Che cos'è la produzione di PCB?

Che cos'è la produzione di PCB?


FR-4 is the most common substrate used in PCB manufacturing. It is made from a glass cloth impregnated with a hybrid epoxy resin. It has excellent electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties, making it a popular choice for a variety of applications. Typical uses of FR-4 PCBs include computers, communications, and aerospace. This material is easy to work with, and offers designers a number of benefits.

FR4 is an ideal material for high-density multi-layers. Its advantages include low-expansion rates and high thermal resistance. It is a good choice for applications where temperatures exceed 150 degrees Celsius. It is also known for its ease of processing and electrical characteristics.


FR-4 is a low-cost, flame-retardant industrial laminate that has a paper substrate and a phenolic resin binder. It is a common choice for printed circuit board laminates. It is also less expensive than woven glass fabrics. Its dielectric constant is 4.4 to 5.2 at frequencies below microwaves, gradually decreasing at higher frequencies.

PCB manufacturing requires a variety of substrates. The most common materials used are FR-4 and FR-6. Other common materials include G-10, aluminum, and PTFE. These materials are used for their mechanical and electrical properties and can be molded to fit specific specifications.

FR-4 is used in PCB manufacturing for its low cost and versatility. It is an electrical insulator with high dielectric strength and a high strength-to-weight ratio. It is also a lightweight material and resists moisture and extreme temperature. FR-4 is typically used for single-layer PCBs.


There are several different materials used for PCB manufacturing. Each material has different properties and a different set of properties can affect the performance of the board. Generally, PCBs are classified into three different classes, Class 1 and Class 2. Class 1 PCBs have limited life, Class 2 PCBs have extended life, and Class 3 PCBs have high performance on demand, and Class 3 PCBs can’t tolerate failure.

The first step in PCB manufacturing is to design the PCB. This is typically done with the help of a computer program. A trace width calculator is helpful for determining the thickness of the various layers, such as the inner and outer layers. The inner and outer layers are typically printed with black ink to indicate conductive copper traces and circuits. In some cases, a color is used to indicate the surface finish of the components.

FR-4 + FR-4 + FR-4

FR-4 is a common substrate used in PCB manufacturing. It is composed of glass cloth impregnated with a hybrid epoxy resin. Its excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties make it an ideal material for printed circuit boards. These boards are used in a variety of industries including computers, communications, aerospace, and industrial control.

When choosing a PCB material, consider the amount of moisture the circuit board is likely to absorb. Moisture absorption is the measurement of how much moisture a circuit board can hold without degrading. FR4 exhibits very low moisture absorption, averaging 0.10% after 24 hours of immersion. Because of its low moisture absorption, FR4 is an ideal choice for PCB manufacturing.

While FR4 is not a single material, it is a group of materials designated by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). FR4 PCBs are typically composed of a tera-function epoxy resin and woven fiberglass cloth with filler. This combination of materials provides a superior electrical insulator and high mechanical strength. FR4 PCBs are used in a variety of fields, and are among the most common circuit boards in many industries.

Come cercare un circuito stampato

Come cercare un circuito stampato

There are several ways to look up a circuit board and determine its components. The first step is to know the components’ names, which are part numbers. Next, determine which type of component it is. These components can be resistors, capacitors, inductors, or potentiometers. The resistors will be marked with an ohm measurement mark. The ohm symbol looks like the Greek letter Omega. One example is 100MO, which stands for one hundred megaohms. Other components that may be on a board include oscillators and diodes, which are marked with the letter D. Relays, on the other hand, are usually marked with a K.

Part Numbers

Part numbers are used to identify parts on printed circuit boards. They make repairs or replacements easy, and help ensure the integrity of electronic devices. Circuit boards are manufactured over months or years, and their designs often change. Some boards also include individual serial numbers, which help technicians identify the right part in a problem or repair.

Copper layer

When designing a circuit board, it is important to consider the thickness of the copper layer. Depending on the amount of current to be transported and the type of circuit, copper thickness may vary. For instance, PCBs with high current levels require more copper than a low-voltage board. Usually, copper layer thickness is specified in ounces per square foot. However, some PCBs use two or three ounces per square foot for high-power circuits. A standard ounce-per-square-foot copper sheet is 34 micrometers thick.


Circuit boards are commonly made of different types of substrates. The type of material a board is made from will determine its performance. Substrates are usually selected based on their electrical properties, environmental properties, and form factor.

Power rails

When building circuits, you will often need to connect power to different locations. This is made easy by the power rails. Each power rail is labeled with + or -, and may have a red, blue, or black stripe.


If you want to make sure that a transistor is compatible with a certain circuit, you need to know how to look up its part number on a circuit board. Most transistors have a part number, which usually starts with “2N.” This part number usually indicates the type of transistor and is not necessarily a standard format.


LED PCBs are one of the most popular types of circuit boards. They are used in virtually every type of circuit today. To look up a circuit board, you first need to download the Kicad software. Once you’ve downloaded it, you’ll need to unzip the Kicad design files. These files include the Pro, CMP, Kicad PCB layout, and schematic.


