Cara Memproduksi Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Cara Memproduksi Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Untuk menyelesaikan fabrikasi PCB, penting untuk berkomunikasi dengan CM dan OEM. Kedua kelompok harus menggunakan file desain yang sama untuk menghindari kesalahan dalam proses fabrikasi akhir. Bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat papan sirkuit tercetak juga harus hemat biaya bagi pembeli akhir. OEM harus menyetujui jenis bahan yang akan digunakan untuk desain PCB, sedangkan CM harus memastikan bahwa bahan tersebut sesuai dengan anggaran mereka.

Pengeboran kedalaman terkendali

Pengeboran kedalaman terkendali digunakan untuk menyambungkan lapisan tembaga pada papan PCB. Ini juga dapat digunakan untuk mengebor lembar PCB. Penting untuk menggunakan ukuran bor yang tepat untuk bahan dan ketebalan papan PCB tertentu. Jika Anda tidak yakin dengan kedalaman yang tepat untuk mengebor, seorang profesional dapat membantu Anda.

Pengeboran kedalaman terkendali dapat membantu mengurangi pantulan sinyal yang disebabkan oleh rintisan. Hal ini juga mengurangi radiasi EMI/EMC. Proses ini paling efektif untuk PCB frekuensi tinggi. Namun, proses ini memerlukan teknik pengeboran yang unik untuk menghindari kerusakan jejak lateral.


Mengetsa papan PCB adalah prosedur sederhana yang melibatkan pencelupan PCB ke dalam larutan etsa yang mengandung besi klorida. Larutan ini bereaksi dengan tembaga pada papan dan menghilangkan tembaga yang tidak diinginkan. Anda harus ingat untuk tidak menuangkan larutan langsung ke air dan mengeringkan PCB dengan benar setelah proses.

Selama proses etsa, Anda harus menyiapkan alat dan bahan yang diperlukan. Setelah Anda memiliki bahan-bahan ini, sekarang saatnya untuk memulai prosesnya. Langkah-langkah berikut ini akan memandu Anda melalui proses etsa papan PCB. Bahan-bahan yang Anda perlukan tercantum di bawah ini. Untuk setiap bahan, Anda akan membutuhkan sejumlah air.

Pertama, Anda harus mempersiapkan PCB dengan menerapkan lapisan tipis timah atau timah. Hal ini akan melindungi tembaga pada papan agar tidak rusak. Kemudian, Anda akan membutuhkan larutan kimia yang akan menghilangkan timah tanpa merusak jalur sirkuit tembaga. Setelah ini, Anda akan dapat meneruskannya ke langkah berikutnya. Selanjutnya, Anda perlu menerapkan bahan penahan solder ke area di mana tembaga tidak disolder. Hal ini akan mencegah solder menciptakan jejak dan korslet pada komponen di dekatnya.


Laminasi papan PCB adalah proses menutupi papan sirkuit tercetak dengan film pelindung. Laminasi PCB dapat melindungi papan sirkuit Anda dengan mengurangi jumlah paparan elemen berbahaya, seperti halogen. Elemen-elemen ini berbahaya bagi manusia dan lingkungan. Meskipun tidak ada persyaratan khusus untuk laminasi PCB, ada baiknya mempertimbangkannya jika ada kemungkinan produk Anda akan terpapar halogen.

Laminator memiliki beberapa pelat yang dapat dimuat. Selama proses laminasi, PCB ditempatkan di antara pelat dan disejajarkan dengan pin. Proses ini disebut "laminasi", dan dilakukan di bawah suhu dan tekanan tinggi. Selama proses laminasi, ruang hampa udara digunakan untuk mencegah terbentuknya rongga di dalam papan sirkuit dan mencegahnya kehilangan integritas strukturalnya.

Kapan Papan Sirkuit Cetak Diciptakan?

Kapan Papan Sirkuit Cetak Diciptakan?

Papan sirkuit tercetak adalah jenis papan sirkuit listrik yang digunakan untuk mengirimkan sinyal elektronik melalui perangkat elektronik. Paul Eisler adalah orang yang mematenkan PCB. Sejak penemuannya, teknologi ini telah membantu kita membangun stasiun luar angkasa, membuat ponsel kita berfungsi, dan bahkan mengurangi biaya pembuatan perangkat elektronik.

