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Koks yra PCB kopijavimo plokštės vaidmuo?

What is the Role of PCB Copy Board? PCB copy board PCB copy board is one of the modern products that help manufacturers in manufacturing integrated circuits. It is an electronic device that utilizes reverse research and development (R&D) technology to restore a PCB board from a scanned copy. This process allows manufacturers to optimize […]

Kaip nuimti PCB atplėšiamąjį skirtuką

How to Remove the PCB Breakaway Tab During PCB assembly, the breakaway tab on the PCB assembly board must be removed after the components are assembled. To remove this tab, you have several options. These options include using a Milling depanelizer, a V-cut depanelizer, or manual removal. Rat-bite To make the removal process easier, a […]

Kaip inžinieriams išvengti įtekėjimo projektuojant spausdintines plokštes?

How Can Engineers Avoid Inflows During PCB Design? Inflows are a problem in pcb design and must be avoided. There are several ways to do this, including Solid ground planes, keepouts, Shift-left verification, and component keepouts. These practices will help engineers avoid inflows, and will make a PCB layout easier to manufacture. Component keepouts Keepouts […]

Trys patarimai, kaip sumažinti PCB projektavimo riziką

Three Tips For Reducing PCB Design Risk There are many ways to reduce the risk associated with PCB design. Some of these include orienting all components in the same direction and using multiple vias at layer transitions. Others include keeping analog and digital circuits separate and keeping oscillatory circuits away from heat. Orienting components in […]

PCBA pseudolitavimo priežastys ir sprendimai

Causes and Solutions of PCBA Pseudo Soldering PCBA pseudo soldering is a problem that affects the quality of the finished PCBA. It can cause losses due to rework, which reduces the production efficiency. However, detecting and solving pseudo soldering problems can be done using inspection. Reflow soldering Reflow soldering is one of the most common […]

Research on PCB Plug Mechanism and Effective Control Method

Research on PCB Plug Mechanism and Effective Control Method Pressurized microchambers A pressurized microchamber is an effective means of transporting liquid in lab-on-PCB devices. It works by storing pneumatic energy and releasing it through an opening in a microvalve. The microvalve is electrically activated, using a gold wire of about 25 m in diameter. Lab-on-PCB […]