Wybór niezawodnego producenta podzespołów PCB

Wybór niezawodnego producenta podzespołów PCB

When choosing a PCB assembly manufacturer, it is crucial to consider the level of experience of the company’s personnel. Experienced PCB assembly staff members are more likely to be knowledgeable and dependable. You should also consider the company’s PCB assembly capacity based on your needs and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions About PCB Assembly

The PCB assembly process is a vital component of developing electronic devices. It consists of connecting the conductive channels of a circuit board to ensure that the technology performs as expected. There are a number of common questions related to PCB fabrication, which a PCB fabrication company should be able to answer.

When choosing a PCB assembly house, you want to select one that offers a high level of quality and reliability. In addition, you want to choose a company that offers services that will reduce the risk of issues during PCB assembly or when the product is being used. For example, a PCB assembly company should offer services such as fine-pitch, leadless, and conformal coating. It should also be able to perform IC programming and four-terminal sensing.

When choosing a PCB assembly house, you need to be aware of the costs involved in the PCB assembly process. Costs can range anywhere from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars. The cost of PCB assembly also depends on the complexity of the PCB. For example, PCBs that require drilling and fine pitch will have higher assembly costs.

Choosing a reliable pcb assembly manufacturer

Choosing a PCB assembly manufacturer is an important task. The right one will not only be familiar with your design requirements, but they should also be familiar with your industry and the specific components your PCB needs. Some factors to look for when selecting a PCB assembly manufacturer include: experience, integrity, and customer support.

PCB assembly companies should be able to provide high-quality components and services. Quality components are essential to maximize device efficiency and extend the life of a product. It is important to choose high-quality components, since low-quality components cannot withstand even slight variations in operating conditions. Using a PCB assembly manufacturer that can provide the best quality PCB assembly will ensure that your device is free from defects and errors.

The final step in the PCB assembly process is testing. The manufacturer will need to have your PCB design file so they can check for problems. They will conduct a design check to see if there are any missing components, redundant components, or any other features that could pose a problem. These issues can negatively impact the final result of your project. For example, if the spacing between the components is too small, it can lead to shorts and malfunctions.

Cost of PCB assembly

PCB assembly is a complex and costly process. There are several ways to reduce the costs. Firstly, you need to find a manufacturer that has a good relationship with component suppliers. This will allow them to source components more easily and at lower costs. Second, you should check the manufacturer’s PCB certification, which will confirm that they are qualified to assemble PCBs. Lastly, you should look for a PCB assembly manufacturer that is able to offer you a variety of cost-effective solutions.

PCB assembly costs vary according to the design and complexity of your PCB. High-end, custom-made PCBs will usually cost more than simple, low-volume PCBs. However, you can find inexpensive PCB assembly services if you know where to look. For example, you can look for a manufacturer with a good reputation for quality and service.

PCB assembly costs also vary by industry. Different manufacturers offer different PCB options to meet the needs of different industries. PCB assembly costs vary based on the complexity of the product, the level of complexity of the design, and the type of PCB you require. In some cases, the assembly costs are low because of low-cost, skilled labor and low overhead costs.

Environmental regulations

As you look for a PCB assembly manufacturer, look for one who complies with environmental regulations. This is particularly important if you are working with electronics. The RoHS directive, for example, controls the amount of certain chemicals in electronics. It also limits the amount of lead and cadmium in electronics.

The use of lead-free materials is mandatory for PCB manufacture, and you need to ensure that all discrete components, solder joints, and heat sinks are lead-free. Lead-based products are hazardous to human health, and their manufacture is a liability risk. By implementing lead-free PCB assembly, companies can increase their competitive advantage with clients who value environmental issues.

The PCB manufacturer you select should also have a quality management system (QMS) in place. An ISO 9001 certification is a good indication that a PCB assembly manufacturer has a quality management system in place. The certification should include a quality policy, a quality manual, and procedures for continuous improvement. A PCB manufacturer should also have a system in place to document yields and make them available for review. Other certifications will also prove the manufacturer’s capability and competency.

