Conception et fabrication de produits électroniques à Singapour

Conception et fabrication de produits électroniques à Singapour

Le secteur de l'électronique à Singapour est incroyablement actif et en pleine croissance. En 2017, plus d'un quart du PIB du pays était attribué à cette industrie. Avec une industrie électronique florissante, il n'est pas surprenant que Singapour soit l'un des principaux exportateurs de produits électroniques. Bien que la région abrite un certain nombre d'entreprises de conception et de fabrication électroniques réputées, il peut être difficile de choisir celle qui conviendra le mieux à votre projet. Vous trouverez ci-dessous un aperçu des éléments à prendre en compte lors de la recherche d'une entreprise EMS.

Les entreprises EMS sont spécialisées dans la conception, l'assemblage et le test de composants électroniques.

L'EMS est le processus de conception, de fabrication et de test des composants et produits électroniques. Les entreprises EMS se spécialisent dans des domaines spécifiques du processus de fabrication, tels que la fabrication de circuits imprimés, le prototypage de circuits intégrés et l'assemblage de composants électroniques. Elles peuvent utiliser différentes technologies d'assemblage de circuits imprimés pour s'assurer que le produit final répond aux spécifications du client. Dans certains cas, les entreprises EMS peuvent concevoir des prototypes pour leurs clients afin de tester le concept de leurs produits avant de s'engager dans une production de masse. Ces prototypes sont souvent construits avec des matériaux moins coûteux et peuvent reproduire fidèlement le produit final.

Une société EMS travaillera en étroite collaboration avec vous pour s'assurer que votre produit est conçu et fabriqué conformément à vos spécifications. Son personnel de vente vous expliquera ses capacités, comprendra vos besoins et établira un devis. Il travaillera également avec les fournisseurs de composants afin d'obtenir les coûts les plus bas et les délais les plus courts.

Lors de la sélection d'un partenaire EMS, veillez à prendre en compte les besoins de votre produit en matière d'après-vente et de services. Votre partenaire EMS doit disposer d'une équipe spécialisée qui peut vous aider à gérer l'obsolescence des composants et la refabrication. L'entreprise doit également proposer une assistance complète pour le cycle de vie de vos produits, y compris des services de gestion de l'obsolescence des composants et de gestion de l'ingénierie des composants. En outre, une bonne communication est essentielle à la réussite d'un projet.

Ils offrent des services de haute technologie

Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour la conception et la production de produits électroniques, Singapour est un excellent choix pour vous. Le pays abrite de nombreuses entreprises de pointe dans le domaine de l'électronique. Par exemple, un certain nombre d'entreprises de semi-conducteurs sont basées ici. Certaines de ces entreprises sont spécialisées dans le développement de produits intelligents et économes en énergie.

L'industrie électronique à Singapour comprend plus de 2 900 entreprises qui offrent une gamme de services de la chaîne de valeur, de la conception des produits à la distribution en passant par la fabrication. Ces entreprises sont spécialisées dans des domaines tels que la conception de circuits intégrés, la communication par satellite, la technologie sans fil, la technologie de cryptage, ainsi que la production et le développement de produits. Avec autant d'options, le choix de la bonne entreprise de conception et de fabrication de produits électroniques peut s'avérer difficile.

La société EMS est une entreprise de fabrication électronique réputée de Singapour. Forte de plus de 40 ans d'expérience, elle propose à diverses industries des solutions de conception innovantes et de qualité. Elle est hautement reconnue pour son expertise et ses technologies émergentes. Par conséquent, l'entreprise est en mesure d'offrir à ses clients une large gamme de produits et de services électroniques qui répondent à leurs besoins.

Ils ont des antécédents en matière de crédit

Il existe de nombreuses entreprises de conception et de fabrication électroniques à Singapour qui fournissent des services aux entreprises et aux particuliers. L'industrie est très importante à Singapour et représente plus d'un quart du PIB du pays. Singapour est également l'un des principaux exportateurs de produits électroniques. Toutefois, compte tenu du grand nombre d'options disponibles, il peut s'avérer difficile de choisir l'entreprise qui répondra le mieux à vos besoins. Voici quelques éléments à prendre en compte lors du choix d'une entreprise de conception et de fabrication de produits électroniques à Singapour.