Mereka mengurangi biaya pembuatan perangkat elektronik

Pengenalan papan sirkuit cetak mengurangi biaya produksi perangkat elektronik dengan membuatnya lebih ringkas dan ringan. Papan ini terdiri dari lapisan tembaga dan substrat, serta memiliki layar sutra dan masker solder. Sebelum diperkenalkannya papan sirkuit cetak, sirkuit dibangun dengan menghubungkan komponen secara langsung dengan kabel. Dalam banyak kasus, kabel disolder ke kabel komponen untuk membuat jalur konduktif. Selain itu, produksi sirkuit sangat padat karya dan mahal.

PCB dapat mengandung beberapa lapisan tembaga, yang hampir selalu disusun berpasangan. Jumlah lapisan dan desain interkoneksi mengindikasikan kerumitan papan. Semakin banyak lapisan yang dimiliki sebuah papan, semakin rumit papan tersebut, dan semakin banyak waktu yang diperlukan untuk memproduksinya. Selain itu, jumlah vias yang digunakan dalam sebuah papan juga memengaruhi kerumitannya. Meskipun vias yang lebih sedikit menghasilkan PCB yang lebih sederhana dan lebih murah, lebih banyak lapisan diperlukan untuk sirkuit kelas atas.

PCB dapat dikategorikan menjadi papan fleksibel dan kaku. PCB fleksibel-kaku adalah hibrida inovatif dari kedua jenis tersebut. Manfaat utama PCB fleksibel adalah memiliki semua interkonektivitas elektronik di dalam papan, yang membantu mengurangi ukuran dan berat papan sambil mempertahankan keandalan dan daya tahannya. Lebih lanjut, PCB fleksibel ini dapat digunakan pada perangkat yang dapat dikenakan dan perangkat elektronik sekali pakai. Jenis papan sirkuit cetak baru ini telah membuka jalan baru bagi para perancang dan produsen listrik yang kreatif untuk menciptakan perangkat elektronik dengan spesifikasi yang unik dan fungsional.

Cara Merekayasa Balik Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Cara Merekayasa Balik Papan Sirkuit Cetak

To reverse engineer a Printed Circuit Board, you will first need to create a schematic diagram. This will enable you to identify weaknesses in a competitor’s PCB. In this article, we will also talk about the data acquisition process. If you have a PCB with a complex design, reverse engineering will require more focus and time.

Using a schematic diagram

When you need to reverse engineer a printed circuit board, you can use a schematic diagram. These drawings are very useful for describing how the components are connected and work together. They can also be used for generating supporting documents, like a PCB schematic diagram.

There are many different programs that can produce schematics from a layout. AutoTrace, for example, is an excellent program for this task. It works by converting a bitmap image into a vector graphic and can produce an accurate schematic quickly. However, more complex PCBs require a more extensive and detailed process, and many hours of work.

The next step in reverse engineering a printed circuit board is to find the specific components on the board. It is important to select the meaningful components and assign them to specific schematic pages. These components should have a large number of leads and a significant function. This process is based on a principle called Automatism, which assigns symbols that have close connections to one another. This principle is similar to the “child wants to be close to its mother” principle.

Using X-ray tomography

Using X-ray tomography, a form of imaging technology that uses X-rays to see the inside of an electronic device, can be a useful tool in reverse engineering. The technology can help you identify individual components, such as transistors. In addition, it can help you determine the components’ exact locations.

Traditionally, reverse engineering entails physical alterations to a printed circuit board in order to uncover its internal components. However, this process is highly error-prone, time-consuming, and can damage a product. In order to use X-ray tomography to reverse-engineer a printed circuit board, you need a machine that can acquire detailed images of the PCB.

Traditional computed tomography (CTM) is not suitable for examining PCBs. In order to capture a detailed image of a circuit board, it must be rotated 360 degrees while being exposed to x-rays. The amount of attenuation at each projection on the detector is then used to reconstruct the object. However, it’s important to understand that X-ray tomography isn’t a foolproof method, and the quality of the results depends on the X-ray exposure.