Krótka dyskusja na temat niektórych ważnych parametrów technicznych atramentu PCB

Krótka dyskusja na temat niektórych ważnych parametrów technicznych atramentu PCB

PCB ink is an important component in the fabrication process. Its performance depends on several characteristics, including its viscosity, plasticity, adhesion, hardness, and water and solvent resistance. It also has properties that help it resist temperature and acid and alkali. Besides, it’s soluble, which helps it act as a bonding material.


Viscosity of PCB ink is an important factor in screen printing, one of the most important PCB manufacturing processes. The ink must have a high viscosity and good thixotropy to ensure accurate image reproduction. Viscosity is the internal friction that a liquid faces when being agitated or stirred. Thicker liquids have greater resistance while thinner liquids have less. The viscosity of PCB ink is measured in poises. It can vary considerably based on temperature.

The ink viscosity of PCB circuit boards depends on the type of PCB board and printing process. A high viscosity can cause leakage and damage to graphics edges. To avoid these issues, it is important to reduce the viscosity of the PCB ink. This is achieved through the use of a diluent.


The plasticity of PCB inks can be a big problem for screen printers, but it can be addressed through diluents. Using diluents will decrease the viscosity of the PCB ink, giving the printer a higher resolution. Also, it will allow the printer to achieve higher resolution levels without the risk of smearing or other problems caused by inks with high viscosities.

PCB inks are used in screen printing and other printing processes. These inks have several properties, including high hiding power, high viscosity, and opacity. They are typically white, but they can also be colored, or have text, symbols, or other types of information printed on them. This way, they can highlight important information or warn of hazards.

Resin content

The first step in cleaning PCB ink is to remove any excess resin. To do this, you can use a piece of transparency film and gently press it against the PCB. Then, use a paper towel to blot off any excess resin. Make sure that you expose any copper pads or extra artwork, as they may have been covered by the resin.

Typically, the solder resist ink will contain a photosensitive epoxy resin. This type of resin contains a chalcone group-containing compound and a curing agent. Other ingredients in the PCB ink include an organic solvent and a filler. The resin content of PCB ink can cause reduced dielectric resistance and may cause shortcircuiting or blistering of the PCB.


The adhesion of pcb ink is an important aspect in the manufacturing process. The adhesion of PCB ink depends on its type and substrate. Some of the commonly used types are UV, thermal, and photosensitive. These types of inks are very good in adhesion to various types of substrates.

The carbon ink PCB has excellent adhesion and peeling resistance. Its resistance change rate is about 10%. Its resistance square is about 20 ohms, which makes it excellent in electronic component packaging. As a result, it is often used as an alternative to gold keys and other expensive metals.


Resistivity is a material property. There are many different types of resistance, including Electrical Resistivity, Specific Resistance, Bulk Resistivity, and Volume Resistivity. Some materials have higher resistivities than others, and some have lower resistivities than others. Resistivity can also depend on temperature. For example, copper can vary in resistivity, depending on its preparation and formulation.

In the fabrication of printed circuit boards, it is important to measure the resistivity of the ink. In general, resistance is measured as a ratio of initial impedance to cured resistance. This measurement provides a useful reference when optimizing the conductivity of printed devices.

Przegląd procesów czyszczenia PCB i wybór optymalnego środka czyszczącego

Przegląd procesów czyszczenia PCB i wybór optymalnego środka czyszczącego

Ten artykuł zawiera przegląd procesów czyszczenia PCB i wybór optymalnego środka czyszczącego. Skupimy się na zastosowaniu środków czyszczących na bazie wody, środków do usuwania topników i IPA. Omówiono główne zalety i wady każdego środka, aby można było wybrać odpowiedni środek czyszczący.


IPA jest jednym z najpopularniejszych rozpuszczalników stosowanych do czyszczenia PCB. Jego skuteczność wzrasta, gdy jest pozyskiwany z zarejestrowanego źródła. Dodatkowo, wysokiej jakości IPA zwiększa trwałość PCB. Czyszczenie PCB jest najskuteczniejszym procesem, jeśli jest przeprowadzane przy użyciu odpowiednich narzędzi czyszczących.

Optymalny płyn czyszczący zależy od zanieczyszczeń, które mają zostać usunięte, temperatury powierzchni rozpuszczalników chemicznych i przyjazności rozpuszczalnika dla środowiska. Czyszczenie w fazie gazowej jest odpowiednie dla płytek PCB, które mają wiele warstw. Rozpuszczalnik może dotrzeć nawet do najmniejszej części płytki.

