Шелкография печатных плат Опасности, влияющие на монтаж и ввод в эксплуатацию печатных плат

Шелкография печатных плат Опасности, влияющие на монтаж и ввод в эксплуатацию печатных плат

Опасности, связанные с установкой и вводом в эксплуатацию шелкографии печатных плат, можно определить, обратив внимание на несколько факторов. Например, следует обратить внимание на поляризацию компонентов. Этикетки устройств должны быть соответствующим образом ориентированы на печатной плате. Шелкография на печатной плате должна быть установлена на определенном слое и иметь оптимальный размер шрифта.

Идентификация поляризованных деталей

Когда речь идет о монтаже и вводе в эксплуатацию печатной платы, определение поляризованных и неполяризованных частей является важной частью процесса. Оба типа деталей имеют определенную ориентацию, и неправильный монтаж может привести к отказу компонентов и несовместимости плат. К счастью, печатные платы поставляются с шелкографической маркировкой, которая помогает определить правильный способ монтажа каждого компонента.

При монтаже и вводе в эксплуатацию печатной платы поляризованные и неполяризованные части должны быть правильно промаркированы. Чтобы определить поляризованные части, найдите символы полярности на этикетках компонентов. Символы должны быть ориентированы по возможности в одном направлении, а также могут быть ориентированы в двух направлениях. В противном случае этикетки могут не совпадать, что может затруднить установку и отладку.

Ориентация этикеток устройств на печатной плате

При монтаже печатных плат правильная ориентация этикеток устройств на печатной плате во время установки имеет решающее значение для успешного ввода в эксплуатацию и монтажа. Хорошо спроектированная печатная плата будет иметь слои, ориентированные последовательным образом, а физические метки на печатной плате помогут монтажнику или инженеру по вводу в эксплуатацию выявить ошибки в порядке слоев или их ориентации. Кроме того, правильная ориентация этикеток устройств поможет операторам правильно разместить компоненты на плате.

При установке этикетки устройств должны быть расположены таким образом, чтобы читатель с первого взгляда понял, какое устройство к какому относится. Если этого не сделать, это может привести к ошибкам и коротким замыканиям.

Установка слоя шелкографии печатной платы

Шелкография на печатной плате - важная часть ее конструкции. Она служит для проверки размещения компонентов. Шелкография печатается перманентными эпоксидными чернилами и обычно имеет белый цвет. Затем шелкография устанавливается с помощью процесса фотопечати в ультрафиолетовой жидкости, аналогичного тому, который используется для паяльных масок. В некоторых случаях производители используют метод прямой печати по легенде.

Ошибки шелкографии могут возникнуть, если компоненты не имеют четкой маркировки. В частности, положительные и отрицательные выводы электролитических конденсаторов должны быть промаркированы. Аналогично, у диодов должны быть обозначены выводы анода и катода. Это хорошая идея для того, чтобы убедиться, что подключены правильные выводы.

Оптимальный размер шрифта

Размер шрифта для шелкографии на печатных платах - важный момент при проектировании. Оптимальный размер шрифта для печатных плат зависит от размера компонентов, расположения печатной платы и типа компонентов, на которые наносится шелкография. Как правило, размер шрифта должен составлять четыре или двадцать мил, но он может варьироваться в зависимости от производителя.

При выборе размера шрифта для шелкографии печатных плат необходимо, чтобы линии были достаточно крупными для обеспечения разборчивости. Ширина линии должна быть не менее 0,006 дюйма. Более крупные шрифты лучше всего подходят для названий компаний, условных обозначений и номеров деталей. Однако номера выводов и полярная маркировка требуют более мелкого шрифта.

Ширина линий

Многие печатные платы содержат маркировку и компоненты, нанесенные методом шелкографии, но не все они видны. Искажения могут привести техников в замешательство. Они могут включать неправильные номера и формы выводов, а также индикаторы полярности на неправильных выводах. Это может вызвать недоумение, когда специалисты пытаются найти положительную сторону крышки.

Для минимизации рисков необходимо предпринять некоторые шаги. Во-первых, важно соблюдать требования к конструкции. Шелкография должна четко указывать расположение и ориентацию компонентов. На ней также должен быть предупреждающий символ, обозначающий зоны высокого напряжения, и 40-мильная пунктирная линия между опасной и безопасной зонами.

Избегание обломков

Избежание сколов на шелкографии печатных плат - важнейший этап в процессе производства. Сколы - распространенная ошибка, которая может негативно повлиять на работу печатной платы. Чтобы избежать сколов, необходимо проектировать печатную плату с правильным расстоянием между площадками.

