Mendesain Ulang Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Mendesain Ulang Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Redesigning a PCB requires careful planning and attention to detail. The board layout must be balanced between the performance of all components and the design of the enclosure. The mechanical parts should be placed first, because they must mate with the openings of the enclosure. Once these parts have been placed, the rest of the parts should be placed around them, and in the correct order. In addition, the main components must be placed close to each other, but with enough room around them for other components. There should also be a careful balance between thermal management and circuit performance.

Adding test pads

Adding test points to a PCB is a great way to ensure that all components function properly. These test points can be located on the top, bottom, or both sides of the PCB, depending on the design. Adding test points will also allow the manufacturer to use an automated testing machine, which speeds up the manufacturing process. Adding these pads will not only improve the functionality of your board, but will also reduce the cost of the redesign.

Test points are small areas of exposed copper on a printed circuit board that can be connected to an oscilloscope probe during development or a contact pin during production. They are usually located on the bottom of a board, but more complicated boards may have them on both sides. In most cases, adding test points to a PCB will help engineers check its functionality and ensure that it meets all design requirements. To make testing easier, it is helpful to have meaningful labels for each of the test points. Having a numerical reference for each point can also help debugging.

There are several methods for detecting pad cratering. One method is to solder a pin to the test pads, then pull it until it breaks. This method is effective for most pad geometries, but it is sensitive to board design and materials. In some cases, a board redesign may be necessary to address pad cratering issues.

Adding a copper ring to a via

Adding a copper ring to enclose a via on a printed circuit board is a relatively simple process. The process involves removing the solder mask pad from the via location. It is important to understand that the copper ring has to completely surround the hole in order for solder to flow through the board. This can be achieved in two ways. The first method, via tenting, is the easiest method and is free of charge. However, it is important to note that this process is not foolproof. There is a possibility that the copper ring does not completely surround the hole, which results in a break out.

To avoid tangency, ensure the diameter of the copper ring is not wider than the diameter of the via. Adding an annular ring too large will inhibit board function, especially on small copper pads. This can also lead to issues with the board’s connectivity.

Adding an annular ring to a via

There are several factors to consider when adding an annular ring to a via. First, the ring must be sufficiently thick to provide a secure electrical connection. Also, it must be of sufficient length to allow a component to be attached without breaking the via. Otherwise, the connection can break and the circuit will not work as designed.

The size and structure of the annular ring depends on the size and placement of the via. Generally, the ring diameter is as large as the heaviest part on the board. For instance, a switch will require a larger ring than an LED. The ideal diameter for a ring is about 0.25mm.

An annular ring is an area of copper pad surrounding the via hole. It is usually created during the manufacturing process. The copper pad surrounding the via hole serves as an interconnecting node between the circuit layers. An annular ring is important for ensuring that the copper traces can connect properly. A copper ring should be larger than the copper pads on the board, as a small copper pad may be more susceptible to breakage.

Cara Menyolder Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Cara Menyolder Papan Sirkuit Cetak

Jika Anda ingin mempelajari cara menyolder papan sirkuit tercetak, Anda perlu mengetahui beberapa hal mendasar. Permukaan papan disebut permukaan penyolderan, dan merupakan tempat berbagai komponen dan terminal akan diikat. Perusahaan manufaktur PCB, seperti Candor, menawarkan berbagai layanan, termasuk desain dan manufaktur PCB. Langkah-langkah berikut ini akan membantu Anda mempelajari cara menyolder PCB.

Penyolderan selektif

Papan sirkuit tercetak menjadi semakin kompleks, dan menyolder komponen lubang tembus dapat menjadi proses yang memakan waktu dan tidak efisien. Secara tradisional, proses yang digunakan adalah penyolderan dengan tangan, tetapi teknologi modern memungkinkan penyolderan selektif, yang bisa lebih cepat, lebih akurat, dan lebih murah.

Ada banyak metode penyolderan selektif yang berbeda. Pelapisan fluks, pemanasan awal PCB, penyolderan celup, dan penyolderan seret adalah beberapa tekniknya. Beberapa metode ini mungkin memerlukan komponen tambahan. Beberapa keuntungan dari proses ini termasuk kecepatan, akurasi, dan kurangnya alat.

Penyolderan selektif adalah metode yang lebih disukai untuk aplikasi tertentu. Ini adalah solusi yang bagus untuk konstruksi papan dan mengurangi biaya. Menggunakan metode ini mengurangi waktu penyolderan dan tidak memerlukan keahlian khusus. Banyak pabrik papan sirkuit modern menggunakan robot untuk menyolder komponen.


