Mik a közös tényezők, amelyek a PCB áramköri kártya meghibásodását okozzák?

Mik a közös tényezők, amelyek a PCB áramköri kártya meghibásodását okozzák?

PCB circuit boards can fail for a variety of reasons. These include manufacturing defects, human error, and plating violations. While these reasons can’t be eliminated completely, they can be addressed during the design phase or during the CM’s inspection of the board.

Human error

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are an integral part of any electronics product, so understanding why they fail is important. Many failure issues can be resolved through rework, but there are some situations where new PCB assembly is necessary. If you are faced with such an issue, partnering with an experienced PCB assembly company can help mitigate the chances of a costly, unsuccessful repair.

The process of manufacturing printed circuit boards is extremely complex. Even small mistakes and errors can affect the final product. Besides human error, other common factors that cause PCB circuit board failure include improper soldering and improper component installation. In addition, environment can affect the components. Therefore, the factory environment needs to be clean to avoid failure.

PCB circuit board failure can also be caused by physical damage. This can be the result of shock or pressure. For example, the device might have been dropped a long distance, smacked by an object, or disassembled with improper care. A faulty board may not be able to withstand these types of stresses.

Manufacturing problems

PCB circuit boards can fail for several reasons, including manufacturing problems. While some are easy to detect and fix, others require extensive repair by the contract manufacturer. Some common causes of PCB failures include poorly connected solder joints or misaligned pads. Additionally, improperly placed components or traces can affect PCB performance, and the presence of corrosive chemicals can damage the components.

PCB circuit board failures can also occur during assembly. Several factors can affect the quality of PCBs, including the humidity and temperature in the manufacturing environment. These factors must be controlled, so that the boards will perform as intended. Another possible cause of PCB failure is human error. Some people accidentally remove or bend components, leaving them in an unsuitable position.

A defect in the design of a PCB is the most common cause of board failure. Incorrect or faulty components may cause a short circuit, crossed signals, and other problems. In addition, improperly installed components may result in the board being charred. Other common problems related to PCB fabrication include insufficient thickness of the board, which results in bending or delamination. Improper insulation can also cause a voltage arc, which can cause the board to burn or short out. Poor connectivity between layers can also lead to poor performance.

Misplaced solders

A PCB circuit board can fail for many reasons. One of these factors is misplaced solders, which can lead to a short circuit or other problems. Another common cause is a scratched lamination. This can expose connections underneath the lamination.

During the manufacturing process, PCB components can be misplaced due to two factors. First, the component feeder may not be placed correctly, or it may not be fitted to the correct reel. Secondly, the PCB’s footprint may not be the same size, so a component that’s larger than it should be is likely to fail.

Another common factor that causes PCB circuit board failure is improper soldering. When soldering, solder residues can damage the panel. As a result, boards can develop conductive anodic filaments (CAFs), which are metal filaments that form on the exposed surface. This problem can also be caused by poor glass-resin bonding or PCB drilling damage. Additionally, thermal expansion differences weaken the bond after soldering. This can result in a faulty connection.

Violations in the plating

Violations in the plating process are one of the most common reasons for PCB circuit board failure. These imperfections in the coating process can interfere with other process materials, hindering the cure of the coating, and causing corrosive residues on the PCBs. These corrosive residues can lead to PCB failures and erratic behavior. The best way to prevent this problem is to follow design specifications. Also, using a conformal coating can prevent the boards from becoming contaminated while in operation.

A PCB circuit board can be very critical to the integrity of your electronics, but it’s also easy to overlook it when it’s being assembled. PCB failure can be caused by several factors, including faulty components or manufacturing mistakes. Violations in the plating can affect the board’s durability and reliability, and they can even compromise the safety of sensitive equipment.

Violations in the plating process can also cause a PCB to malfunction due to poor electrical conduction. As a result, the PCB may fail during testing or inspection. In some cases, the PCB may even become unusable due to improper hole cleaning and drilling.

PCB tervezési stratégiák a párhuzamos mikroszalag vonalakhoz a szimulációs eredmények alapján

PCB tervezési stratégiák a párhuzamos mikroszalag vonalakhoz a szimulációs eredmények alapján

Several PCB design strategies for parallel micro strip lines are presented in this paper. The first one deals with dielectric constant, Loss tangent, and Coplanar microstrip routing. The second one discusses application-specific PCB trace design rules.

Dielektromos állandó

The dielectric constant of parallel micro strip lines can be computed by solving a series of differential equations. The dielectric constant h varies as a function of the substrate height and width. The dielectric constant is an important property of thin films, so it is important to obtain an accurate value for the dielectric constant.