Сколы возникают, когда медь или паяльная маска вытравлены не полностью. В результате остаются незащищенные кусочки меди. Это приводит к короткому замыканию и может сократить срок службы печатной платы. Чтобы избежать сколов, проектируйте участки с минимальной шириной и используйте проверки DFM для обнаружения потенциальных сколов.

Выбор производителя шелкографии

Разметка печатной платы для шелкографии наносится в системе автоматизированного проектирования печатных плат. Готовое художественное оформление называется шелкографией. Очень важно, чтобы на шелкографии были указаны правильные данные и размер шрифта. Неправильный размер шрифта может привести к тому, что шелкография окажется нечитаемой. Также важно использовать правильное условное обозначение для каждого компонента. В некоторых случаях символ компонента может также указывать на ориентацию.

Выбирая производителя шелкографии, убедитесь, что нужный вам тип шелкографии доступен. Некоторые производители шелкографии ограничиваются определенными шрифтами. Для получения наилучших результатов шелкографии выбирайте производителя шелкографии с разнообразными стилями шрифтов. Также нелишним будет проверить размер шрифта шелкографии, прежде чем завершить разработку дизайна.

3 Методы контроля короткого замыкания при пайке печатных плат

3 Методы контроля короткого замыкания при пайке печатных плат

Существует несколько методов контроля процесса пайки на печатной плате. К ним относятся оптическая, рентгеновская и инфракрасная визуализация. В процессе сборки перед завершением сборки следует отработать шесть методов контроля. Для лучшего понимания методов соединения можно также обратиться к чертежу конструкции печатной платы.

Инфракрасная визуализация

ИК-изображение является хорошим способом обнаружения короткого замыкания в печатной плате. С его помощью инженеры и технические специалисты могут точно определить место короткого замыкания на плате. Однако оно не столь эффективно для проверки внутренних слоев платы, где его невозможно увидеть.

Тепловидение - еще один способ проверки дефектов пайки печатных плат. Он более точен и быстр, чем традиционные методы, и позволяет специалистам быстро выявлять дефектные печатные платы. Он также может использоваться для контроля качества и управляется с помощью удаленного ПК.

Инфракрасная съемка для контроля короткого замыкания требует специальной подготовки операторов. Полученные изображения можно сравнить с эталонной печатной платой, чтобы проверить наличие ошибок. В некоторых случаях оператор может увеличить изображение, чтобы увидеть более тонкие проводники.


Одним из наиболее важных аспектов пайки печатных плат является качество паяных соединений. Эти соединения можно легко обнаружить с помощью рентгеновских методов контроля. Благодаря высокой проникающей способности рентгеновского излучения оно способно проникать в вещества, невидимые для человеческого глаза. Кроме того, этот вид контроля является экономически эффективным. Тем не менее, недостатками этого метода являются его немасштабируемость и не всегда точный сбор данных.

К методам рентгеновского контроля при пайке печатных плат относятся методы AOI и AXI. При этом методе рентгеновское излучение проходит через печатную плату и формирует изображение на электронном детекторе. Затем это изображение выводится на компьютер в цифровом виде. В целом методы AOI и AXI могут быть использованы для поиска дефектов на ранних стадиях производственного процесса.

Когда методы пайки печатных плат не позволяют выявить короткое замыкание, результатом становится неисправная печатная плата. Такая проблема может возникнуть из-за неправильной пайки компонентов или их неправильной установки. В некоторых случаях причиной могут стать контрафактные компоненты. Для предотвращения подобных проблем необходимо использовать надлежащие методы тестирования сборки печатных плат.


Методы лазерного контроля короткого замыкания печатных плат могут быть использованы для обнаружения неправильных соединений в печатной плате. Это можно сделать с помощью двух методов. Первый метод известен как "тест на проникновение жидкости", а второй - как "трехмерная лазерная паста". Оба метода используются для выявления дефекта в процессе пайки.

Другой метод - автоматизированная оптическая инспекция, или A.O.I. Этот метод использует камеру и компьютерное зрение для получения HD-изображений всей печатной платы. Ее уникальные возможности позволяют проверить 100% компонентов. Кроме того, он позволяет получить два типа данных: один - атрибуты детали, которая неправильно установлена или отсутствует, а второй - позиционную информацию.

Инфракрасный контроль - еще один метод обнаружения короткого замыкания в печатной плате. Для поиска таких "горячих точек" можно также использовать инфракрасные камеры. Наиболее удобно использовать мультиметр с чувствительностью миллиомы.

Причины и методы очистки печатных плат

Reasons & Methods To Clean PCB

Cleansing PCBs can be done in a variety of ways. Some PCB cleaning methods include immersion in liquid, swabs, and brushes. You can also heat the solvent to improve cleaning performance. However, you should be careful to use solvents that are not flammable. Another option is to use cotton or foam swabs soaked in a mild solvent. These are usually available in pump dispensers. You can also use presaturated wipes containing isopropyl alcohol.