Using data acquisition

Using data acquisition to reverse engineer a PCB involves examining the PCB’s internal and external layers. This process can be used to create a new, identical PCB or improve an existing one. It is also useful for identifying competitive features. The process requires a sample PCB that is either bare or partially populated.

PCB reverse engineering is a technique used to analyze existing electronic products to reproduce them at a lower cost and with better features. The process can be performed with the help of software tools. In many cases, these programs can also produce documents and schematics of the PCB.

The process involves scanning a board and creating 3D CAD models of it. This data collection process creates a cloud of points, which may contain millions of XYZ and IJK co-ordinates. The data is captured from multiple views and locations, so each point will need to be aligned and positioned accurately in a single co-ordinate system. Then, the data must be transformed into a triangulated STL polygonal file.

Identifying weaknesses in a competitor’s PCB

If you’re trying to find a competitive edge over your competitor, one way to do so is to look at their work processes. These work processes can reveal a variety of weaknesses in a company, such as a rigid structure, a weak business model, and a lack of leadership. While it’s not always easy to admit weaknesses, recognizing them is critical for future growth.

5 Tips For Building a PC From Scratch

5 Tips For Building a PC From Scratch

If you’re looking to build a PC yourself, you’ll want to keep in mind 10 tips for building a PC. These tips will help you avoid making some of the most common PC building mistakes. These mistakes can cost you a lot of time and money, so they’re worth noting.

Buying a copy of Windows from the start

If you are building a PC from scratch, one of the first decisions you will have to make is what operating system to use. Windows is a very common operating system and will work with virtually all PCs. It also makes full use of the various features of your PC. If you want to use another operating system instead, you can try Linux. Linux is a free alternative to Windows that can run on most PCs.

Buying a high-end video card

Buying a high-end video card is a great way to increase the performance of your computer. These devices are available in a variety of price ranges, and some models can be overclocked for greater performance. To make sure that you get the right card for your needs, take a look at the requirements of your applications and games before making your purchase.

GPUs are one of the most power-hungry components in a modern PC. You should make sure that the power supply you choose for your PC is sufficient. Because GPUs generate a large amount of heat, they need a high-quality power supply in order to run reliably. Most graphics cards have a recommended power supply of around 750 watts. However, you should also consider the other components in your PC before deciding which video card to purchase.

Pairing a high-end video card with a cheap 1080p monitor

When you are building a PC from scratch, you can pair a high-end video card with comparatively inexpensive hardware. However, it is imperative that you consider the resolution of the monitor. For example, a 1920×1080 resolution monitor will do just fine for most games, but if you need to play AAA titles at higher frame rates, you should choose a high-end video card.

Getting a range of screwdrivers in your tool kit

The screwdriver is one of the most important tools you’ll need when building a PC from scratch. Tightening screws is essential for holding the parts in place and preventing any damage. There are different types of screwdrivers, including Phillips and crosshead ones. Some screwdrivers have longer necks so they can reach hard-to-reach areas. Another helpful tool is a magnetic screwdriver. These are easy to convert with a magnetizer and are generally less expensive than the standard screwdriver.

You’ll need to get a range of screwdrivers to fit the type of screws you’ll be using. Torx screwdrivers come in a variety of sizes and are stylized with a “T.” You’ll also need Japanese Industrial Standard screwdrivers, which look like Phillips heads, but have cross-shaped blades. They’re useful for fastening electronic components and are available in small sizes. There are also various types of tri-wing and point screws for use on electronic components.

Setting a budget

While a PC’s price is a major deciding factor in building one, there are ways to build a PC within a budget. While building a PC can be fun, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. If you’re building a gaming PC, you might want to consider RGB lighting. However, you’ll need to be aware of the price of these lights.

First, remember that computer parts are expensive. The price of the parts you choose for your PC will greatly affect the price of the final PC. While most builders aim to match the performance of a pre-built PC, the cost of custom upgrades can significantly increase the final cost. You can expect to pay more for a faster processor or an SSD with more storage space.