Penting untuk menggunakan heat sink ketika menyolder papan sirkuit cetak. PCB dengan komponen daya cenderung memiliki kebutuhan manajemen termal yang lebih besar daripada PCB tanpa komponen daya. Komponen ini dapat mencakup IC daya, amplifier daya, dan bahkan catu daya. Karena komponen-komponen ini memiliki kepadatan komponen yang tinggi, mereka cenderung menghasilkan lebih banyak panas. Ini berarti bahwa heat sink adalah bagian penting dari desain PCB, dan heat sink yang tepat akan membuat perbedaan besar.

Ada banyak jenis heat sink yang berbeda, tetapi yang paling umum adalah timah dan tembaga. Pendingin aluminium dan tembaga lebih efektif dalam menyerap panas dari perangkat yang dipasangkan daripada tang baja.


Fluks adalah komponen penting dari proses penyolderan. Fluks membantu menghilangkan kotoran dan oksida dari papan sirkuit tercetak, yang sangat penting untuk mengalirkan listrik dengan baik. Fluks juga membantu mende-oksidasi logam yang sedang disolder. Fluks bekerja dengan membasahi solder cair dan menghilangkan kotoran.

Ada dua jenis fluks: larut dalam air dan damar. Fluks yang larut dalam air dapat dibersihkan dari papan sirkuit dengan mudah. Fluks berbasis damar dapat meninggalkan residu pada papan sirkuit. Ini dapat dibersihkan dengan air deionisasi. Fluks yang larut dalam air juga dapat dibersihkan dengan deterjen atau air deionisasi.

Jika Anda menggunakan besi solder, yang terbaik adalah membersihkan ujung besi sebelum menerapkan fluks. Hal ini dapat mengurangi keausan dan oksidasi serta meningkatkan perpindahan panas. Oleskan fluks dengan menggunakan kuas atau spons. Pastikan Anda tidak membakar fluks, karena dapat menyebabkan solder menjadi terlalu panas.

Bersihkan permukaan setelah menyolder

Beberapa papan sirkuit sangat penting dan memerlukan pembersihan yang cermat setelah disolder. Papan ini sering kali memiliki standar desain khusus yang menentukan proses pembersihan. Jika papan ini tidak dibersihkan dengan benar, residu fluks yang tertinggal dapat menyebabkan korosi dan oksidasi pada permukaan logam yang terbuka. Proses ini juga penting jika lapisan konformal digunakan pada papan.

Saat menyolder, bersihkan semua permukaan sebelum menerapkan fluks ke komponen. Fluks adalah konduktor yang baik, tetapi juga dapat menyebabkan masalah dengan menempel pada komponen dan bantalan. Bahkan dapat merusak komponen.

6 Kesalahan Desain PCB yang Membebani Anda Jutaan Rupiah dalam Pembuatan Kontrak

6 Kesalahan Desain PCB yang Membebani Anda Jutaan Rupiah dalam Pembuatan Kontrak

When you’re designing a PCB for a contract manufacturer, it’s important to get the design right. Many times, a PCB designer sees nothing but XY data and what the board needs to do. The quality engineers need to cross-check all input files before production.

RF engineers work on high power boards

High Power Radio Frequency Engineering (HPRFE) is a specialized field of electrical engineering that deals with components above the audio frequency band. This field has grown tremendously from its beginnings in radio and wireless telegraphy to its current usage in computer engineering, industrial processing, and several forms of imaging.

RF PCBs are made of a variety of materials, depending on their design needs. Common high-frequency board materials include FR-4 and derivatives. However, other base substrates can provide better electrical performance, such as specialized low-loss materials, such as PTFE, ceramic-filled PTFE, and Hydrocarbon Ceramic. Low-loss materials also provide a more stable dielectric constant, which is a key feature for RF PCBs.

PCB designers make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be

If your PCB design isn’t optimized, it can lead to production delays and cost overruns. In addition, a poorly designed PCB can cause the layout to change, resulting in a board that doesn’t function as intended. This can result in a product recall or expensive rework. For these reasons, it is important to thoroughly review your PCB design.

Printed circuit boards are critical components of any electronic circuit. They control the electrical connections between components and interface the device with the outside world. Even the tiniest design error can result in costly delays and circuit failure. Although modern design tools have made the process more accurate and reproducible, mistakes can still occur in the process.

Quality engineers cross-check input files before submitting for production

Quality engineers, or QEs, are people who use various methods to ensure that a product is of a high quality. They apply quality checks during different stages of production, such as in the development process and before it is submitted for production. Ultimately, this process ensures that the product meets all company and customer standards.

Typically, a Quality Engineer has a degree in industrial or mechanical engineering. Some engineers go on to get master’s degrees in quality assurance and management. In addition to formal education, QEs usually learn on the job. They must be good team players and have strong problem-solving skills.