Un historique crédible est une qualité importante à rechercher dans les entreprises de conception et de fabrication électroniques. Plus ces entreprises existent depuis longtemps, plus elles sont susceptibles de posséder le savoir-faire et les processus nécessaires pour fournir des résultats de qualité. Cela leur permet de gagner la confiance de leurs clients. Une entreprise forte de plusieurs dizaines d'années d'expérience est également plus susceptible de disposer de processus, de technologies et d'un savoir-faire technique affinés pour garantir la réussite de votre projet.

Ils offrent des produits de haute qualité

Les entreprises de conception électronique de Singapour proposent une large gamme de services et de produits. La plupart d'entre elles fournissent des services de chaîne de valeur, y compris le développement de produits, la fabrication et la distribution. Elles se concentrent sur divers secteurs, notamment la conception de circuits intégrés, la technologie sans fil, la communication par satellite et la technologie de cryptage. Certaines offrent une solution complète, tandis que d'autres se concentrent sur des niches. Avec un tel éventail d'offres, le choix de la bonne entreprise peut s'avérer difficile.

EMS Company est l'un des principaux fabricants d'électronique de Singapour, offrant des services et des produits de pointe. Elle est présente dans l'industrie depuis plus de 40 ans, au service de divers secteurs. EMS Company met l'accent sur le développement de nouvelles technologies et la fourniture de solutions innovantes. Son équipe d'ingénieurs se consacre à la fourniture de produits de haute qualité et à l'intégration des technologies émergentes dans ses conceptions.

Lorsque vous recherchez une entreprise de conception et de fabrication de produits électroniques, il est important de choisir une entreprise réputée qui a l'habitude de fournir des services de qualité. Vous aurez ainsi l'assurance que l'entreprise est digne de confiance. En outre, les entreprises qui sont en activité depuis des décennies sont susceptibles de disposer de processus, de technologies et d'un savoir-faire technique perfectionnés. Faire appel à une entreprise réputée vous aidera à protéger votre entreprise et votre avenir financier.

Règles de base de l'agencement et du câblage des composants

Règles de base de l'agencement et du câblage des composants

There are some basic rules that should be followed when designing a layout. These include keeping the power and ground planes within the board, avoiding cross-netting, and placing the most critical components first. You should also try to place ICs and large processors inside the board. By following these rules, you should have no trouble designing and creating a circuit board.

Avoid crossing nets

When wiring components together, you must avoid crossing nets. If there are vias, make sure they are far enough apart to avoid cross-netting. Another way to avoid crossing nets is to place one IC’s positive pin ahead of the other IC’s negative pin. This way, you’ll avoid crossing nets on the PCB.

Place large processors and ICs inside your board

Microprocessors, ICs, and other large electronic components are the heart of most circuits. They are ubiquitous and can be found on nearly every circuit board. They can be simple devices with just a few transistors or complex devices with millions or even billions of transistors. There are many types of ICs available, including 8-bit microcontrollers, 64-bit microprocessors, and advanced packages.

Avoid placing vias on power and ground planes

Placing vias on power and ground planes creates voids, which can create hot spots in the circuit. For this reason, it is best to keep signal lines away from these planes. A general rule of thumb is to place vias 15 mils apart. In addition, when placing signal lines, ensure there are 1350 bends per via.

In a typical PCB power distribution system, power and ground planes are located on the outer layers. These layers are characterized by their low inductance and high capacitance. In high-speed digital systems, switching noise can result. To mitigate this, use thermal relief pads to make electrical connections.

