Miten käsitellä maadoitusta suurtaajuussuunnittelussa?

Miten käsitellä maadoitusta suurtaajuussuunnittelussa?

Korkeataajuussuunnittelussa on otettava huomioon maadoitus. Maadoitukseen liittyy useita kysymyksiä, jotka on otettava huomioon. Näitä ovat maadoitusjohtimien ja maadoitusliitosten impedanssi, matalataajuisia signaaleja hallitseva tasavirtapolku ja yhden pisteen maadoitus.

Maadoitusjohtimien impedanssi

Tyypillisen maadoitetun sähköjärjestelmän maadoituselektrodi on rinnakkain maadoitussauvojen kanssa, jotka sijaitsevat sähköverkon, muuntajien ja pylväiden linjapuolella. Testattava sauva on kytketty maadoituselektrodiin. Linjan puoleisten maadoitussauvojen ekvivalenttiresistanssi on häviävän pieni.

Yhden pisteen maadoitusmenetelmä on hyväksyttävä alle yhden MHz:n taajuuksilla, mutta se on vähemmän toivottava korkeilla taajuuksilla. Yhden pisteen maadoitusjohto nostaa maadoitusimpedanssia johtimen induktanssin ja raidekapasitanssin vuoksi, kun taas harhaileva kapasitanssi luo tahattomia maadoituspalautusreittejä. Korkeataajuuspiireissä tarvitaan monipistemaadoitusta. Tämä menetelmä luo kuitenkin maasilmukoita, jotka ovat alttiita magneettikentän induktiolle. Siksi on tärkeää välttää hybridimaasilmukoiden käyttöä, varsinkin jos piiri sisältää herkkiä komponentteja.

Maakohina voi olla suuri ongelma suurtaajuuspiireissä, erityisesti silloin, kun piirit ottavat suuria vaihtelevia virtoja syötöstä. Tämä virta kulkee yhteismaapalautuksessa ja aiheuttaa virhejännitteen eli DV:n. Tämä vaihtelee piirin taajuuden mukaan.

Liitosjohtimien impedanssi

Ihannetapauksessa liitosjohtimien resistanssin tulisi olla alle yksi milliohmi. Korkeammilla taajuuksilla sidosjohtimen käyttäytyminen on kuitenkin monimutkaisempaa. Sillä voi olla loisvaikutuksia ja jäännöskapasitanssia rinnakkain. Tällöin sidosjohtimesta tulee rinnakkainen resonanssipiiri. Sillä voi myös olla suuri resistanssi, joka johtuu skin-ilmiöstä eli virran kulkemisesta johtimen ulkopinnan läpi.

Tyypillinen esimerkki johdetusta häiriökytkennästä on mikroprosessoriin syötetty moottori- tai kytkentäpiiri, jossa on maadoituspaluu. Tässä tilanteessa maadoitusjohtimen impedanssi on suurempi kuin sen toimintataajuus, ja se aiheuttaa todennäköisesti piirin resonanssin. Tämän vuoksi maadoitusjohtimet liitetään yleensä useaan pisteeseen eri pituisin liitospituuksin.

DC-polku hallitsee matalataajuisia signaaleja.

Yleisesti oletetaan, että matalataajuisten signaalien tasavirtapiirien hallitseminen on helpompaa toteuttaa kuin korkeataajuisten piirien. Tällä menetelmällä on kuitenkin useita rajoituksia, erityisesti integroiduissa toteutuksissa. Näihin rajoituksiin kuuluvat välkkymiskohina, tasavirtapoikkeamat ja suuret aikavakiot. Lisäksi näissä malleissa käytetään yleensä suuria vastuksia ja kondensaattoreita, jotka voivat tuottaa suurta lämpökohinaa.

Yleensä suurtaajuisten signaalien paluuvirta kulkee pienimmän silmukkapinta-alan ja pienimmän induktanssin reittiä. Tämä tarkoittaa, että suurin osa signaalivirrasta palaa tasolle kapeaa reittiä pitkin suoraan signaalijäljen alapuolelle.

