memungkinkan sirkuit terhubung satu sama lain. Mesin bor otomatis menggunakan file bor yang dikontrol secara numerik, juga disebut file excellon, untuk menentukan di mana harus mengebor dan seberapa besar untuk membuat lubang. Bergantung pada struktur PCB, pengeboran dapat dilakukan satu lapisan pada satu waktu atau berlapis-lapis sebelum laminasi.

PCB multi-lapisan

PCB multi-lapisan adalah papan sirkuit cetak dengan lebih dari tiga lapisan. Papan ini digunakan dalam berbagai macam perangkat, mulai dari peralatan rumah tangga hingga peralatan medis. Biasanya, sebuah papan membutuhkan setidaknya empat lapisan untuk berfungsi dengan baik. Teknologi ini menjadi lebih lazim pada peralatan rumah tangga dan menjadi lebih umum pada peralatan medis, seperti mesin sinar-X dan peralatan pemindaian CAT.

Proses pembuatan PCB multi-layer melibatkan penggunaan kain kaca tenun dan resin epoksi. Resin epoksi kemudian diawetkan, membentuk inti papan. Setelah itu, inti dan lembaran tembaga diikat bersama oleh panas dan tekanan. Hal ini menghasilkan PCB multi-layer dengan sifat yang seragam.

Proses manufaktur lainnya adalah panelisasi, yaitu proses penggabungan beberapa papan sirkuit cetak kecil ke dalam satu panel. Teknik ini menggabungkan beberapa desain yang berbeda ke dalam satu papan besar. Setiap panel terdiri dari strip perkakas luar yang memiliki lubang perkakas, fidusia panel, dan kupon uji. Beberapa panel juga menyertakan tuang tembaga yang menetas untuk membantu mencegah pembengkokan selama proses panelisasi. Panelisasi umum dilakukan ketika komponen dipasang dekat dengan tepi papan.

PCB Kelas 2 dan 3

Meskipun sebagian besar produsen papan sirkuit cetak Kelas 2 dan Kelas 3 mematuhi standar yang sama, ada beberapa perbedaan utama antara kedua kelas ini. Papan Kelas 2 biasanya diproduksi untuk produk yang tidak terpapar pada kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrem, tidak penting bagi pengguna akhir, dan tidak tunduk pada pengujian yang ketat. Papan Kelas 3, di sisi lain, dirancang untuk memenuhi standar tertinggi dan harus memberikan kinerja yang berkelanjutan dan waktu henti yang minimal. Perbedaan utama antara kedua kelas tersebut adalah persyaratan untuk desain papan dan proses manufaktur.

Papan sirkuit tercetak Kelas 2 dan 3 dibuat dengan standar IPC-6011. Standar ini menjelaskan persyaratan untuk papan sirkuit cetak Kelas 1, Kelas 2, dan Kelas 3. Ada juga standar IPC yang lebih baru yang disebut Kelas 3 / A. Ini dirancang untuk avionik militer dan aplikasi luar angkasa. PCB Kelas 1 dan Kelas 2 harus memenuhi standar Rigid, Flex, dan MCM-L IPC.

PCB satu sisi

Papan sirkuit tercetak satu sisi (PCB) adalah papan sirkuit yang umum dan relatif mudah dirancang. Akibatnya, sebagian besar produsen dan perancang dapat mendesain dan membuat papan ini. PCB satu sisi juga lebih mudah diproduksi daripada PCB berlapis-lapis. Akibatnya, hampir semua perusahaan manufaktur PCB dapat memproduksinya. PCB satu sisi paling sering dipesan dalam jumlah besar.

PCB satu sisi biasanya terbuat dari bahan FR4, bahan seperti fiberglass yang dicampur dengan epoksi. Bahan ini dibentuk menjadi beberapa lapisan, dengan setiap lapisan berisi satu lapisan bahan konduktif. Kabel kemudian disolder ke jalur tembaga pada sisi komponen. PCB satu sisi pada awalnya digunakan untuk membuat papan sirkuit prototipe, tetapi seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan untuk komponen yang dipasang di permukaan, PCB tersebut digantikan oleh PCB multi-lapisan.

PCB satu sisi adalah bentuk papan sirkuit tercetak yang paling sederhana dan termurah. Mereka memiliki satu lapisan tembaga konduktif di atas substrat. Selain itu, tidak ada lubang via pada PCB satu sisi. Dengan demikian, mereka paling cocok untuk desain dengan kepadatan rendah. Mereka mudah dibuat dan sering kali tersedia dalam waktu singkat.

PCB fleksibel

Ada beberapa langkah yang dilakukan dalam produksi PCB fleksibel. Langkah pertama melibatkan perancangan tata letak papan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat CAD seperti Proteus, Eagle, atau OrCAD. Setelah tata letak dirancang, proses perakitan dapat dimulai.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah merutekan konduktor. Lebar konduktor harus ditetapkan pada standar untuk perangkat. Namun, jumlah konduktor dapat bervariasi tergantung pada desain. Lebar konduktor standar diperlukan untuk sirkuit yang membutuhkan persentase tertentu dari arus sirkuit. Tergantung pada desain, diameter lubang juga dapat bervariasi.

Setelah templat diukir, sirkuit fleksibel dipotong dengan menggunakan proses yang disebut "blanking". Satu set pelubang dan cetakan hidraulik digunakan untuk proses ini, tetapi biaya perkakasnya bisa tinggi. Pilihan lainnya adalah menggunakan pisau blanking. Pisau blanking adalah pisau silet panjang yang dibengkokkan ke dalam bentuk garis besar sirkuit fleksibel. Pisau ini kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam slot di papan pendukung, biasanya MDF atau kayu lapis.