Flux residues

Flux residues are hard to clean after reflow processes. No clean flux can be baked on and tough to remove. Fortunately, there are many methods to clean no clean flux. The first method involves using a solvent to remove the residue. It’s important to use solvents that are suitable for the type of flux you’re working with.

Flux residues on PCB should be removed to keep the components in good condition. If the flux is left on the PCB for a long time, it can cause corrosion and other problems. However, in most cases, the flux residues will not cause any serious damage.


Atmospheric dust, a form of airborne solid, is a common problem in the electronics industry. Its complex composition usually includes water and inorganic mineral materials. It is becoming more of a concern because of the increasing miniaturization of electronics and the increasing number of uncontrolled operating conditions. As dust exposure increases, there is a need for a systematic study to evaluate its effect on PCBAs.

In addition to dust, residual flux on a PCB can affect the conductivity of its conductive traces. The residue sticks to the conductive paths and is attracted to an electrostatic charge produced by operating electronics. This interference may affect the circuit performance, particularly at high frequencies. Metal migration can also be a problem, depending on the PCB’s material composition, board surface roughness, and environmental conditions.

Baking soda

Baking soda can be used to clean circuit boards, which are found in many electronic devices. They are usually used to hold microchips and cards, which plug into processors and power supplies. Baking soda’s mild abrasive qualities help remove corrosion from circuit boards without harming them.

You should mix a quarter cup of baking soda with about one or two teaspoons of water to form a thick cleaning solution. Before you begin cleaning, take a photo or make a note of your device’s arrangement, so you can easily identify the parts of the circuit board. Once you’ve got an idea of where to start, make a cleaning solution using a PCB brush. Apply the solution to corroded areas and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.

Compressed air

Compressed air is an excellent tool for cleaning PCBs, but it must be used with caution. It can cause static electricity, which could damage the components of the board. Also, dust, soda, and wax often accumulate on the surface of the PCB, forming a film that traps liquids and particles. A toothbrush is not sufficient to remove this grime. Using a compressed air hose, blow out the particles from the circuit board. Use compressed air in short bursts.

Another way to clean PCBs is by using baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. This mild abrasive has the benefit of neutralizing acidic corrosive agents, and it can dissolve corrosion residue. First, detach the device from all cables. Next, remove all chips from the PCB. Then, mix baking soda with a few drops of water and create a paste.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses high frequency sound waves to clean PCBs. These sound waves create small bubbles called cavitation which clean solder joints. Manufacturers also use this process to remove flux from their motherboards. However, ultrasonic cleaners need to be carefully calibrated and use a specific frequency. In general, a frequency between 27 and 40 KHZ is appropriate for electronic components.

Historically, PCB manufacturers have shied away from ultrasonic cleaners. This is due to concerns regarding water damage and harmonic vibrations from single-frequency ultrasonic energy. Despite this concern, ultrasonic cleaning has many advantages and can be done safely, quickly, and efficiently. If the proper procedures are followed, ultrasonic cleaning can be a highly effective method of PCB cleaning.

Isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is a common liquid used in laboratory cleaning, but it isn’t always suitable for cleaning electronic devices. Fortunately, isopropyl alcohol can be diluted to make it safe to use around electronics. It also dries quickly, which is why it’s usually preferred when cleaning electronics. Just remember to unplug your electronics and remove the batteries before you begin cleaning.

You can find many different grades and varieties of isopropyl alcohol. Each grade differs based on how much water it contains. The higher the water content, the longer it will take for the solution to dry. Similarly, you may also use rubbing alcohol, which has no specific grade. In addition, rubbing alcohol may contain other ingredients that could pose a potential contaminant.

Top 5 Common Problems With a PCB Copy Board

Top 5 Common Problems With a PCB Copy Board

There are many common issues that can arise with a PCB copy board. This article discusses how to troubleshoot these problems, including design errors, Airwires, and Soldering issues. It also covers how to repair the board after it has been damaged.

Troubleshooting pcb copy board

The first step in troubleshooting a PCB copy board is to check individual components. You can use an LCR meter or a multimeter to test each component. If a component’s value is less than its stated value, it’s a good sign. If it registers higher than the value, it’s probably a bad component or a bad solder joint.

Identifying design mistakes

A PCB copy board can be a great help in identifying design mistakes. PCB layout mistakes can occur when an engineer does not take the time to consider important factors such as the thermal power, delivery and electrical performance requirements. While the design itself should be easy to follow, it is easy to get distracted. To prevent such mistakes, it is best to seek the help of a PCB contract manufacturer.