Środki czyszczące na bazie wody

Roztwory czyszczące PCB na bazie wody są doskonałym wyborem do usuwania topnika, który może uszkodzić płytki drukowane. Podczas gdy niektóre rodzaje topników są rozpuszczalne w wodzie, inne wymagają innego rozpuszczalnika. Podczas czyszczenia płytek drukowanych wodą, najlepiej jest unikać wystawiania płytek na nadmierne działanie wody. W rzeczywistości krótkotrwała ekspozycja na wodę może nawet skrócić żywotność niektórych elementów elektronicznych.

Środek czyszczący używany do czyszczenia PCB jest zwykle na bazie wody i może być stosowany zarówno przez zanurzenie, jak i szczotkowanie. Jeśli używasz pędzla, możesz podgrzać rozpuszczalnik, aby poprawić wydajność czyszczenia. Upewnij się jednak, że używasz rozpuszczalnika, który nie zawiera żadnych środków usuwających topnik, które mogą zapalić się po podgrzaniu. Niektóre łagodne rozpuszczalniki można zmieszać z wacikami bawełnianymi lub piankowymi, aby poprawić skuteczność czyszczenia. Alternatywnie można użyć nasączonych chusteczek zawierających alkohol izopropylowy.

Podczas gdy rozpuszczalniki zawierają różne niebezpieczne substancje zanieczyszczające powietrze i dlatego podlegają regulacjom Agencji Ochrony Środowiska, środki czyszczące na bazie wody nie podlegają regulacjom i nie niosą ze sobą takiego samego ryzyka. Niemniej jednak zapewniają one wysoki poziom zmienności procesu. Na przykład, rozpuszczalniki mogą być stosowane w niskich temperaturach i mogą osiągać temperatury nawet do 200C. Środki czyszczące na bazie wody mają również wyższe napięcie powierzchniowe, co może utrudniać ich penetrację w ciasnych przestrzeniach. Na szczęście właściwości te można przezwyciężyć, podnosząc temperaturę roztworu czyszczącego lub stosując różne środki powierzchniowo czynne i emulgatory.

Środki do usuwania topników

Zmywacze topnika to świetny sposób na usunięcie pozostałości lutowia z płytki PCB przed lutowaniem. Jest to ważne, ponieważ pozostałości topnika mogą powodować korozję i dendryty, które są cząsteczkami jonowymi połączonymi razem między punktami styku na płytce. Jeśli cząsteczki te nie zostaną usunięte, mogą spowodować zwarcie lub upływ prądu. Środki do usuwania topnika mogą być wykonane z wielu rozpuszczalników, w tym alkoholu izopropylowego.

Środki do usuwania topnika są dostępne w postaci płynnej lub aerozolowej. Płyny te są specjalnie zaprojektowane do usuwania wszelkiego rodzaju pozostałości kalafonii i topnika z płytek drukowanych. Można je również nakładać na płytki drukowane za pomocą pędzla lub zbiornika zanurzeniowego. Płyny te skutecznie usuwają pozostałości topnika i są bezpieczne w użyciu wokół wszystkich komponentów.

Jeśli potrzebujesz silniejszego rozpuszczalnika, możesz użyć Flux Removal 4. Jest to spray w aerozolu zawierający rozpuszczalniki przeznaczone do czyszczenia PCB. Do nakładania roztworu używany jest specjalny pędzel. Pędzel jest wykonany z wysokiej jakości włókien, które są odporne na chemiczne i mechaniczne działanie płynu. Nie ma potrzeby spłukiwania PCB tym rozpuszczalnikiem, ponieważ szybko odparowuje. Środki do usuwania topników mogą być również stosowane do usuwania innych zanieczyszczeń z PCB.

Alkohol izopropylowy

Czyszczenie PCB można wykonać za pomocą różnych narzędzi, w tym pędzla i zanurzenia w płynie. Dodanie ciepła do rozpuszczalnika może poprawić wydajność czyszczenia. Należy to jednak robić tylko w przypadku niepalnych środków do usuwania topnika. Oprócz szczotek można również użyć wacików bawełnianych lub piankowych nasączonych łagodnym rozpuszczalnikiem. Waciki te są zwykle dostępne w dozownikach z pompką. Inną opcją jest użycie nasączonych chusteczek zawierających alkohol izopropylowy.