Yhden pisteen maadoitus

Yhden pisteen maadoitus on olennainen osa tietoliikennepaikkojen suojaamista salamoinnilta. Tehokkaan maadoituksen lisäksi tämä tekniikka tarjoaa rakenteellisen ukkossuojauksen. Sitä on testattu laajasti salamalle alttiilla alueilla, ja se on osoittautunut tehokkaaksi menetelmäksi. Yksipistemaadoitus ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa näkökohta.

Jos virtapiirien välinen tehoero on suuri, ei välttämättä ole käytännöllistä käyttää sarjan yksipistemaadoitusta. Näin syntyvä suuri paluuvirta voi häiritä pienitehoisia piirejä. Jos tehoero on pieni, voidaan käyttää rinnakkaista yksipistemaadoitusta. Tällä menetelmällä on kuitenkin monia haittoja. Sen lisäksi, että yksipistemaadoitus on tehoton, se vaatii suuremman määrän maadoituksia, ja se myös kasvattaa maadoitusimpedanssia.

Yksipisteisiä maadoitusjärjestelmiä käytetään yleensä matalamman taajuuden malleissa. Jos piirejä kuitenkin käytetään korkeilla taajuuksilla, monipistemaadoitusjärjestelmä voi olla hyvä valinta. Korkeataajuuspiirin maatason tulisi olla kahden tai useamman piirin yhteinen. Tämä vähentää magneettisilmukoiden mahdollisuutta.


Virtahäiriöt voivat heikentää piirin suorituskykyä ja jopa aiheuttaa vakavia signaalin eheysongelmia. Näin ollen on välttämätöntä käsitellä tehohäiriöitä suurtaajuussuunnittelussa. Onneksi on olemassa menetelmiä, joilla näitä ongelmia voidaan käsitellä. Seuraavat vinkit auttavat sinua vähentämään tehohäiriöiden määrää suurtaajuussuunnittelussasi.

Ymmärrä ensin, miten sähkömagneettisia häiriöitä esiintyy. Häiriöitä on kahta päätyyppiä: jatkuvia ja impulssimaisia. Jatkuvia häiriöitä syntyy ihmisen aiheuttamista ja luonnollisista lähteistä. Molemmille häiriötyypeille on ominaista kytkentämekanismi ja vaste. Impulssimaista häiriötä sen sijaan esiintyy ajoittain ja lyhyessä ajassa.

Immersion Tin PCB-tyynyjen juotosvikojen vika-analyysi

Immersion Tin PCB-tyynyjen juotosvikojen vika-analyysi

Soldering defects are a common cause of PCB failure. There are several different types of defects that can lead to PCB failure. The article below explores three types of defects: Wetting, Plating through hole barrel cracking, and Liquid fluxes.

Wetting defects

Exposure to environmental factors during the manufacturing process can affect the wetting ability of immersion tin pcb pads. This can reduce assembly yield and second level reliability. Therefore, it is important to avoid or correct poor wetting defects. This research explored the effects of different temperature conditions on the wetting ability of these pads.

Immersion tin pads exhibit a variety of defects that can cause the assembly process to fail. Unlike dewetting, which is a defect in which the soldering joint is not formed, wetting defects occur when the molten solder does not adhere to the wettable surface of the PCB pads or components. This can result in holes or voids in the solder joints.

Non-wetting defects can also cause serious structural issues. In addition, they may result in poor electrical conductivity, loose components, and poor PCB pad performance.

Plating through hole barrel cracking

This study evaluated the reliability of immersion tin pcb pads through a failure analysis of soldering defects. To do this, we studied the behavior of the intermetallics inside solder joints by SEM. We compared the results of the aged and non-aged assemblies to understand how the intermetallics affect joint reliability.

The results of the investigation show that the electroless nickel coating on immersion tin PCB pads is characterized by deep crevasses and fissures. These open boundaries are attributed to the corrosive environment generated during ENIG plating. This problem can be solved by introducing a nickel controller into the plating process. This countermeasure helps to maintain good wettability in the pad and prevent oxidation.