The PCB copy board can help you identify potential design mistakes before the board is assembled. It is crucial to consider the length of the key signal lines and trace wires. Additionally, make sure there are separate ground connections for analog and digital circuits. Another mistake is placing labels that could short circuit the circuit. Finally, make sure the outer edge of the power layer is narrow enough to prevent short-circuiting in the case of an exposed component.

Soldering issues

Soldering issues with a PCB copy board can occur for a variety of reasons. These issues can result in the circuit not working properly. Some of the most common problems involve improper wetting of the solder. Insufficient wetting of the solder leads to uneven heating of the pin and the pad, which can cause a metal oxide layer to form on the bonded object. Luckily, there are ways to repair these issues.

Solder bridge – this problem results when two successive solder joints are not fully soldered. This causes a weak connection and unwanted signal transmission. Additionally, it can hinder the adhesion between the copper and PCB. In addition to these problems, an improper solder joint can result in spattering of stray solders. Fortunately, soldering issues with a PCB copy board can be easily remedied by an experienced PCB manufacturer.


One of the most common errors in PCB design is the presence of airwires. The airwires are a problem because they interfere with the proper routing of components. This problem is easily rectified by routing the airwires in the correct manner. To do this, select the Layer menu and then select Route Airwire tool. From there, select a pin and draw a trace. Continue with the process until you’re satisfied with the design.

Burnt components

One of the most common problems with a PCB is the occurrence of burned components. This problem occurs when a PCB is exposed to high temperatures. The component’s shape and the amount of space it has around it can all increase the risk of burning.

PCB copy board software can be used to replicate a circuit board of a third party. However, it is essential to use a good circuit design program to draw the blocks of the circuit board accurately. If you can’t do that, the problem could be even worse.

Решите свои проблемы с печатными платами и PCBA с помощью печатной платы с металлическим сердечником

Решите свои проблемы с печатными платами и PCBA с помощью печатной платы с металлическим сердечником

Single-sided metal core PCB is a good choice for power supplies, audio and computing equipment. Its copper foil and metal base make it the perfect choice for power devices. This type of PCB is made with a metal core and thin insulating dielectric layer.


If you’re concerned about thermal issues, you can solve your PCB and PCBa problems with a metal core PCB. This type of printed circuit board has layers of metal plated over a copper core, preventing heat from getting inside the board. MCPCBs are also known as thermal PCBs, and are made of several layers that are evenly distributed on both sides of the metal core.

Metal core PCBs are especially popular in power electronic devices. They are used in high-drain MOSFETs, switching supply circuits, and LED lighting circuits. This type of PCB has several advantages, including high heat dissipation, good signal transmission, and good mechanical strength.


MCPCBs are a type of PCB that uses a metal core. Typically made from aluminum or copper, they have a higher thermal conductivity than FR4 and are more effective for applications that require high power and density. They are also recyclable and are less expensive than FR-4. Thermal conductivity is a very important factor when it comes to the performance of an electronic system. MCPCBs can handle as much as eight to nine times more heat than FR-4. This is made possible by the reduced insulation layer.

MCPCBs are also superior for thermal conductivity because they are single sided. They also offer better thermal conductivity than aluminum PCBs. They are also thermoelectrically separated, so they have smaller thermal expansion. Copper MCPCBs are also single sided and have better thermal conductivity than FR4 PCBs.

MCPCB vs copper core

MCPCB is an alternative to copper core for applications that generate heat. It is made up of multiple layers of thermal insulating material and a metal plate or foil. The metal core base material is usually copper, but aluminum is also used for some applications. Its advantages include cost-effectiveness, improved heat transfer, and increased mechanical strength.

The main difference between copper core and metal core PCB lies in the thermal conductivity of the materials. Copper is very thermally inefficient, and metal core PCBs are much more conductive than copper. This makes it ideal for applications that generate huge amounts of heat and cannot be cooled by conventional fans or other methods. In addition, metal core PCBs are more reliable and durable. MCPCBs are also better for military and aerospace applications that require frequent thermal cycling and repeated mechanical shocks.

MCPCB vs aluminum core pcb

There is a significant difference between the performance of copper and aluminum in heat dissipation. While copper is more expensive than aluminum, it offers superior thermal capabilities. Aluminum also has the advantage of being durable, whereas copper is less prone to heat damage. In addition, aluminum PCBs are a more cost-effective option than copper.

Metal core PCB is more durable and offers a longer shelf-life. It is often made from copper or aluminum, but some manufacturers use iron-based PCBs for a lower cost. These boards can also be made from brass or steel.

Another distinction between copper and aluminum core PCBs is the way they are constructed. Aluminum PCBs have a metal core and are often used in lighting applications where multiple LEDs are used. Because they are less susceptible to electrical shock and thermal cycling than copper-core boards, they are more suitable for these high-power devices.