Mengapa Papan Sirkuit Cetak Berwarna Hijau?

Mengapa Papan Sirkuit Cetak Berwarna Hijau?

Warna yang paling umum digunakan pada PCB adalah hijau. Ini adalah warna termurah untuk diproduksi dan warna standar untuk papan sirkuit cetak abad ke-21. Warna ini juga merupakan warna regulasi untuk PCB militer AS, karena warna ini paling tahan terhadap kondisi yang keras. Hasilnya, hijau adalah pilihan populer di antara produsen yang terutama memasok militer. Warna ini juga terbukti menjadi pilihan termurah bagi pelanggan non-militer.

Solder mask protects traces from oxidation

A solder mask protects traces from oxidation, creating a strong electrical bond between components and boards. Its adhesive features help PCB designers firmly hold components on the board. Its role is to prevent oxidation of copper traces and to prevent the formation of solder bridges.

Solder masks can be applied during hand soldering or automatically using an automatic assembly system. Regardless of the method of assembly, a solder mask is an essential part of PCB fabrication. It helps prevent oxidation of copper traces, hinders unexpected connections and keeps dirt and dust from contaminating the board.

The manufacture of solder masks is a highly sophisticated process that requires advanced technology and up-to-date equipment. Because of the high precision and high-quality equipment involved, it is not possible to produce solder masks at home. A typical manufacturing process involves several steps, with the final step being thermal curing.

There are many types of solder masks available for PCB manufacturing. It is important to choose the right one for your project and needs. A PCB manufacturing expert will be able to advise you on the most suitable one. Copper is often difficult to connect if it is oxidized or smooth, so a solder mask is needed to protect it from oxidation.

A solder mask also protects traces from oxidation by preventing traces from bridging. This is particularly important for BGAs and fine-pitch traces. By defining a small gap between exposed pads and solder mask, a dam is created preventing molten solder from flowing onto neighboring pads. It also helps hold solder droplets in place during soldering.

Relieves fatigue

One of the benefits of a green PCB is that it makes it easier to inspect it visually. When the PCB is green, employees can easily see all the parts and can perform manual screening more effectively. The green color is the most comfortable for the human eye, and it also creates noticeable contrast.

Previously, workers would use their bare eyes to check a board’s quality, but that was a tiring task. Researchers say the color green is calming to the brain. Human eyes are incredibly sensitive to green light. This means that a green PCB can clearly show any flaws on the external layers.

Green solder masks are another benefit. Using these masks can make PCB inspection less tiring. Human eye sensors are particularly sensitive to green light wavelengths, so a green solder mask will make it easier to see traces and residues on the board. Another reason for using green solder masks is that they are stronger and easier to mass-produce. PCB assembly services often use these masks in the manufacturing process to reduce worker fatigue.

Another reason why green PCBs are preferable is that green light has an anti-fatigue effect. Green light reduces eye strain and provides contrast, making it easier for workers to inspect a PCB visually. It also provides a soothing effect, which can reduce fatigue caused by prolonged manual inspections.

Improves human legibility

A green board makes it easier to distinguish individual circuit traces and pads. This color has the highest contrast of all the colors, making it easier for humans to inspect the boards. It is also the easiest colour for the human eye to perceive, so this colour is useful when working with small, intricate objects.

When printed circuit boards are green, it is easier for employees to examine the boards. The color’s contrast helps them to see all the parts of the board and conduct effective manual screening. Because green has a high contrast, it also reduces eye strain. This allows employees inspecting the boards to see all the circuitry.

Because of its contrast, green PCBs are easier for people to read, especially when paired with white text. Green PCBs are also easier to inspect by hand, which is a key benefit for manufacturers. As green is more easily visible than any other color, it can reduce the risk of eye strain and increase efficiency. As a result, green is a preferred color in many factories.

Green PCBs are much easier to read than those with white silkscreened identities. The colour is the best complement to human legible font. In the 1960s, Peter Skipping, founder of Artech Devices, created a PCB with green solder resistance that he soldered to the copper pads of the panel. This solder resistor protected the copper traces from the high temperatures of machine tinning.

