Kas geriausia - PCB ar PCM?

Which is Best – PCB Or PCM?

When it comes to class eleven science, how to choose between PCB and PCM? In this article, we’ll explore what each group offers and the career options that may be available. We’ll also compare the Courses and salaries of each group. You may be surprised to learn that you can choose a different path after completing your degree.

Career options

There are several career options for students with an interest in the fields of PCB and PCM. After completing the Class 12 stream in science, students can opt for post-graduate study in pure science or applied science. Both these streams are rewarding, and many jobs require science graduates. Students can also take up non-science courses. After completing their 12th-level studies, there are many career options for PCB and PCM graduates, including physiology, genetics, bioinformatics, allied medicine, and much more.

After completing 12th, students interested in pursuing a career in science may pursue a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) degree. This degree provides graduates with the necessary skills and experience to enter a variety of industry roles, including those involving computers and electronics. Students can choose to pursue the program part-time or full-time, depending on their preference. However, the career prospects for PCB and PCM graduates may differ from institution to institution.

Besides the usual career options, PCB and PCM students may also pursue a career in the areas of Agriculture and Food Sciences. These areas offer excellent career prospects in various sectors, including animal science, nutrition, and agribusiness. These fields also offer Bachelor degrees, such as the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science (B.Sc.).

4 alternatyvos Protorpcb jūsų DIY PCB prototipų poreikiams

4 alternatyvos Protorpcb jūsų DIY PCB prototipų poreikiams

Jei norite sutaupyti pinigų spausdintinių plokščių prototipams, yra keletas "Protorpcb" alternatyvų. Pasaulyje yra daugybė plokščių gamybos įmonių, kurios gali pagaminti jūsų PCB už priimtiną kainą. Dauguma jų yra Azijoje, tačiau prieinamų variantų galima rasti bet kur, kur gyvenate. PCB prototipų gamyba gali užtrukti, todėl jei esate pasirengę palaukti, galite sutaupyti pinigų.

Litavimo kaukė

Nesvarbu, ar esate "pasidaryk pats", ar profesionalas, lydmetalio kaukės yra vienas svarbiausių PCB gamybos elementų. Blogai parinkta litavimo kaukė gali sukelti rimtų problemų ir sutrumpinti PCB tarnavimo laiką. Tinkamiausią lituoklio kaukę lemia įvairūs veiksniai, įskaitant PCB dydį ir formą, komponentus ir laidininkus. Taikymo tipas taip pat turės įtakos lituoklio kaukės tipui.

Lituoklio kaukės dažnai naudojamos siekiant išvengti alavo ūsų - problemos, susijusios su bešviniu lydmetaliu ir elektroninių komponentų padengimu alavu. Tačiau nors lydmetalio kaukės yra patogios, jos ne visada yra geriausias sprendimas kai kurioms reikmėms. Pavyzdžiui, jos gali netikti mažiems komponentams arba smulkaus žingsnio rutulinių tinklelių matricoms. Dėl šių priežasčių prieš naudodami lituoklio kaukes turėtumėte patikrinti, kaip plokštė veiks.

Kitas svarbus aspektas - lydmetalio kaukės spalvos. Kai kurias spalvas lengva įžiūrėti, o kitas - sunku. Pavyzdžiui, geltoną ir baltą spalvas sunku įžiūrėti be didinimo ar tinkamo apšvietimo. Be to, šiomis spalvomis paprastai matoma daugiau nešvarumų. Priklausomai nuo naudojimo būdo, pasirinkę tinkamas litavimo kaukės spalvas, galite pasiekti geriausių rezultatų.

Plokštės storis

Jei esate "pasidaryk pats" PCB entuziastas, yra daug "Protorpcb" alternatyvų. Tarp jų yra pigi alternatyva "bareBones™", kuri spausdintinę plokštę pristato per vieną dieną. BareBones gaminami be Soldermask arba Silkscreen ir idealiai tinka greitiems prototipams. Nors "BareBones" nepasižymi geriausia kokybe, jie yra puikus pasirinkimas, jei ieškote pigaus PCB prototipo. Be to, "BareBones" galima įsigyti be minimalaus kiekio, o siuntimo išlaidos taip pat nedidelės.