Resistors on a circuit board play a critical role in a circuit. If the resistors are damaged, it can lead to a failure. When you choose a resistor, you need to consider its maximum current carrying capacity. If the resistors are too low in this capacity, they will not protect your electrical components from high current fluctuations. High power resistors are available for high-current applications.


There are a few key properties to know when choosing inductors. First, you need to know the self-resonant frequency of the inductor. It must be at least 1.5 times the operating frequency. Also, you need to know the DC resistance and impedance. These properties are critical when choosing inductors that will filter electromagnetic interference.

Che cos'è l'assemblaggio di PCB?

Che cos'è l'assemblaggio di PCB?

L'assemblaggio di circuiti stampati è un processo complesso che prevede la costruzione di schede di circuiti. I circuiti stampati sono in genere realizzati in plastica e richiedono un elevato livello di precisione. Il processo di assemblaggio viene spesso eseguito a mano. Tuttavia, alcuni circuiti stampati sono così intricati da richiedere l'intervento di una macchina. Questo processo può essere costoso e richiedere molto tempo.

Assemblaggio di circuiti stampati

L'assemblaggio dei circuiti stampati è un processo essenziale nella creazione di dispositivi elettronici. È un processo in cui i circuiti stampati vengono collocati su un substrato non conduttivo. Successivamente, i componenti vengono attaccati alla scheda. A seconda del tipo di scheda e della sua applicazione, vengono utilizzati processi diversi.

Uno dei fattori più importanti nell'assemblaggio dei PCB è l'ingombro dei componenti. Assicurarsi che l'ingombro corrisponda esattamente alla scheda tecnica. In caso contrario, il componente sarà posizionato in modo non corretto e riceverà un calore non uniforme durante il processo di saldatura. Inoltre, un ingombro sbagliato può far sì che il componente si attacchi a un lato del PCB, il che non è auspicabile. Inoltre, un modello di terreno sbagliato può causare problemi quando si utilizzano componenti passivi SMD. Ad esempio, la larghezza e l'ampiezza delle tracce che collegano le piazzole possono influire sul processo di saldatura.

Il processo di assemblaggio dei circuiti stampati inizia con la stampa del progetto di un circuito stampato su un laminato rivestito di rame. Segue l'incisione del rame esposto per lasciare un disegno. Dopo il posizionamento dei componenti, il circuito stampato viene collocato su un nastro trasportatore. Dopo che la scheda è stata collocata in un'ampia area, viene sottoposta a saldatura a riflusso. La saldatura a riflusso è una fase importante dell'assemblaggio dei PCB. Il processo di rifusione consiste nel collocare la scheda su un nastro trasportatore e poi inserirla in una camera riscaldata. Durante questo periodo, la saldatura si scioglie e si restringe.


Esistono diverse tecniche per l'assemblaggio dei PCB. Una di queste tecniche è l'ispezione ottica automatizzata, che incorpora una macchina con telecamere per esaminare le schede da varie angolazioni e rilevare eventuali errori. Un'altra tecnica è l'ispezione visiva, che prevede che un operatore umano controlli manualmente le schede. Queste tecniche sono utili per i PCB prodotti in piccole quantità, ma hanno i loro limiti.

Orientare i componenti nella stessa direzione è un'altra tecnica per rendere il processo di assemblaggio dei PCB più rapido e semplice. Questo metodo consente di ridurre al minimo le possibilità di collegamento incrociato dei componenti, che può causare problemi di saldatura. Un'altra tecnica consiste nel posizionare per primi i componenti del bordo. Questo metodo serve a guidare la disposizione delle connessioni di ingresso sulla scheda.


I costi dell'assemblaggio dei PCB variano notevolmente da un'azienda all'altra. Questo perché i materiali di base utilizzati per la produzione dei PCB sono costosi. Inoltre, alcune aziende applicano tariffe molto più elevate di altre per gli stessi servizi di assemblaggio di PCB. Tuttavia, la qualità del prodotto finito rimane inalterata. Quindi, se non potete permettervi i costi elevati dell'assemblaggio di PCB, potete sempre cercare alternative più economiche.

I costi di assemblaggio dei PCB dipendono dal volume di PCB da assemblare. Gli ordini di basso volume comporteranno costi più elevati, mentre gli ordini di medie dimensioni comporteranno costi più bassi. Inoltre, anche la qualità del progetto e dei componenti utilizzati nel processo di assemblaggio dei PCB avrà un ruolo nel determinare il costo complessivo.

Le controindicazioni dell'assemblaggio manuale dei circuiti stampati

L'assemblaggio manuale di PCB è un processo ad alta intensità di lavoro che richiede tecnici specializzati. Inoltre, richiede molto tempo e presenta un elevato rischio di errore umano. Per questo motivo, l'assemblaggio manuale non è consigliato per progetti di assemblaggio di PCB su larga scala. Inoltre, non è l'opzione ideale per alcuni componenti, come i pin a passo fine e le parti SMT dense.