Alkohol izopropylowy jest tanim i powszechnie dostępnym rozpuszczalnikiem do czyszczenia PCB. Szybko odparowuje i zawiera mniej substancji chemicznych niż inne środki czyszczące. Jednak podczas używania go do czyszczenia PCB ważne jest, aby używać wysokiej jakości alkoholu izopropylowego. Alkohol niższej jakości może uszkodzić elementy elektroniczne. Ponadto z alkoholem izopropylowym należy obchodzić się w rękawiczkach lateksowych. Woda destylowana jest również odpowiednią alternatywą, ponieważ nie zawiera jonów przewodzących, które mogą powodować korozję.

Stężenie alkoholu izopropylowego w wodzie wpływa na czas schnięcia. Im wyższy procent wody, tym dłużej trwa suszenie roztworu. Ponadto, im wyższa zawartość wody w rozpuszczalniku, tym wyższe napięcie powierzchniowe alkoholu i tym więcej czasu potrzeba na wyschnięcie. Nie jest to korzystne w przypadku optyki, gdzie plamy wodne stanowią problem.

Dlaczego warto wybrać ENEPIG PCB zamiast innych wykończeń powierzchni PCB?

Dlaczego warto wybrać ENEPIG PCB zamiast innych wykończeń powierzchni PCB?

There are several advantages to using ENEPIG pcb over other PCB surface finishes. Among them, ENEPIG is more reliable than HASL and is cheaper. It also resists corrosion better. ENEPIG pcb is also cheaper than ENIG.

ENEPIG pcb surface finish

ENEPIG is a surface finish that reduces the risk of black pads on a PCB. It is used to protect copper and gold layers against oxidation, which helps to improve the lifespan of circuit boards. It is also a good choice for high-density applications, allowing designers to reduce component sizes. It also offers exceptional weldability and solderability. These benefits make it a preferred choice over other organic and electroplated metal coatings.

ENEPIG pcb surface finishes are ideal for a variety of assembly methods, including wire bonding and press-fit components. The material is extremely durable and can withstand multiple lead-free reflow soldering cycles. Moreover, ENEPIG is ideal for EMI/RFI applications, which require a high level of reliability.

Compared to traditional electrolytic nickel gold processes, ENEPIG offers improved flexibility and shelf life. It has a higher cost, but it is more reliable. It uses a three-step process to produce a shiny, flat surface. ENEPIG is also lead-free and has a longer shelf life.

It is cheaper than ENIG

There are several advantages to using ENEPIG PCB over ENEG, including the fact that it is more corrosion-resistant, has high wire bond pull strengths, and is ideal for conductive adhesives. Moreover, it is cheaper than ENEG and has a longer shelf life.

The two-layer metal coating gives ENEPIG a number of benefits. This is because it protects the PCB against friction and oxidation while preserving the solderability of palladium. It also requires an electrode to serve as the gold finger during the solder mask process. ENEPIG is primarily used for IC carrier boards, and only where a gold finger is required. ENEPIG was designed as an alternative to the black phosphorus pad of ENIG. Its palladium layer provides better anti-friction and wire bonding properties.

ENEPIG has many advantages and is popular for its cost-effectiveness. Unlike gold and other metal plating options, it is far cheaper and has a higher bond pull strength. Moreover, it can be used for most assembly processes. Furthermore, ENEPIG has a longer shelf life than gold.

It is more reliable than HASL

If you are planning to make a circuit board, you might be wondering if ENIG is better than HASL. Both of these finishes are suitable for electronic circuit boards, but they have their own advantages. If you want to make your board environmentally friendly, ENIG is a better choice.

The main advantage of ENIG over HASL is its flatness. This flatness is necessary to avoid solder gaps and ensure accurate placement of components. It also helps to avoid shorts and opens. This makes ENIG the better choice for high-pin-count and fine-pitch circuit boards.

ENEPIG is not commonly used in PCB manufacturing. It is a water-based organic compound applied onto bare copper surfaces. This organic film selectively combines with the copper to form an organic metal layer that is resistant to corrosion and oxidation. The organic layer is removable during soldering, but it prevents oxidation and tarnishing.

