10 najlepszych narzędzi do projektowania PCB

10 najlepszych narzędzi do projektowania PCB

Jeśli szukasz narzędzia do projektowania PCB, które jest łatwe w nauce i obsłudze, to dobrze trafiłeś. Tutaj znajdziesz listę 10 najlepszych narzędzi do projektowania PCB, w tym AutoTRAX DEX PCB, EasyEDA i gEDA. Narzędzia te mogą być używane zarówno przez początkujących, jak i doświadczonych projektantów.


EasyEDA to doskonałe narzędzie do projektowania PCB, które jest bezpłatne i łatwe w użyciu. Jego oprogramowanie do projektowania zawiera ogromną bibliotekę ponad 500000 symboli komponentów i obszerny samouczek. Platforma jest również przyjazna dla użytkownika i wygodna w użyciu z dowolnego miejsca. Narzędzie to posiada również opcję zamawiania PCB lub prototypowania.

Program do projektowania umożliwia tworzenie wspólnych bibliotek części za pomocą kilku kliknięć. Obsługuje bezpośrednie łącza do ponad 200 000 dostępnych w czasie rzeczywistym komponentów LCSC. Posiada również pasek wyszukiwania, który umożliwia szybkie zlokalizowanie dowolnej potrzebnej części.


gEDA to darmowe narzędzie, które ułatwia projektowanie i montaż płytek PCB. Jest ono kompatybilne z najpopularniejszymi programami do projektowania PCB i obsługuje wiele platform. Pakiet gSch2pcb zawiera narzędzia do importowania schematów/list sieci, sprawdzania reguł projektowych, automatycznego routera, optymalizatora ścieżek i generowania danych RS-247X. gEDA oferuje również przeglądarkę plików gerber. Pliki Gerber są używane do wielu operacji PCB i są standardowym formatem danych do projektowania PCB.

gEDA jest dostępna na licencji GPL (General Public License), co oznacza, że użytkownicy i autorzy otrzymują określone prawa. Dzięki temu gEDA jest wolna od uzależnienia od dostawcy, niezależna od zastrzeżonego oprogramowania i dostępna z pełnym kodem źródłowym. Ze względu na licencję GPL, gEDA może być swobodnie redystrybuowana, ulepszana i przenoszona na inne platformy. Co więcej, jest darmowa i zawsze będzie aktualizowana.


Narzędzie do projektowania PCB AutoTRAX DEX to w pełni funkcjonalne środowisko rozwoju elektroniki (EDA) z kompleksowymi narzędziami do zarządzania projektami od koncepcji do produkcji. Może współpracować z oprogramowaniem MCAD i ECAD oraz zarządzać danymi projektowymi i dokumentacją w celu wsparcia całego procesu projektowania od koncepcji do produkcji.

AutoTRAX DEX PCB składa się ze zintegrowanego oprogramowania do projektowania PCB i intuicyjnego hierarchicznego menedżera przedsięwzięć. Jest to EDA dla inżynierów elektroników, z profesjonalnymi funkcjami, które są niezbędne w branży projektowania elektronicznego XXI wieku. Jest to świetne rozwiązanie dla tych, którzy szukają potężnego, przyjaznego dla użytkownika EDA, które może zastąpić przestarzałe metody.


Jeśli szukasz narzędzia do projektowania PCB, Fritzing jest doskonałym wyborem. Oprogramowanie to posiada przejrzysty interfejs użytkownika i zapewnia wszystkie niezbędne narzędzia do tworzenia wysokiej jakości obwodów. Oferuje szereg opcji edycji schematu, w tym zmianę szerokości i rozmieszczenia ścieżek. Może również generować pliki Gerber. Posiada również funkcję znaną jako Auto Router, która może automatycznie trasować miedziane ścieżki.

Fritzing jest przyjazny dla użytkownika i jest idealny dla początkujących lub każdego, kto nie ma wcześniejszego doświadczenia w projektowaniu PCB. Oprogramowanie umożliwia łączenie płytek Arduino i wizualizację połączeń między komponentami. Może również symulować obwody w celu weryfikacji dokładności. Pozwala to zaoszczędzić czas i pieniądze, ponieważ można uniknąć później kosztownych błędów.


ZenitPCB to potężne narzędzie do projektowania PCB, które można pobrać i używać bezpłatnie. Oferuje wiele przydatnych funkcji dla początkujących lub studentów. Jednak niektórzy użytkownicy mogą uznać to narzędzie za niewystarczające w niektórych aspektach, takich jak możliwość konwersji schematu na układ. Dodatkowo, to oprogramowanie do projektowania PCB obsługuje tylko maksymalnie 1000 pinów, co ogranicza jego użyteczność.