MCPCB vs double-sided metal core pcb

When it comes to thermal management, metal core PCBs have advantages over other types of circuit boards. The material they are made of is more thermally conductive than epoxy boards and dissipates heat faster. This property is important in high-density circuits and applications. Heat spreaders can help reduce board temperatures. Moreover, semiconductor thermal insulation boards can improve heat management, especially in hybrid car systems.

The thermal conductivity of MCPCBs is much higher than that of FR-4 boards. They are much better at dissipating heat and can handle temperatures up to 140 degrees Celsius. They also have higher thermal expansibility. The aluminum material has a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to copper.

How to Reduce the Manufacturing Cost of PCB Board Manufacturing

How to Reduce the Manufacturing Cost of PCB Board Manufacturing

If you’re wondering how to reduce the cost of PCB board manufacturing, there are several factors you need to consider. Firstly, reduce the PCB size. Secondly, avoid repetitive components and ensure the thickness is uniform. Finally, package the PCB properly to save space. This will reduce shipping costs and make the whole process more efficient. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to reduce your PCB manufacturing costs.

Reducing PCB size

One of the most important ways to reduce the manufacturing cost of a PCB board is to reduce its size. Whether you’re making a high-end mobile phone or a simple, low-cost electronic device, the printed circuit board will be the most expensive component on the board. Fortunately, there are a few ways to reduce the size of the PCB board and reduce production costs.

One way to reduce the size of a PCB board is to reduce the number of holes that need to be drilled. If there are a lot of small holes, the production cost will go up. Additionally, if the holes are too large, the manufacturing process will become more complex and expensive.

Another way to reduce the manufacturing cost of a PCB board is to reduce the number of layers. Each additional layer raises the cost of a PCB board by about one-third. Additionally, reducing the size of a PCB board can reduce the amount of raw materials needed to produce it. By reducing the size of a PCB, you’ll be able to make a smaller-sized board while maximizing its functionality.

Avoiding repetitions

Avoiding repetitions in the manufacturing process can be beneficial if you want to minimize the manufacturing costs of your PCB board. For example, if you’re planning to make a PCB board for a new product, avoiding repetitive design features will make your board less costly.

The number of layers and thickness of the material also have an impact on the manufacturing cost of your PCB board. More layers mean more holes and more work. Thicker materials are more difficult to drill and require more time for production. Therefore, reducing the number of holes will reduce the manufacturing costs.

The number of layers on your PCB is another factor that affects cost. Adding two or three layers can increase costs by about one-third. Adding more layers requires more production steps and more raw materials. Moreover, thicker PCBs with multiple layers are more expensive.

Standardizing thickness

Standardizing thickness of PCB board is a great way to reduce manufacturing costs. The thickness of a PCB will greatly affect the performance of the board, including resistance and conductivity. To get the best results, the thickness should be precisely the right amount for the application. In this article, we will discuss how to determine the right thickness.

The overall thickness of the PCB board is determined by the thickness of the copper layers. This thickness will be adjusted depending on the application, as thicker copper will carry more current. The copper thickness is typically 1.4 to 2.8 mils, or 1 to 2 oz, but the exact thickness of the board will be determined based on its application. The more copper there is on the board, the thicker it will be and the more expensive it will be to manufacture.

The thickness of the copper layers in PCBs is an important step in the manufacturing process. If the copper layers are too thin, they will overheat and damage the board. As such, the thickness of copper traces is usually specified by the PCB designer. This thickness also affects the design and manufacturability of the PCB.


PCB manufacturing can be expensive, but proper packaging can reduce the cost. It also protects the board from damage during transport and storage. In addition, good packaging improves your company’s image. PCB manufacturing companies should be able to follow industry standards and use high-quality raw materials and production standards.

Using multiple component suppliers can help reduce the cost of a PCB board. This can help control project timeline, negotiate contracts, and maintain quality. Additionally, it can make the process more reliable. PCBs require a variety of materials, which may increase the manufacturing cost.

The number of layers on a PCB board also plays a role in the overall cost. PCBs with more than two layers are more expensive to produce. Furthermore, a thick board with many layers requires more work to produce.

How to Read Resistor by Color Code

How to Read Resistor by Color Code

If you’re looking to identify a resistor by its color code, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will teach you how to recognize a resistor by its color code. You can use the color code on resistors to easily tell what their value is.

Identifying a resistor by its color code

A resistor’s color code provides information about its resistance value. Resistors are used in electronic and electrical circuits to control the flow of current and produce a voltage drop. The resistance value varies from fractions of an Ohm to millions of Ohms.