Liquid fluxes

This failure analysis of soldering defects also includes the analysis of the flux used in the process. The use of different liquid fluxes in the reflow process may lead to different results. One method used for analyzing the effects of flux on soldering defects on immersion tin PCB pads is to assemble the flip-chip assemblies with readout chips on the bottom.

5 Major Causes of Foaming on Copper Plating of a PCB Board

5 Major Causes of Foaming on Copper Plating of a PCB Board

There are many causes of foaming on the copper plating of a PCB board. Some are caused by oil or dust pollution while others are caused by the copper sinking process. Foaming is a problem with any copper plating process as it requires chemical solutions that can cross-contaminate other areas. It can also occur due to improper local treatment of the board surface.


In micro-etching, the activity of the copper precipitate is too strong, causing pores to leak and blisters. It can also lead to poor adhesion and deteriorate coating quality. Hence, removing these impurities is crucial to prevent this problem.

Before attempting copper plating, the copper substrate is subjected to a cleaning sequence. This cleaning step is essential to remove surface impurities and provide an overall wetting of the surface. Next, the substrate is treated with an acid solution to condition the copper surface. This is followed by the copper plating step.

Another cause of foaming is improper cleaning after acid degreasing. This can be caused by improper cleaning after acid degreasing, misadjustment of the brightening agent, or poor copper cylinder temperature. Besides, improper cleaning can lead to slight oxidation of the board’s surface.


Oxidation causes foaming on the copper plating of the PCB board when the copper foil on the board is not sufficiently protected against the effects of oxidation. The problem can occur due to poor adhesion or surface roughness. It can also occur when the copper foil on the board is thin and does not adhere well to the board substrate.

Micro-etching is a process that is employed in copper sinking and pattern electroplating. Micro-etching should be performed carefully to avoid excessive oxidation. Over-etching could lead to the formation of bubbles around the orifice. Insufficient oxidation can lead to poor bonding, foaming and a lack of binding force. Micro-etching should be performed to a depth of 1.5 to two microns before the copper deposition and 0.3 to one micron before the pattern plating process. Chemical analysis can be used to ensure that the required depth has been achieved.

Substrate processing

Foaming on the copper plating of the PCB board is a major quality defect that can be caused by poor substrate processing. This issue occurs when the copper foil on the board surface is unable to adhere to the chemical copper because of poor bonding. This causes the copper foil to blister on the board surface. This results in an uneven color and black and brown oxidation.

The process of copper plating requires the use of heavy copper adjustment agents. These chemical liquid medicines can cause cross contamination of the board and result in poor treatment effects. In addition to this, it can lead to uneven board surfaces and a poor bonding force between the board and the PCBA assembly.


Foaming on copper plating of PCB board can be caused by two major factors. The first is improper copper plating process. The copper plating process uses a lot of chemicals and organic solvents. The copper plating treatment process is complicated and the chemicals and oils in the water used for plating can be harmful. They can cause cross-contamination, uneven defects, and binding problems. The water used for copper plating process should be controlled and should be of good quality. Another important thing to consider is the temperature of copper plating. This will greatly affect the washing effect.

Micro-erosion occurs when water and oxygen are dissolved on the copper plate. The dissolved water and oxygen from the water causes an oxidation reaction and forms a chemical compound called ferrous hydroxide. The oxidation process results in the release of electrons from the board’s copper plating.

Lack of cathodic polarity

Foaming on the copper plating of a PCB board is a common quality defect. The process used for manufacturing the PCB board is complex and requires careful process maintenance. The process involves chemical wet processing and plating, and requires careful analysis of the cause and effect of foaming. This article describes the causes of foaming on the copper plate and what can be done to prevent it.

The pH level of the plating solution is also crucial, as it determines the cathodic current density. This factor will affect the coating’s deposition rate and quality. A lower pH plating solution will result in greater efficiency, while a higher pH will result in less.