A simulation can be used to compute the dielectric constant. The simulation results can be compared to experimental measurements. However, these results are not perfect. Inaccuracies can lead to inaccurate Dk values. This results in a lower impedance and a slower transmission rate. In addition, the transmission delay for a short line is longer than for long lines.

Parallel micro strip lines are characterized by a dielectric substrate with a relative dielectric constant of 2.2 and a corresponding dielectric loss of 0.0009. A microstrip line contains two parallel microstrip lines with a coupling line. The inner side of the microstrip line is loaded with a CSRR structure. The SRR transfers the electric field to the four sides of the microstrip line by means of the coupling line.

Loss tangent

To calculate the loss tangent of parallel micro strip lines, we use a computer simulation model. We use the loss tangent for a 30 mm-long strip line. Then, we use the length of the additional strip line to satisfy the connector spacing. This results in a loss tangent of 0.0007 deg.

The simulation results were very accurate and showed a good agreement with the experimental results. The simulation results indicated that the loss tangent of a parallel micro strip line is between 0.05 mm. This result was verified by further calculations. The loss tangent is an estimation of the energy absorbed by the strip. It depends on the resonant frequency.

Using this model, we can calculate the resonant frequency, loss tangent, and shunt frequency. We can also determine the critical cover height of a microstrip. This is a value that minimizes the influence of cover height on the line parameters. The computed output parameters are listed in the Line Types section of the guide. The program is very easy to use, allowing you to modify input parameters quickly and accurately. It has cursor controls, tuning shortcuts, and hot-keys to assist you in changing the parameters of the simulation model.

Coplanar microstrip routing

Coplanar microstrip routing can be performed using a computer simulation tool. The simulation can be used to optimize a design or to check for errors. For example, a simulation can determine whether a solder mask was present or not. Also, it can show the impact of etchback, which reduces coupling between coplanar trace and ground plane and increases impedance.

In order to make the correct coplanar microstrip routing, one must first compute the characteristic impedance between the coplanar waveguide and ground. This can be done with an active calculator or using the equations at the bottom of the page. The Transmission Line Design Handbook recommends a track width of “a” plus the number of gaps, “b.” The component side ground should be wider than b to avoid the effects of EMI.

To get accurate simulation results, one should use a good coplanar waveguide calculator. The best ones include a coplanar waveguide calculator that accounts for dispersion. This factor determines the loss and speed of different frequencies. Furthermore, one must account for copper roughness, which adds to the interconnect impedance. The best calculator will account for all these factors simultaneously.

Application-specific PCB trace design rules

The electrical field pattern on a PCB can be designed on multiple layers, single, double, or multi-layered. This type of PCB design is becoming more common, especially for SoC applications. In this design, the signal trace is routed on the inner layers of the PCB. The signal trace is backed by ground planes to minimize the characteristic impedance.

The simulated microstrip lines are designed with different cut-out widths. The reference 50 O microstrip has no cut-out compensation, while the other two have a discontinuity. The width-varying cut-out is used for impedance compensation, and the cut-out width is varied through linear parametric analysis. The cut-out width is 0.674 to 2.022 mm with a precision of 0.1685 mm.

The high integration requirements of parallel microstrip lines are often accompanied by crosstalk. To combat this problem, researchers have been exploring techniques to minimize crosstalk. They have studied the formation principles of crosstalk and identified factors that affect it. One of the most effective methods is to increase the spacing between transmission lines. However, this method uses limited wiring space and is not compatible with the direction of integration.

Magas Tg nyomtatott áramköri lap és alkalmazásai

Magas Tg nyomtatott áramköri lap és alkalmazásai

High Tg printed circuit boards have a number of applications in aerospace. For example, jet engines produce thousands of micro vibrations per minute and require high Tg capabilities. Similarly, aircraft need to operate at temperatures ranging from -45degC to 85degC. In such environments, high Tg PCBs must be moisture-free and able to withstand a wide range of temperature.


TG170 high-tg PCB is a high-temperature-grade, high-resistance printed circuit board that can be fabricated in two different ways, using different materials. Its properties depend on the specifics of your design. This high-tg PCB is suitable for various electronic applications, including digital devices, medical equipment, and RF circuits.

High-TG PCBs are widely used in the automotive industry, and in measuring and power equipment. They are also used in solar power cogeneration equipment and in power inverters. They are also used in the automotive electronics industry, including navigation, telematics, and audio-video equipment.