"FreeDFM" yra dar viena puiki alternatyva, galinti automatiškai ištaisyti projektavimo klaidas. Ji naudoja bendrus gamybos standartus ir gali kurti organizuotas ataskaitas. Be to, ji padeda kurti gerberio failus EAGLE programoje. "SparkFun" vadovėlyje aprašomas šis procesas.

PCB sudėtingumą lemia sluoksnių skaičius. Kuo mažesnis sluoksnių skaičius, tuo paprastesnė spausdintinė plokštė. Tačiau jei gaminate spausdintinę plokštę mažam prietaisui, gali prireikti plonos spausdintinės plokštės.


PCB prototipų litavimas yra senamadiškas procesas, naudojamas jau tūkstančius metų. Jame derinami per skylę ir ant paviršiaus montuojami montavimo būdai. Pirmasis žingsnis - klijų užtepimas, po to dedamos SMD dalys. Kitas žingsnis - lydmetalio pastos kietinimas, o paskutinis žingsnis - spausdintinės plokštės apvertimas.

Prototipinės spausdintinės plokštės turi nuo vieno iki aštuonių sluoksnių ir turi atitikti ISO standartus. Paprastai prototipo PCB kokybė būna IPC 1 arba geresnė, tačiau ji gali skirtis priklausomai nuo galutinio pritaikymo. Nepriklausomai nuo prototipo PCB kokybės, prototipus būtina dokumentuoti.

Prototipinės spausdintinės plokštės turi būti tvirtos ir patikimos. Dėl to jie turi būti išbandomi ir patirti daugybę išbandymų ir iššūkių. Plokštė bus veikiama temperatūros pokyčių, vibracijos ir galios. Todėl labai svarbu ją tinkamai sulituoti. Be to, tvirta spausdintinė plokštė atrodys patraukliai ir patraukliai atrodys klientams.

IC žingsnis

Jei ieškote būdo, kaip už nedidelį biudžetą pasigaminti savo PCB prototipus, yra daugybė galimybių. Vienas iš greičiausių, pigiausių ir paprasčiausių būdų - laikytis bendrųjų gamybos standartų. Kartais į šias taisykles neatsižvelgiama, kol projektas nėra per vėlyvas, tačiau jų laikymasis gali sutaupyti daug laiko ir pinigų.

Šiuolaikiniai integriniai grandynai gaminami iš daugybės pakuočių ir žingsnių dydžių. Todėl juos gali būti labai sunku surinkti rankomis ir sukurti prototipą. Jus taip pat gali sudominti kastinės skylės, kurios gali padėti montuoti vieną komponentą prie kito. Tačiau ne visi gamintojai siūlo tokio tipo skyles.

Prototipų kūrimas yra esminis gamybos proceso etapas. Jis leidžia užfiksuoti dizaino trūkumus prieš juos įtraukiant į galutinį gaminį. PCB prototipas taip pat leidžia pademonstruoti gaminį potencialiems pirkėjams.

2 geriausi dalių projektavimo patarimai ir įrankiai PCB prototipų kūrimo patarimai

2 geriausi dalių projektavimo patarimai ir įrankiai PCB prototipų kūrimo patarimai

The placement of components on a board is an important consideration. Large parts should not be placed next to small ones. You also need to avoid placing tall components on the board. It is important to keep the space between parts at least 40 mils apart.

Avoid placing tall components on the back of the board

You should avoid placing tall components on the back of the board if you want to avoid creating a space that is difficult to access. It’s also a bad idea to place components too close to the board edge, which can lead to electromagnetic interference. In addition, tall components block airflow. You can improve airflow by relocating components or adding thermal dissipation devices.

During prototyping, it’s a good idea to avoid placing large components on the back of a board. Not only will they create unnecessary space, but they will also get in the way of other SMT components. To prevent this, use functional partitions. This will help you plan your board layout so that you can avoid a split ground plane.

Tall components may cause problems during wave soldering. If they’re placed too close together, they might not pass through the soldering process. In contrast, if the components are placed at a distance from one another, they’ll likely be soldered properly. Optimal placement of components allows boards to be assembled faster and with fewer problems. This ultimately leads to higher yields, lower costs and higher reliability.

Avoid placing large parts next to small parts

When prototyping PCBs, it is best to avoid placing large parts next to small ones. This is because it can cause misalignment of components. It is also best to place similar components in the same direction. This will help reduce the time and cost of soldering.