TDR measurement for timing

Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a tool for measuring the impedance of a network over time. It is typically performed using a device that generates fast pulses. The signals then travel through a transmission medium and are reflected back. The reflected signals are then measured and their amplitudes calculated. The result is a graph of the impedance as a function of time. As a result, TDR provides information about the impedance of a network and its delay as a function of time.

The accuracy of TDR measurements is dependent on the amount of noise in the trace, the pulse duration and the operating voltage. Generally, the higher the Vf, the higher the accuracy. To ensure that TDR measurements are as accurate as possible, test the trace from both ends. In addition, you should vary the pulse level on the output to avoid distorted waveforms.

Communication link between manufacturer and designer

For PCB contract manufacturing, a communication link between the designer and manufacturer is crucial. This is because the two parties must approve the design and any manufacturing constraints. Using a software program such as PCBflow, designers can securely share design and manufacturing rules with manufacturers. This allows for seamless collaboration and a faster handoff process.

PCB design is a complex process that involves thousands of decisions. A simple error in design can cost a company a lot of money, engineering time, and manufacturing time. For this reason, Nistec’s designers perform an internal test on each design before submitting it to the manufacturing division. It is challenging and time-consuming to check each aspect of a PCB design for manufacturability.

4 Hal yang Harus Diketahui Seorang Geek Sebelum Bermain dengan Papan Sirkuit Cetak

4 Hal yang Harus Diketahui Seorang Geek Sebelum Bermain dengan Papan Sirkuit Cetak

If you’re an aspiring electronics designer, there are several things you need to know before you get started. The first thing you should know is that the design process of printed circuit boards is an art and a science, and proper placement of components is critical for its success. It’s also important to note that the ground planes on a PCB provide electrical connectivity between its layers.

Printed circuit board design is an art and a science

The design process for printed circuit boards is a complex art and science. It involves planning, calculating, and optimizing the layout of components, vias, and electrical conducting paths. Using a computer-aided design (CAD) program, board designers map out the design pattern on a board’s surface. The design process typically begins with the schematic, followed by component placement, routing signal traces, and finishing with Design Rules Check and Gerber file generation.

The process of creating a PCB design can be complex, especially for those that deal with RF and high-speed signals. The length of traces and the placement of diodes and other components can make or break a board’s performance. The manufacturing process is not always exact, so it’s crucial to test prototypes and designs in small runs before executing large production runs. For instance, if traces are made too thin or placed too close together, there’s a chance that they might shift or cause crosstalk, which will degrade performance.

Proper placement of components determines design success

When creating a printed circuit board (PCB), the placement of components is critical to the design success. Component placement must consider mechanical and thermal considerations and ensure proper manufacturability. Understanding how to correctly place components on a PCB can make the process easier and more successful.

Proper component placement will not only make routing easier, but it will also result in optimal electrical performance. Proper placement reduces the possibility of board failure. When placing components, keep them away from the edges of the board to prevent damage during processing.

PCB header pins have inherent electrical resistance

Inherent electrical resistance of PCB header pins is an important factor to consider when designing your PCB. This resistance is directly related to the impedance of the PCB trace. A low-impedance signal will flip its phase 180 degrees without proper termination. As a result, the use of buffers or in-line resistors is essential to maintain the highest possible speed of SPI communication.

PCB headers are connectors that allow diverse connections to be made to a printed circuit board. They typically mount on the surface of a board, allowing connections to be made from opposite sides. The connector pins are also shrouded to prevent pin bending.

PCB enclosures are not as fragile as they appear

PCB enclosures are a common part of nearly every electrical device. They are essential to ensuring the functionality of the device. These plastic-encased devices also protect the electronics from the elements. The style of PCB enclosures varies according to the type of device, the use, and the temperature of the environment.

Plastic PCB enclosures typically come with slots or bosses on one or two sides and a bottom for the PCB. Extruded aluminium PCB enclosures typically have full-length slots, which are more suitable for mounting horizontally. Moreover, plastic enclosures are lightweight and easy to customize.

PCB repair is not as complicated as it seems

PCB repair requires a variety of hard and soft skills. You need excellent hand-eye coordination, patience, and a keen eye for detail. It can take a long time to perfect the skills, but the rewards will be well worth the effort. Learning PCB repair can also spark your interest in electronic repairs.

First, you should make sure that the PCB connectors are properly seated. If the connectors are not seated properly, the PCB will not function properly. If the pins are bent or broken, it means that they are not pushed home properly. If you are not sure about this, you can try removing the PCB and re-inserting it. You can also check to make sure that the connections are tight. Check the pins by using a voltage meter.