Another application of TG170 high-tg PCB is in engine controls, where high temperature is an issue. High rotational speeds and long operating hours can result in high temperatures. In such conditions, tg170 high-tg PCB can withstand high temperatures and help reduce PCB failures.

High-TG PCBs have a lower sensitivity to heat, humidity, and chemical corrosion, which make them more reliable for electronics applications. Moreover, they are more suited for lead-free tin spraying processes. As the Tg is a crucial factor for a PCB’s mechanical stability, it is important to consider it in the design process. High-TG PCBs must be designed with appropriate materials that can withstand a high-temperature environment.

TG170 high-tg PCB is the ideal choice for high-performance electronics. These PCBs are a great option for high-end manufacturers. They can be used in a variety of applications and are available in a wide variety of materials and finishes.

High-TG PCBs are used in industrial applications where high-temperature, electrical, and chemical environments are a requirement. They are used in high-power pressers, drilling machines, power inverters, solar power equipment, and high-processing antennas. High-temperature PCBs can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, paper, or ceramics.

High-temperature circuit boards are required by the RoHS standard and are often used in electronics. High-temperature PCBs are ideal for RoHS applications as they can support lead-free soldering. They also improve the stability of PCB boards at moderate operating temperatures. In addition, high-temperature circuit boards are cheaper.

TG170 FR-4

In the design of printed circuit boards, temperature is one of the most important considerations. As the temperature of the PCB increases, the material expands and its properties change. This is why it is recommended that TG170 FR-4 PCB be used for systems that are not exposed to temperatures above 170 degrees Celsius.

High temperatures can affect FR4 materials and are detrimental to printed circuit boards. For example, high temperatures can affect crosslinking, which is crucial for FR4 materials. High temperatures can also impact segmental mobility and even cause the material to transition to a liquid state.

Proper documentation of the stacking-up plan is essential for successful high-TG PCB fabrication. The PCB manufacturer can help you develop the best layout for your circuits by providing the necessary specifications. Depending on your needs, you can choose FR-4, Rodgers, or Nelco materials. You can also route high-frequency signals to the inner layers to help insulate them from external radiation.

High-quality materials have longer life spans and improve performance. Therefore, you must look for PCBs with quality certifications. Major quality certifications include RoHS, ANSI/AHRI, ISO, and CE.

PCBs manufactured with TG170 FR-4 high-TG material are popular in many industries. The material’s higher Tg value improves moisture, heat, chemical resistance, and board stability. These properties make high-TG PCBs ideal for high-temperature circuits.

The properties of TG170 FR-4 high-TG PCB depend on the type of base material. Different weights of copper can be used in making a high-TG PCB. Because of this, different layers must be labeled separately. These layers will be separated according to their weight and thickness. This process helps in determining the proper thickness of high-TG PCB.

High-TG materials are often used in automotive applications. This is because they can handle higher temperatures and higher currents. However, a PCB must meet the temperature range (TUV) specified in its specifications.


Mi a különbség a PCB és a PCBA között?

Mi a különbség a PCB és a PCBA között?

A NYÁK és a PCBA között számos különbség van, és fontos, hogy megértse, mit jelent mindegyik a termékére nézve. A különbségek nem korlátozódnak az anyagokra, hanem kiterjedhetnek az alkatrészek elhelyezésére, a forrasztásra és a különböző ellenőrzésekre is. A nyomtatott áramköri lapok lehetnek merevek vagy rugalmasak is.

Nyomtatott áramköri lap

A nyomtatott áramköri lap olyan közeg, amely elektronikus alkatrészeket köt össze szabályozott módon. Ezek a lapok az elektronikában és az elektrotechnikában gyakori anyagok. Általában PCB-ként is említik őket. A nyomtatott áramköri lapokat a mobiltelefonoktól a televíziókészülékekig mindenben használják.

A NYÁK rendkívül sokoldalú termék, és különböző elektronikus eszközökhöz igazítható. Az orvosi berendezésekben, a világításban és az autóipari berendezésekben is használják. Valójában szinte minden ipari gépben megtalálhatóak. Az elektronikus berendezések karbantartási és ellenőrzési költségeinek csökkentésére is használják őket.

A nyomtatott áramköri lapok építési folyamata egy alapanyaggal, az úgynevezett PCB szubsztráttal kezdődik. Ezután a lapot rézfóliával borítják. A rézfólia egy olyan réteg, amely réznyomokat tartalmaz. Ezeket a nyomokat forrasztóanyaggal helyezik be és tartják szilárdan a helyükön.