Avoid placing vias on traces

When wiring components, it is important to avoid placing vias on traces. Vias are holes drilled in the board through which thin copper wires pass and are soldered on both sides. Ideally, vias should be placed at least one-eighth wavelength away from the traces. This practice will decrease the operating temperature of the IC and make the design more reliable.

Vias are very useful in moving signals from one layer to another. Unlike traces that run from layer to layer, they are also easy to identify if any design changes are needed. Vias are the jack-of-all-trades of a PCB layout, providing electrical connectivity between layers. Additionally, they serve as an effective tool in transferring heat from one side of the board to the other.

Pourquoi les composants actifs sont-ils plus chers que les composants passifs ?

Pourquoi les composants actifs sont-ils plus chers que les composants passifs ?

Electronics are a central part of our modern world and are used in almost every industry. These devices depend on a variety of crucial components to function properly. However, active components are more expensive than passive ones. This article explores the difference between the two types of electronics components. You’ll learn why active components are more expensive and why passive ones are cheaper.


There are two basic types of electronic components: active and passive. Active components are used to produce power, whereas passive components are used to store it. Both types are important in electronic devices, because they ensure that the electronic equipment works as expected. However, there are a few important differences between active and passive electronic components.

A transistor is an active component, and it is a semiconductor device that requires external power to function. The transistor can boost or reduce the current that flows in a circuit. A transistor can also change the direction in which electricity flows.


Active components are those that produce current or voltage, while passive components do not. The difference between active and passive components is not just in their physical appearance; it also has to do with their function. An active component has a function to amplify power, while a passive one has no purpose.

Essentially, active components require an external source of energy to work. Passive components do not generate energy, but they do store energy and control current flow. An example of an active component would be a transistor, while a passive component would be a resistor.

Inductors filter out high-frequency signals

An inductor can be used in an electrical circuit to filter out high-frequency signals. It works by reducing the frequency of the signal to a frequency lower than the input frequency. Generally, engineers look for a ratio that goes down to 1/(2*x)1/2. They also want to know the corner frequency, which can be determined graphically. The x-axis displays the frequency, while the y-axis represents the gain.

One way to determine the inductor’s inductance is by measuring the voltage across the inductor. This will help you to determine the sensitivity of the inductor to a high-frequency signal. The inductance can also be measured by using the corner frequency. Keep in mind that the inductance is not an exact measurement, because the circuit is always subject to loss.

Transistors are amplifiers and switches

Transistors are electrical devices used to control signals. They are made up of two basic components: an emitter and a collector. The emitter part of a transistor is forward-biased, and the collector part is reverse-biased. When a transistor is operating in its active region, the collector side will show a slightly curved curve. The collector region is the most important part of a transistor since it is where the collector current is most stable.

Transistors can be classified as either p-type or n-type semiconductors. When used as switches, they function in a similar way to amplifiers. They can act as switches by changing the current passing through the base.

Inductors are non-reciprocal

Inductors are non-reciprocal if two or more of them are connected in parallel, and there is no mutual inductance between them. This means that the sum of their total inductances will be less than the sum of their individual inductances. This is the case for parallel inductors, where the coils are arranged in opposite directions.

Mutual inductance is another way to define reciprocity. An equivalent circuit is one in which the primary and secondary portions are of equal mutual inductance. In a reciprocal transformer, the second part does not lose energy during magnetic coupling, so it does not represent lumped energy.

Inductors do not require an external source of energy

Inductors store energy by changing their magnetic field strength in response to the amount of current that flows through them. The stronger the current, the stronger the magnetic field, and the more energy is stored. This property is unique to inductors compared to resistors, which generally dissipate energy in the form of heat. In addition, the amount of energy stored in an inductor depends on the amount of current flowing through it.

The main purpose of an inductor is to store energy. When electric current passes through an inductor, a magnetic field is induced in the conductor. In addition to this, the induced magnetic field opposes the rate of change in current or voltage. As a result, a steady DC current will pass through an inductor, which is symbolized by the letter L. This property makes inductors useful in large power applications where they cannot be replaced with a conventional electrical component.