It is more resistant to corrosion

Compared to conventional tin-plated boards, ENEPIG PCBs are more corrosion-resistant. They feature multi-layers of gold and palladium, which prevent black nickel from forming on the surface. The ENEPIG finish is also pore-free and smooth, making it less likely to trap corrosive elements.

ENIG PCBs are more corrosion-resistant than gold-plated boards, because it has an additional layer of palladium between the gold and nickel layers. The palladium layer completely covers the nickel layer, which prevents the formation of Black Pad Syndrome. Unlike gold, palladium has a higher fusion point and lower oxidation speed than gold, making it more resistant to corrosion.

ENEPIG has many advantages over traditional tin-plated boards. ENEPIG has improved solder joint longevity and can withstand temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees C. Its high-density, switch-contact surface, and excellent multiple reflow soldering capability make ENEPIG an excellent choice for high-density PCBs and multiple surface packages.

What Is RoHS and Why It Is Important?

What Is RoHS and Why It Is Important?

Many manufacturers of EEE have questions about the new RoHS regulations. Many are wondering how to apply for the directive. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions. RoHS is a directive that governs the use of hazardous substances and their substitutes. It also requires manufacturers to make their products more environmentally friendly.

RoHS is a directive

RoHS is a directive that controls hazardous substances in manufacturing equipment. The directive was introduced in Europe in order to reduce the amount of e-waste and improve human welfare. This directive is followed by manufacturers and distributors all over the world. Some countries also have their own versions of the directive. Under the directive, all companies that produce cables, components, or EEE appliances must go through testing to ensure compliance with the directive.

If a product is not compliant with RoHS, the manufacturer can be fined. The penalties for non-compliance vary from EU member state to country, but typically include massive fines and even imprisonment. Workforce training is essential to ensure compliance.

It applies to products in the EU

The RoHS directive is an environmental protection law that applies to a wide variety of electronic and electrical products. This directive is particularly relevant to the automotive industry because it covers electrical cables found in automobiles. The EU has strict limits on certain substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium, which can be found in automobile batteries.

Under the directive, manufacturers are not allowed to use hazardous substances in their products. This directive was adopted in 2002 and applies to products sold and used in the European Union. The directive contains more specific requirements, requiring manufacturers to include a CE marking on their products.

It restricts the use of hazardous substances

The European Union has adopted the RoHS directive, which restricts the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. The directive came into effect in February 2003. The aim of the Directive is to protect the environment and the health of consumers. To comply with the directive, electronic equipment and packaging must contain no more than 20 percent hazardous substances.

The legislation primarily applies to products manufactured in the EU. Certain exemptions apply to products sold in certain countries. The EU regularly updates the list of restricted substances, and changes its exemptions, if necessary. The new regulations are based on scientific findings on biological toxicology and acknowledge the long-term effects of low-level chemical exposures on populations. Furthermore, new testing methods are now able to detect environmental toxicants at much lower concentrations. These findings are causing scientists to associate low-level exposures to harmful effects, such as developmental and neurological changes.

It increases the cost of production

The increased cost of compliance with RoHS regulations is a big challenge for small to medium-sized manufacturers (CMs). The costs of RoHS compliance can account for up to 5.2% of the total cost of production, and may include increased testing and administration fees. Companies are also required to spend more time on the exemption process, which can also increase costs. To combat this problem, more CMs are developing strategies to manage and reduce costs associated with RoHS compliance.

Aside from increased costs, RoHS also carries a high risk of fines. A failure to comply with RoHS can result in product recalls, a write-down of obsolete inventory, and long-term opportunity costs. In addition, lost sales and market share may never be recovered if the brand name of the company is damaged.

It protects the environment

The RoHS directive is a EU legislation that limits the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE). It also promotes the collection and recycling of WEEE. These two directives aim to protect the environment by limiting the amount of hazardous substances in EEE. PCBA123 is committed to protecting people and the environment, and our products meet the RoHS and WEEE regulations.

These rules are designed to help manufacturers identify and avoid harmful substances and find more environmentally friendly alternatives. While they do not apply to all products, they can help the environment and save money. By using RoHS, manufacturers can reduce the amount of harmful substances they use while maintaining the quality and efficiency of their products.