What Is the Main Printed Circuit Board in a Computer?

What Is the Main Printed Circuit Board in a Computer?

The main printed circuit board in a computer, also known as the MoBo, serves many functions. It is the central piece of the computer, and its main function is to allow different parts of the system to communicate. This is accomplished by utilizing “buses,” which are copper traces that run across the PCB. The MoBo usually contains the CPU, which is typically located in the center.


A computer motherboard, or “motherboard”, is a rigid flat board that contains electronic components and interconnects them via copper pathways. The motherboard is usually the main PCB in a computer, but it can also refer to smaller boards that plug into slots on the main board, such as an expansion card or a flexible circuit board.

The motherboard supports all other computer components, and it contains the circuits that allow devices to communicate with each other. The motherboard also has slots for various components, including the processor and the memory. Almost all computers have a motherboard, and they connect the various parts and peripherals to each other.

The CPU is installed on the motherboard and is connected to it through a connector known as a socket. The CPU socket is responsible for providing mechanical and electrical connections and enables installation without soldering. The CPU socket also contains the processor’s BIOS, or basic operating system, which is the first software to run on a PC system board.

Single-sided PCB

A single-sided printed circuit board, or PCB, is an electronic circuit board with conducting wires on one side and components mounted on the other side. These circuit boards are the most common and are widely used in a wide variety of electronic devices, such as computers, printers, radio equipment, calculators, and more. Because they are relatively simple to manufacture, they are ideal for low-density designs. Moreover, single-sided PCBs can be procured at lower prices when purchased in large quantities.

Single-sided PCBs should be designed with high-quality software and verified by a professional before fabrication. Moreover, they should be protected from excessive heat, dust, or humidity. In addition, the PCB should be used in a suitable environment and periodically checked to ensure that it is functioning properly. Exposure to high-level contaminants, poor solder joints, or unsuitable material may result in a board failure.

When you’re ready to place an order for a single-sided PCB, you must first know what size of board you’ll need. Once you have done that, you can start searching for a reliable supplier or manufacturer. Once you’ve located a suitable manufacturer, you should contact them and make an order. When you place your order, don’t forget to specify the quantity, payment method, and mode of transport.


Resistors are the basic building blocks of computer circuits. They are used in a variety of applications to control current. They are also used to dissipate heat. The power rating of a resistor is specified in physical units called “watts.” Typically, resistors in computers and other small electronics are rated at less than a quarter of a watt. Although resistor size is not directly related to power rating, it is a convenient way to see its effect on power dissipation.

Electrons find it difficult to move through a thin wire, which limits their flow through the resistor. The amount of electrons flowing through a resistor decreases as the wire is longer and thinner. Resistors have many applications, but the most common are in resistor-capacitor networks.

Inductors are also two-terminal, linear passive components of PCBs. These two-terminal devices store electrical energy by using magnetic fields. They are also known as chokers, reactors, and coils. They typically consist of a core surrounded by insulated wire. The more wire that wraps around the core, the higher the magnetic field. Inductors also contain windings, which amplify the magnetic field.

Copper thickness

Copper thickness is one of the most important considerations when creating a PCB. The thickness of the copper base material determines the overall conductivity and efficiency of the PCB. Copper thickness is measured in ounces per square foot, and can range from 0.5 to 2 ounces for different PCBs.

Thicker copper is more expensive than thinner copper, and it also requires more process engineering and quality assurance. Additionally, thicker copper can have a negative effect on the thermal profile of the board. It can significantly increase the amount of heat that is absorbed during the reflow stage. Thicker copper is more difficult to etch, and can result in unacceptably uneven sidewalls and undercutting of the copper. Fortunately, specialized etching and plating techniques have made it possible to eliminate these problems.

The thickness of the PCB’s copper varies based on the configuration and construction sequence used. Two-layer circuits are usually 1.6mm thick, while four or six-layer multilayers can vary between 2.6mm and 5.5mm. Moreover, varying thickness is possible due to metallization, mechanical requirements, or characteristic impedances. Generally, printed circuit boards have two or three prepregs, which are glass fiber fabrics filled with resin and pressed together.