The sequence of colors on the resistor tells you the value and its tolerance. The last band is usually the tolerance. The range is typically in the vicinity of two to 20 percent. This indicates that the resistor’s value is within the acceptable tolerance. If the resistor’s tolerance is too large or too small, you must replace it.

Resistors are often marked with the IEC 60062 color code. The first four bands indicate the resistance value, and the fifth band shows the tolerance. A resistor’s resistance value can vary depending on its tolerance and temperature coefficient. If you’re unsure of the resistance value, you can use a resistor color code calculator to determine the correct value.

Color codes can make identification of resistors a little difficult. However, the physical shape and measurement of a component will help you determine its value. Most resistors’ values are labeled in ohms, but you can also identify them by their shape and function.

A high precision resistor will be characterized by an extra band. Its value is within the tolerance band and may vary slightly. Resistors in this range are generally more expensive and have tighter specifications. They should be tested to confirm that they are safe before you purchase them.

When buying a resistor, you should check the meter’s tolerance and the resistor’s resistance value. The meter will show the resistance value in the first two bands, and the tolerance will be displayed in the last band. The second band will indicate the multiplier of the first two digits. The third band will have a single zero.

If you want to identify a resistor by its color code, you must know the resistance values for each band. A resistor with six color bands is usually high precision and will have a temperature coefficient of 1% or less. This value is only found in high-tech products.

Identification of a resistor by its color code

The color code of a resistor is usually a reference to its resistance value. It is printed on the resistor band and is read from left to right. Once you understand the color code, you can easily find the resistance value of a resistor. The color code can be read easily by using a color code chart.

Currently, there are four distinct bands on a resistor. These bands identify the resistance value, reliability, and tolerance. The first two bands indicate the resistance value while the third is a multiplier. The resistance value is written in the upper half of the band. The lower half of the band shows the tolerance level.

The color code of a resistor is also important for identifying the value of the component. This code is used to determine the resistance value, tolerance, and temperature coefficient. This system is still used for identification of resistors and other electronic components. The color coding scheme has been codified into the IEC 60062 standard.

The last band shows the tolerance of the resistor. This band is usually gold or silver in colour and is further away from the other bands. The digits on these bands are given in the table below. Similarly, the band next to the tolerance band is known as the multiplier band. This red band represents a value of two and the value of the multiplier band is 102.

The color code of a resistor is a universal standard for electrical resistors. It is used to identify different types of resistors, such as small, medium, and large power resistors. It is also used to identify its wattage and tolerance. The resistor’s colour code can also be easily remembered by using a mnemonic device. For example, you can memorize the colour code of a resistor using a jumbled up string of capital letters.

In some cases, a resistor’s color code can help you determine the temperature coefficient. For example, a resistor with a 6 band resistance will have 4 bands on the left side and two bands on the right side. The first three bands represent the significant digits, while the fourth band indicates the multiplier, tolerance, and temperature coefficient.

What’s the Difference Between PCB Immersion Gold and Gold Plating?

What’s the Difference Between PCB Immersion Gold and Gold Plating?

PCB gold plating is different from immersion gold plating. In immersion gold plating, only the pads are covered in gold or nickel. It will not cause gold wires to run along the pads, but it will cause the copper layer to bond better with gold. This will cause a slight short. PCB gold fingers have a higher gold thickness.

Hard gold plating is better than soft gold plating

When deciding whether to use hard or soft gold plating for your PCBs, there are a number of factors to consider. The first factor is the metal’s melting point, which can be higher for hard gold than for soft gold. The other factor to consider is the type of environment the product will be exposed to.

There are also rules for plating PCBs with gold. If the PCBs don’t comply with these rules, they may fail to connect with the parent circuit board and may not fit in motherboard slots. To help prevent this problem, PCBs must be plated with gold alloy and adhere to the guidelines. Gold alloys are known for their strength and conductivity. They are also able to withstand hundreds of insertions and ejections without the contact material wearing away.

Another important factor is the thickness of the gold. The thickness of gold on a PCB must be minimal. Too thick or too thin will compromise functionality and cause an unnecessary increase in costs. Ideally, the gold on a PCB should be no more than a few microns.

Hard gold plating process is toxic

There is a good chance that the hard gold plating process is toxic, but there are still ways to make it more environmentally friendly. One way is to use organic addition agents, which are less toxic than cyanide. These compounds have the added benefit of producing thick, ductile deposits. They also have a lower toxicity level than cyanide and are more stable at pH levels below 4.5.

When gold is plated on copper, there is usually a barrier layer between it and the base metal. This layer is necessary to prevent copper from diffusing into the gold. Otherwise, the electrical conductivity of the gold would decrease dramatically and corrosion products would cover the gold surface. Nickel plating is the most common gold plating method, but if you have an allergy to nickel, you should avoid this process.