Before you start soldering, make sure that the parts are correctly positioned on the board. You may need to consult the documentation that comes with the kit to determine where the components should go. The silkscreen should show the values of components. In addition, the name of each component should be next to the component symbol on the PCB.

During the prototyping phase, it is easy to overlook silkscreen markings. However, the assembly house relies on these markings to place the parts correctly. It can cause huge problems for the entire production run if the components are not oriented correctly.

A bill of materials (BOM) lists the components that will be used in the production. It also lists the sizes and quantities of the parts. Manufacturers use this list to source the parts they need for the production of your PCB. It also lists the manufacturer part number of each part.

The location of the parts on the PCB is very important for the routing process. It is advisable to place large parts in the middle of the board, while smaller ones are placed near the edges. This is to allow enough space for the parts to rotate properly. Also, it is advisable not to place parts close to each other.

What Does PCB Stand For in Electronics?

What Does PCB Stand For in Electronics?

Printed circuit boards, or PCBs for short, are important parts of electronic devices. They allow for greater functionality, greater automation, and greater efficiency. They also improve production by lowering labor costs, and have revolutionized manufacturing and Supply Chain management. In addition, PCBs are highly flexible and can be rigid or flexible flex, which allows for smaller, lighter products. They also provide better reliability.

Spausdintinė plokštė

A printed circuit board, or PCB, is an integral part of modern electronics. These circuit boards enable professionals to create improved electrical devices. They are available in a variety of layers and styles. A single-sided PCB, or single-sided board, has one layer and a double-sided PCB has two or more layers.

A printed circuit board is made of a substrate and a layer of electrically-resistive material. This material provides the electrical resistance needed to move electrical current inside electronic devices. A printed circuit board also includes different types of glue to increase its heat conductivity and increase its sturdiness.

A PCB can have multiple layers of copper and can be complex. Its design is often dependent on how many layers are needed. More layers provide more routing options and greater control of signal integrity, but also add additional complexity and cost. Another important factor in board complexity is the number of vias. Vias allow components to escape from complicated ICs, and they can be a good indicator of the complexity of the board.

Double-sided PCB

In electronics, a double-sided PCB is a circuit board that has a double-sided design. Basically, double-sided PCBs are made of copper. There are a number of differences between single-sided and double-sided boards. For one, double-sided PCBs have multiple layers of copper, whereas single-sided boards have only one layer. In general, a single-sided board can only be used for the layout or for making holes for SMT.

Another major difference between a single-sided and double-sided PCB is the way they are manufactured. When it comes to double-sided PCB production, conductivity properties and chemical properties are considered. Generally, copper and tin are used in the conductor strips, while glass-fiber and paper impregnated with resin are used for the base layer of a PCB board.

Number of layers

Printed circuit boards are generally made up of one to multiple layers and are used in a variety of applications, from home electronics to computers and mobile devices. They are also used in aerospace equipment and industrial tools. The number of layers and the dimension of the board can vary depending on the type of device.

The higher the number of layers, the more complex the board will be. Typically, a single-layer PCB has between four and eight layers, but you can get up to 12 for more complex devices. The number of layers can be either an even or an odd number, although even numbers are preferred when designing electronic circuits.

Copper thickness

The thickness of copper used in electronics is typically measured in ounces. This measurement has its roots in the gold-foil industry and is based on the spread of an ounce of metal over a square foot of area. Since the thickness of copper is an important factor in electronic circuits, it’s important to know how to properly design the board to achieve the desired current carrying capacity.

Copper thickness is measured in ounces, and each ounce represents approximately 1.37mils of copper spread over an area of one square foot. However, this weight is only an estimate. The actual thickness of copper will vary if the amount of copper on the board changes. As such, a change in the weight of copper will affect the minimum size of the annular ring needed for a via. This size is important because it helps produce a reliable electrical connection even if the drilled hole is not perfectly centered.


A PCB is a small printed circuit board used in electronic products. The board contains a variety of components that have to be connected together. The process of PCB manufacturing starts with the creation of a schematic, which shows how the parts connect to each other. Often, schematics also include abstract representations of the components.

PCBs are a flexible, lightweight and reliable way to connect electronics. Their versatility makes them an ideal choice for complex systems. This technology has benefited countless fields, including computers and medical electronics. The advancement of PCB technology has allowed industry professionals to design and manufacture smaller, faster, and more efficient electronic devices.