Les 3 principales causes et contre-mesures de l'insuffisance de pâte à braser dans la conception des circuits imprimés

Les 3 principales causes et contre-mesures de l'insuffisance de pâte à braser dans la conception des circuits imprimés

There are several causes and countermeasures for solder paste deficiency in a PCB design. These include cold solder joints, inaccurate placement, too much heat during soldering, and chemical leakage. Here are some of the most common causes and how to resolve them.

Cold solder joints

In order to avoid the formation of cold solder joints, PCB designers must design the PCB in such a way that all of the components are placed in similar orientations and have good component footprints. This helps to avoid problems with thermal imbalances and asymmetry in solder joints. Also, it is important to design PCBs in such a way that each component is positioned on a D-shaped pad. It is also important to avoid the use of tall components since they create cold zones in the PCB design. Moreover, components near the edge of the board are more likely to get hotter than those in the center.

A faulty solder joint can be a result of a variety of factors, including the lack of flux or a poorly bonded joint. A clean work area is essential for good solder joint quality. It is also important to re-tin the soldering tip to prevent oxidation.

Chemical leakage

If you are a designer of PCBs, you may be interested in learning how to avoid chemical leakage. This problem is caused by solder balls, which appear as small spheres of solder that adhere to the surface of a PCB’s laminate, resist, or conductor. Due to the heat generated, the moisture near the through holes in a PCB can turn to steam and extrude the solder.

Solder bridging is another problem caused by a deficiency of solder paste. When solder cannot separate from a lead before solidifying, it forms a short circuit. While the shorts are often invisible, they can wreak havoc on a component. Several factors can cause this problem, including the number of pins on a PCB, the distance between them, and the reflow oven’s setting. In some cases, a change in materials can also cause solder bridging.

Too much heat during soldering

Solder paste can be prone to deformities when it reaches a certain temperature during soldering. Too much heat during soldering can result in solder balling and discrete deformities. Too much solder paste can also lead to too much flux outgassing. These factors can contribute to solder balling and deformities in PCB design.

Solder paste should never interact with moisture or humidity. The solder mask must be correctly positioned and the stencil bottom should be cleaned regularly. Another common PCB design error is known as the tombstone effect, or “Manhattan effect,” caused by force imbalances during soldering. The effect resembles the shape of a tombstone in a cemetery. However, it represents a defunct PCB design with an open circuit.

Cleaning the material properly after drilling

Solder paste deficiency is the result of a material being improperly cleaned after drilling. Solder wire should be at the correct temperature and ideally be completely wetted with the pads and pins. If the solder is not adequately wetted, it may lead to the formation of a solder bridge or other defects. The right amount of solder is necessary to wet the pads and pins evenly. If it is not, it can form a metal oxide layer on the bonded object. This can be fixed by cleaning the material well and by using the right soldering iron.

Insufficient solder can cause several problems with the circuit board. Inadequate solder can cause a sand hole, broken line, “blow hole” or “solder joint void.” Insufficient solder paste can also lead to the removal of tin from components. It’s essential to avoid such problems by following the PCB design process.

Preventive measures

Solder bridging occurs when solder gets into a space it shouldn’t. Solder bridging can be prevented by using larger component leads. When pads are too small, the solder has to wet a larger area and flow a smaller volume up the lead. This results in solder balls that form and cause shorts. It is important to place pads at optimal positions and use proper solder paste in the soldering process.

A lack of solder paste on the board can also cause component leads to be warmer than pads because component leads have less thermal mass and a higher flow of air around them. Increasing the soak time of solder paste will prevent this issue and equalize temperatures across the assembly. It also reduces the tendency for solder to flow towards warmer surfaces. Another prevention method is to optimize the stencil design to minimize the amount of solder paste on trouble areas. In addition to using a stencil, ensuring that the components are not damaged before placement can help reduce solder paste in problematic areas. Copper balancing can also be used to even out the heating and cooling of the PCB.