When comparing hard and soft gold plating, you should always consider the type of gold that you want to coat your products with. Hard gold plating will produce a much brighter finish, while soft gold will have a grain size similar to a fingernail. The soft gold finish will fade after time and may be better for less-handling projects. Hard gold, on the other hand, will stand up better to contact and may be better suited for projects that require a high level of visibility.

Hard gold plating process discharges chemical wastewater

The hard gold plating process involves the use of cyanide, a gold salt, to coat metal objects with a layer of gold. This process generates chemical wastewater, and it must be treated to comply with environmental regulations. Hard gold plating factories cannot operate without a sewage treatment license.

PCB gold fingers have a higher gold thickness

Gold fingers on PCBs are used for interconnection of various components. They are used for a variety of applications, such as the connecting point between a Bluetooth headset and a mobile phone. They can also serve as a connector between two devices, such as a graphics card and a motherboard. Since the technological advancement is increasing, interconnection between devices becomes more important.

Gold fingers on PCBs have slope edges, which make them easier to insert. They are also beveled, which turns sharp edges into slopes. The process of beveling is usually completed after the solder mask is disposed. Once beveled, the fingers snap into place more securely.

Gold fingers on PCBs are made with flash gold, which is the hardest form of gold. The thickness should be at least two microinches to ensure long-term working life. They should also be copper-free, as copper can increase the exposure during the beveling process. Gold fingers may also contain five to ten percent cobalt, which increases the rigidity of the PCB.

What Should We Pay Attention To When Soldering a PCB?

What Should We Pay Attention To When Soldering a PCB?

There are several factors that we should pay attention to when soldering a PCB. For example, we should avoid overheating the joint. Also, we should pay attention to ventilation. In addition, we should use lead-free alloys. If there are any problems with solder flow, we can contact the manufacturer and ask them to repair it.


Proper ventilation when soldering PCBs is critical to preventing respiratory problems. Using a local exhaust ventilation system helps remove the bulk of solder fumes, which can be inhaled. It is important to monitor air quality at your worksite to ensure that it is safe for everyone working in it.

The Hakko FA-400 is a good option for occasional soldering projects, but it is not suitable for workers who spend many hours in a day breathing in the fumes. Not only does the air quality affect the person soldering, but it also affects the area around him or her. This is due to the fact that drafts and currents will carry the fumes throughout the room. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in a filtration system to avoid these risks.

Flux residues

Flux is a key part of soldering, as it removes oxides from the board’s surface, allowing the solder joint to be as strong as possible. The presence of oxides on the board can cause poor electrical conduction and lead to a poor solder joint. There are several types of solder flux available.

A typical flux is rosin. This type is most commonly used in electrical soldering.

Overheating joints

When soldering PCBs, one of the most common errors is overheating the joints. This problem occurs when soldering a joint is not done properly or when the soldering iron’s temperature is too low. To prevent this, be sure to pre-heat the iron before you begin.

Overheating joints will cause the solder to oxidize, which can cause damage to the electronics component. Insufficiently wetting the solder joint can also lead to tombstoning, which is when the solder pad does not complete the wetting process. Fortunately, this problem can be avoided by carefully inspecting the soldering process and using the correct tools.

Using lead-free alloys

Using lead-free alloys when soldered PCBs is an excellent option. They can be used to achieve a strong, durable joint without the risks of lead. Various fluxes are available to facilitate the process. When soldering PCBs, it is important to use the correct flux for the task at hand.

WS888 is a lead-free solder paste that meets the reliability requirements for PCB assemblies. It exhibits consistency and repeatability across a wide temperature and relative humidity range. It also leaves no residues on the PCB and is easily cleaned with water. In addition, NC722 is a no-clean lead-free solder paste that is designed for low-melting tin-bismuth alloys. It has excellent stencil life and leaves no flux residues. Moreover, NC722 is pin-testable and has a low melting point.

Clean connector bodies

The first step in soldering a connector is to clean the component’s body. Before starting the soldering process, make sure to clean the component’s body with alcohol or tissue. Next, apply liquid flux to all the leads on the component’s opposite side.

This is done to remove any surface contaminants. A scraper is a useful tool for this. It is also important to clean connector bodies because chrome plating can make it difficult to wet with solder.

Soldering iron

When soldering a PCB, it is important to watch the soldering iron tip. The tip should be larger than the gap between the electronic components on the board. For small components, a conical tip may be appropriate. Then, insert the component into the holes. The soldering iron tip should make contact with both the board and the lead. When both touch, the solder will be heated and the connection will be completed.

When soldering PCB, the tip of the soldering iron should be resting against the component lead. If the solder is not touching the lead, it will not adhere to it. The tip should be coated with solder and should form a mound. When the joint is completed, remove the iron and the solder should flow smoothly.