A nyomtatott áramköri lapok (PCBA) megjelenése előtt az alkatrészeket úgy csomagolták, hogy az alkatrészekhez vezetékeket erősítettek, és merev hordozóra szerelték őket. Régebben ez az anyag bakelitből készült, amely a rétegelt lemez felső rétegét helyettesítette. Ezután kézzel forrasztották a fém alkatrészeket, hogy vezető utakat hozzanak létre. Ez a folyamat azonban időigényes volt, sok csatlakozóból és vezetékből állt, és hajlamos volt a rövidzárlatokra.

A nyomtatott áramköri lap és a PCB-a a PCBA két típusa. Mindegyik típusnak megvan a maga felhasználási módja és előnyei. Kombinálva összetett elektronikus szerelvényt alkotnak.

Nyomtatott áramköri lap összeszerelése

A nyomtatott áramköri lapok összeszerelése egy többlépcsős folyamat, amely az áramköri lap tervezésével kezdődik. Ezt a tervet ezután rézzel bevont laminátumra nyomtatják. Ezután a szabaddá tett rezet maratják, így az áramköri vonalak mintázata marad. Ezután a lyukakat kifúrják, és az elektronikus alkatrészeket ezekbe a lyukakba illesztik. Ez a folyamat kritikus, mert minden lyuknak tökéletesen méretezettnek és igazítottnak kell lennie, hogy illeszkedjen a lap alkatrészeinek.

A nyomtatott áramköri lapok összeszerelése rendkívül technikai folyamat, amely szakértelmet és biztonsági intézkedéseket igényel. A készterméknek hibátlannak kell lennie, és tartalmaznia kell egy fémlapot, amely segít megvédeni az elektronikát az összeszerelési folyamat során keletkező sérülésektől. A nyomtatott áramköri lapok összeszerelése már több évtizede létezik, és még mindig az egyik legnépszerűbb módszer az elektronikai termékek gyártására. Egy- és kétrétegű nyomtatott áramköri lapokon egyaránt alkalmazható. Az új technológiák, például a forrasztás nélküli technológia biztonságosabbá és könnyebbé teszik az összeszerelést, és csökkentik a nyomtatott áramköri lapok méretét és súlyát.

Amikor a projektjéhez megfelelő összeszerelési technológiát választ, győződjön meg róla, hogy az Ön igényeinek megfelelőt választja. Számos módszer közül választhat, beleértve a kézi forrasztást, a pick-and-place gépeket és a felületszerelési technológiát. Míg sok lap csak egyféle technológiát igényel, mások többféle technológiát igényelnek.

Nyomtatott áramköri lapok tervezése

A nyomtatott áramköri lap (PCB) egy nyomtatott áramkör, amely elektronikus alkatrészeket tartalmaz. Általában egy rézrétegből, egy hordozóból és egy selyemnyomólemezből áll. A nyomtatott áramkörök megjelenése előtt az áramköröket gyakran úgy építették fel, hogy az alkatrészeket vezetékekkel kötötték össze. Ezeket a vezetékeket aztán az alkatrészvezetékekhez forrasztották, hogy vezető utakat képezzenek. Ez a módszer azonban lassú, nehezen gyártható és nehezen hibakereshető volt.

A nyomtatott áramköri lap tervezése az áramkör kezdeti elrendezésével kezdődik. A lap alakjának meghatározása és a kapcsolási rajzból származó alkatrészadatok importálása után a következő lépés a NYÁK fizikai elrendezése. Kezdetben az alkatrész lábnyomokat kell elhelyezni a CAD-rendszerben a lap körvonalán belül. Ezek a lábnyomok a hálózati csatlakozásokat szellemvonalak formájában jelenítik meg, így a felhasználók láthatják, hogy mely alkatrészekhez kapcsolódnak. A maximális teljesítmény elérése érdekében fontos az alkatrészek megfelelő elhelyezése. Ehhez figyelembe kell venni a csatlakoztathatóságot, a zajokat és a fizikai akadályokat, beleértve a kábeleket és a rögzítő hardvereket.

A terv jóváhagyása után a következő lépés a nyomtatott áramköri lap anyagainak és alkatrészeinek kiválasztása. Ez a lépés a legidőigényesebb és legköltségesebb az egész folyamat során, de a végtermék sikere szempontjából kulcsfontosságú. A nyomtatott áramköri lap tervezési folyamata a főbb alkatrészek meghatározásával és annak meghatározásával kezdődik, hogy mely laminált anyagok a legalkalmasabbak az adott kialakításhoz.