Un altro svantaggio dell'assemblaggio manuale di PCB è la mancanza di automazione. Anche le mani più esperte faranno fatica a raggiungere lo stesso livello di precisione di una macchina. È inoltre difficile ottenere una saldatura uniforme e priva di residui. Di conseguenza, le schede fatte a mano hanno una qualità incoerente. Inoltre, i componenti più piccoli sono più difficili da assemblare a mano.

Test in-circuit

Il test in-circuit (ICT) è un processo in cui la scheda PCB viene sottoposta a una serie di passaggi per garantire che tutti i componenti siano posizionati correttamente. È un test molto utile, ma presenta alcune limitazioni, come la copertura limitata del test. Alcuni componenti del PCB sono troppo piccoli per questo metodo o hanno un numero elevato di componenti. Tuttavia, questo metodo può fornire alti livelli di fiducia nella qualità costruttiva della scheda e nella sua funzionalità.

Le PCBA possono essere testate in molti modi diversi, compreso il test in-circuit, che utilizza sonde elettriche collegate a punti specifici della scheda. Le sonde possono rilevare i guasti dei componenti, come sollevamenti, spostamenti o saldature difettose. Possono anche misurare i livelli di tensione e la resistenza, oltre ad altri fattori correlati.

Come si producono i circuiti stampati?

Come si producono i circuiti stampati?

One of the most important components of any printed circuit board is the connection holes. These holes are drilled in a precise pattern to allow the circuits to connect to one another. Automated drilling machines utilize numerically controlled drill files, also called excellon files, to determine where to drill and how big to make the holes. Depending on the PCB’s structure, drilling can be done one layer at a time or in layers prior to lamination.

Multi-layer PCBs

A multi-layer PCB is a printed circuit board with more than three layers. These boards are used in a wide variety of devices, from home appliances to medical devices. Typically, a board needs at least four layers to function properly. This technology is becoming more prevalent in household appliances and is becoming more common in medical devices, such as X-ray machines and CAT scan equipment.

The process of multi-layer PCB manufacturing involves using woven glass cloth and epoxy resin. The epoxy resins are then cured, forming the core of the board. Afterwards, the core and copper sheeting are bonded together by heat and pressure. This results in a multi-layer PCB with uniform properties.

Another manufacturing process is panelization, which is the process of combining multiple small printed circuit boards onto a single panel. This technique combines several different designs onto one large board. Each panel consists of an outer tooling strip that has tooling holes, panel fiducials, and a test coupon. Some panels also include a hatched copper pour to help prevent bending during the paneling process. Panelization is common when components are mounted close to the edge of a board.

Class 2 and 3 PCBs

While most manufacturers of Class 2 and Class 3 printed circuit boards adhere to the same standards, there are a few key differences between these two classes. Class 2 boards are typically manufactured for products that are not exposed to extreme environmental conditions, are not critical to the end user, and are not subject to rigorous testing. Class 3 boards, on the other hand, are designed to meet the highest standards and must provide continuous performance and minimal downtime. The main difference between the two classes is the requirements for board design and manufacturing process.

Class 2 and 3 printed circuit boards are made to IPC-6011 standards. These standards describe the requirements for Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 printed circuit boards. There are also newer IPC standards called Class 3/A. These are designed for military avionics and space applications. Class 1 and Class 2 PCBs must meet the IPC’s Rigid, Flex, and MCM-L standards.

Single-sided PCBs

Single-sided printed circuit boards (PCBs) are a common and relatively easy to design circuit board. As a result, most manufacturers and designers can design and build these boards. Single-sided PCBs are also easier to produce than multi-layered PCBs. As a result, almost any PCB manufacturing company can produce them. Single-sided PCBs are most commonly ordered in high quantities.

Single-sided PCBs are typically made of FR4 material, a fiberglass-like substance mixed with epoxy. The material is formed into multiple layers, with each layer containing one layer of conductive material. Leads are then soldered to copper tracks on the component side. Single-sided PCBs were originally used to fabricate prototype circuit boards, but as the demand for surface-mount components grew, they were replaced by multi-layer PCBs.

Single-sided PCBs are the simplest and cheapest form of printed circuit boards. They feature a single layer of conductive copper above the substrate. In addition, there are no via holes in single-sided PCBs. As such, they are most suited for low-density designs. They are easy to manufacture and are often available in short lead times.

Flex PCBs

There are several steps that take place in the production of flex PCBs. The first step involves designing the layout of the board. This can be done using CAD tools such as Proteus, Eagle, or OrCAD. After the layout has been designed, the assembly process can begin.

The next step involves routing the conductors. The width of the conductors should be set at a standard for the device. However, the number of conductors may vary depending on the design. The standard conductor width is necessary for a circuit that requires a certain percentage of circuit current. Depending on the design, the diameters of holes can also vary.

After the template has been etched, the flex circuit is cut using a process called “blanking”. A hydraulic punch and die set is used for this process, but its tooling costs can be high. Another option is using a blanking knife. A blanking knife is a long razor blade that is bent into the shape of the flex circuit outline. It is then inserted into a slot in a backing board, usually MDF or plywood.