Soldering paste

Solder paste is a combination of metal solder particles and a sticky flux that provides a temporary adhesive that holds surface mount components in place. Solder paste comes in various types, each with a different viscosity and chemical composition. Some are lead-free, while others comply with the RoHS directive. Some solder pastes have an additive that is made from pine tree extract.

Soldering paste is usually applied using a stencil. It allows for the proper placement of solder and helps spread the paste evenly. Stencils help avoid applying too much or too little paste, which can result in weak joints and shorts between adjacent pads.

Достоинства и недостатки смещения обмоток ФПК

Достоинства и недостатки смещения обмоток ФПК

У смещения обмоток ФПК есть свои преимущества и недостатки. Это популярная технология намотки, позволяющая предотвратить нежелательное накопление статического электричества между двумя ФПК. Она также может использоваться для упаковки в катушки. В этой статье мы рассмотрим некоторые из этих факторов.

смещение обмотки фпк

У смещения обмотки ФПУ есть свои достоинства и недостатки. Одним из преимуществ является уменьшение размеров и массы электронного изделия. Это полезно при разработке высокоплотных, миниатюрных и высоконадежных электронных изделий. Он широко используется в аэрокосмической и военной технике. Еще одно преимущество - возможность интеграции и перестановки электронных компонентов в соответствии с требованиями к пространственной компоновке.

Достоинства и недостатки смещения обмотки FPC можно вывести из процесса установки. Сначала узел разъема FPC устанавливается в положение относительно монтажного паза. Затем он закрепляется на печатной плате путем сгибания фиксирующих рычагов влево и вправо. Этот процесс минимизирует общее значение высоты монтажной конструкции и позволяет установить FFC 14.

упаковка на катушках

Достоинства и недостатки упаковки типа fpc на катушке многочисленны. Этот тип упаковки имеет множество преимуществ, таких как уменьшение массы и размеров, и может быть использован для разработки миниатюрных, высокоплотных и высоконадежных электронных изделий. Этот метод упаковки нашел применение также в военной и аэрокосмической промышленности. Гибкость этого типа упаковки позволяет собирать электронные компоненты в гибкий пакет.

Кроме того, ФПК легко транспортируются к обрабатывающей машине благодаря использованию катушки. Такой тип упаковки обладает рядом преимуществ, включая предотвращение смятия под действием внешних сил, удобный способ подачи и увеличение производительности. Типичная упаковка 58 типа FPC формируется путем намотки прутковых материалов 54 на катушку. После намотки на катушку перфорирующее устройство 60 последовательно разрезает прутковые материалы на множество частей.

допечатная головка fpc

Головка предварительной печати ФПК - это инструмент, используемый для переноса ФПК на стеклянную подложку. Она всасывает верхнюю поверхность ФПК и переносит его в камеру обработки, где ФПК приклеивается к стеклянной подложке. Полученное фотонное устройство может быть использовано в качестве крупногабаритного интегрального чипа или цветного фильтра.

Технологическая система включает в себя пакет ФПК на катушке, вырубное устройство, транспортирующий рычаг и головку предварительной печати. ФПК формируются путем намотки прутковых материалов на катушку. Затем перфоратор последовательно вырезает каждый из прутковых материалов, а транспортировочный манипулятор переносит вырезанные ФПК на стадию окончательной обработки.

размещение рисунка ФПК на гибкой пластине

Схема FPC представляет собой гибкую пластину, содержащую один или несколько электрических контактов. Схема может быть как односторонней, так и многосторонней. Для минимизации концентрации напряжений схема FPC должна быть по возможности ассиметричной. Для разработки гибкой пластины с оптимальным рисунком FPC существует несколько методик.

При создании шаблона FPC толщина пластины должна быть равна или немного больше диаметра платы. Кроме того, она должна иметь внутренний угол не менее 1,6 мм. Дополнительным фактором, который необходимо учитывать, является соотношение радиусов изгиба. Больший радиус означает, что плита будет более прочной и менее склонной к разрыву. В идеале доска должна быть равномерно ориентирована, без шероховатостей и острых краев.

Размещение рисунка FPC на пластине может быть автоматизировано с помощью катушечной упаковки. Упаковка на катушках позволяет наносить рисунок ФПК в несколько слоев и является отличным вариантом для многослойной конструкции ФПК. Материал PI делает ФПК более мягким и предотвращает его разрушение при многократном изгибе. Кроме того, на стыке разъема "золотой палец" необходимо предусмотреть зону двусторонней фиксации клея. Это предотвратит выпадение золотого пальца из FPC в процессе сгибания. На стыке разъема FPC также должен быть предусмотрен экран для размещения FPC, чтобы предотвратить перекос FPC при сборке.