How to Get a Good Price on a PCB Prototype

How to Get a Good Price on a PCB Prototype

When choosing a PCB manufacturing company, make sure that the company has a good reputation. Look at their client portfolio and testimonials. Find out how long they’ve been in business and what industry best practices they follow. Also, find out how they approach customer support. If they offer proactive support, this is a good sign.

Choosing a PCB manufacturer

In selecting a PCB manufacturer, you must take several factors into consideration. First, you should choose one that has the right experience in your industry. Second, the company you choose must have the right turn-around time and be able to meet your deadlines. Third, the manufacturer should be able to meet your needs without sacrificing quality. In addition, you should choose a manufacturer that can become a valuable asset in your fast-paced technology space.

Third, make sure that the PCB manufacturer you choose can work with your file format. The most common file format is Gerber, but some manufacturers can work with a variety of file formats. Finally, be sure to find out where the PCB is being assembled and how it works. Make sure to choose a PCB manufacturer that can handle your requirements and provide you with the quality control that you require.

When choosing a PCB manufacturer, remember that a prototype will change a lot before its final completion. It may require modifications to the components or even the entire shape. If you need to make changes to your prototype, make sure that the PCB manufacturer you choose can do so in a timely manner.

While choosing a PCB manufacturer, make sure to check out their certifications and test methods. They should also be able to provide testing options to ensure that your PCBs are quality-controlled. After all, no one wants to pay for a prototype with subpar quality, so look for a PCB manufacturer that will provide the highest quality at a reasonable price.

Choosing a low cost PCB manufacturer

When selecting a low-cost PCB manufacturer, there are a few factors that you should keep in mind. First, a manufacturer should have a portfolio of previous work and testimonials. Secondly, the company should be experienced in your industry. That means they have the knowledge and industry best practices that you need for your project. Lastly, a manufacturer should be focused on building long-term relationships with its customers. A proactive customer support team is another good sign.

While a low-cost PCB manufacturer can offer you a competitive price, you shouldn’t skimp on quality. Many PCB manufacturers have strong relationships with their suppliers and can offer low-cost PCBs without compromising on quality. A manufacturer should also follow RoHS regulations to avoid using hazardous substances.

Before settling on a PCB manufacturer, determine your product’s requirements. These will narrow down your options. For example, do you need a PCB prototype or high-volume production? It’s vital that the manufacturer follow your specifications and follow your requirements. Also, low-cost PCB manufacturers tend to offer limited fab notes and limited engineering support. If you’re unsure, visiting the manufacturer may help.

You should also be aware of the manufacturer’s certifications. Certifications are third-party verifications of the company’s compliance with standards. Checking out the company’s accreditations will give you a better idea of whether the company is qualified to produce your PCBs.

Choosing a quick turn PCB manufacturer

The key to a successful quick turn PCB manufacturing process is to select a manufacturer with a proven track record in the industry. You should be able to easily communicate with them and ask questions if necessary. A reliable manufacturer should also offer free quality checks to minimize the risk of defective boards.

Quality standards and fast turnaround time are also important considerations when choosing a quick turn PCB manufacturer. A manufacturer with quality equipment and qualified staff should be able to deliver the PCBs within a short timeframe. If they can shorten the lead time, the cost of the quick turn PCB will be lower.

A quick turn PCB manufacturer can provide fast and reliable PCB prototypes for your business. It is essential to choose one that has a long list of satisfied customers and has an excellent reputation. Some quick turn PCB manufacturers have teams that work round the clock. This means that your prototype may not take more than a few days. While fast turnaround times are valuable for some businesses, they may come at a higher cost than other solutions.

The process begins with PCB design preparation. After your PCB designer has prepared the design, the PCB manufacturer will need to receive it in Gerber file format. Gerber files are a file format that allows for secure communication of PCB design information. The client typically sends the Gerber files to the manufacturer via email. However, many users prefer using an online form that they can fill out, attaching the Gerber files. After the Gerber files are received by the PCB manufacturer, you will receive a quote within 24 hours. The PCB manufacturer will then begin the assembly process of your quick turn PCB.