4 Main Processes For Making High Quality PCB Plated Though Holes

4 Main Processes For Making High Quality PCB Plated Though Holes

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the heart of any electrical device, and the quality of their played through holes will directly impact the final product. Without proper quality control, a board might not meet the expected standards, and it may even have to be scrapped, which will cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is essential to have high-quality PCB processing equipment.

Solder resist

PCB plated though holes are used in a variety of applications. They are conductive and have lower resistance than non-plated through holes. They are also more mechanically stable. PCBs are typically double-sided and have multiple layers and plated through holes are essential for connecting the components to the corresponding layers of the board.

Plated through-holes provide fast prototyping and make soldering components easier. They also enable breadboarding circuit boards. They also provide superior connections and high power tolerances. These features make PCB plated through-holes an important component for any business.

The first process for producing high-quality PCB plated through holes is to assemble the boards. Then, the plated through-hole components are added to the PCB and framed. This requires highly skilled engineers. During this stage, they have to follow strict standards. Afterwards, they are checked for accuracy with a manual inspection or an x-ray.


Plated through holes can be a huge success for your business, but they can also hinder your design. Luckily, there are solutions for these issues. One problem is the inability of the board to properly connect with other components. You may also find that the hole is hard to remove due to oil or adhesive contamination, or even blistering. Fortunately, you can avoid these issues by following proper drilling and pressing techniques.

There are several different kinds of through holes on a PCB. Non-plated through holes have no copper on the wall of the hole, so they do not have the same electrical properties. Non-plated through holes were popular when printed circuits had only one layer of copper traces, but their use diminished as the board’s layers increased. Today, non-plated through holes are often used as tooling holes or as component mounting holes.


With the steady growth of PCBs and electronic products, the need for PCB plated through holes has also grown. This technology is a very practical solution to mounting component issues. It makes the production of high quality boards quick and easy.

Unlike non-plated through holes, which are made of copper, plated through holes do not have copper-plated walls or barrels. As a result, their electrical properties are not affected. They were popular during the time when printed circuit boards had only one layer of copper, but their popularity decreased as PCB layers increased. However, they are still useful for mounting components and tools in some PCBs.

The process of making PCB plated through holes begins with drilling. To make through-hole PCBs, a drill bit box is used. The bits are tungsten-carbide and are very hard. A drill bit box contains a variety of drill bits.

Using a plotter printer

PCBs are usually multilayered and double sided, and plated through holes are a common way to create these. The plated through holes provide electrical conductivity and mechanical stability. This type of hole is often used for tooling holes or as a mounting hole for components.

When making a plated through hole, the process involves drilling a hole and assembling copper foils. This is also known as a “layup”. Layup is a critical step in the production process and requires a precision tool for the job.

How to Observe PCBs From the Outside

How to Observe PCBs From the Outside

Observing the pcb from the outside makes it easy to identify defects in the outer layers. It’s also easy to spot the effects of not enough gap between the components when looking at the board from the outside.

Observing a pcb from the outside can easily identify defects in the outer layers

Observing a PCB from the outside can help you spot defects in the outer layers of the circuit board. It is easier to identify these defects than they are to spot inside. PCBs are typically green in color, and they have copper traces and soldermask that make them easily recognizable. Depending on the size of the PCB, the outer layers may have varying degrees of defects.

Using x-ray inspection equipment can overcome these issues. Since materials absorb x-rays according to their atomic weight, they can be distinguished. The heavier elements, such as solder, absorb more x-rays than those that are lighter. This makes it easy to identify defects in the outer layers, while those that are made of light-weight elements are not visible to the naked eye.

Observing a PCB from the outside can help you identify defects that you might not see otherwise. One such defect is missing copper or interconnections. Another defect is a hairline short. This is a result of high complexity in the design. If these defects are not corrected before the PCB is assembled, they can cause significant errors. One way to correct these errors is to increase the clearance between copper connections and their pads.

The width of conductor traces also plays a crucial role in the functionality of a PCB. As signal flow increases, the PCB generates immense amounts of heat, which is why it is important to monitor the trace width. Keeping the width of the conductors appropriate will prevent overheating and damaging the board.