ZenitPCB jest łatwy w użyciu i posiada kompaktowy, intuicyjny interfejs. Jest on podzielony na kilka sekcji, w tym główny obszar roboczy, przyciski aplikacji, szybkie klawisze i informacje związane z projektem. Zawiera również bibliotekę części i list sieci, a także skróty do różnych operacji. Jest również wyposażony w darmowy autorouter internetowy.

Narzędzia do projektowania PCB

Narzędzia do projektowania PCB

Gerber Panelizer

GerberPanelizer is an aide in creating a PCB design. It allows you to edit the layout and then export it as a final merged gerber file. Once exported, the gerber file is locked and cannot be edited or changed. The export will also contain image renderings.

However, it is not a perfect solution. While it is a great tool for panelizing boards, the tool is not very flexible. You need to add fiducials along the board edge and add M4 holes along one side. Nevertheless, the program is extremely easy to use and is an excellent tool for PCB design. It is currently being improved and will be updated in the next version.

Gerber Panelizer is a powerful tool for PCB design. It is very useful for people who build their own PCBs or who are interested in Open Hardware. One major drawback is that it is offered without support and is prone to breaking features. The GUI is window-based and mono.

The main screen of Gerber Panelizer has a list of all the CAM steps. Click on a step to view the contents. You may also click on the step name.


When you generate a Gerber file in Altium Designer, you will be able to create multiple board layouts in a single file. Gerber files are files that describe your requirements for PCB fabrication and assembly. They include templates for solder mask, silkscreen pictures, and drill holes. This type of file can be exported to a PCB manufacturer.

You can also insert objects into the panel with the Add Insert command in the right-click menu. To insert an object in the board, you can place it in the parent step or campanel by right-clicking on the board. Make sure to remove the venting pattern that you previously applied. Otherwise, the data will appear without a border.

You can also create a single-sided design and export it as a Gerber. For this, you need to set the top layer of your CAM document to be “top” and then panelize PCB. Then, you can add the Gerbers to the boxes that will be created in the project.

Altium Designer supports the Gerber panelization feature and allows you to create board layouts with multiple designs. With the Gerber panelizer, you can design PCBs with odd shapes and multiple designs on the same panel.


Creating panelized printed circuit boards can be a time-consuming process, and the best way to speed it up is by using the KiKit toolkit. It allows you to easily group boards into panels so that they can be reflow soldered together in a quick process. Normally, this requires manually grouping and assembling the boards, but KiKit makes it easy by creating a script that can gang up six boards in a single pass. It uses mousebites to hold them together, so that they can easily be separated after soldering is complete.

KiKit uses a Python-based script to organize the boards into a grid. The script is flexible enough to handle mousebites and v-cuts, and even allows for board separation after production. Since the PCB component distribution is so large, grouping them into panels makes the assembly process much faster. They can then be placed in a reflow oven or pick-and-place machine as one unit.

A panelized PCB needs adequate support to prevent accidental breakout. You can move panels around on the board and adjust edge clearances. Then, you’re ready to build your finished board. Just remember to create a margin of at least one inch on the board. You’ll need to do this for multiple layers.

The panelization process is critical to creating a custom PCB, and Altium Designer provides a host of tools for this task. This includes CAD and CAM features, and the ability to define panelized PCB. Additionally, it integrates design files with panelized PCBs so that it’s easy to make changes without re-making panels.

Analysis of the Causes of Insufficient Solder Gloss at SMT Patch

Analysis of the Causes of Insufficient Solder Gloss at SMT Patch

Insufficient solder gloss on a solder joint is caused by several factors. A component can have inadequate solder, it could have been overheated for a long time, or it could have peeled off at the solder joint due to age or excessive heat.

Cold soldering

The problem of insufficient solder gloss in SMT patches is often caused by inadequate soldering. Insufficient solder gloss can weaken solder joints and increase their susceptibility to failure and cracking. Fortunately, there are ways to remedy the problem, including applying more solder or reheating the joints.

Insufficient solder gloss is caused by either insufficient flux or too much heat during soldering. Insufficient wetting can also result from a failure to evenly heat both the pin and the pad or a lack of time for solder to flow. When this happens, a layer of metal oxide can form on the bonded object. In such cases, a repair technique should be used to clean the board and apply the solder evenly to the two components.

PCB oxidation

Insufficient solder gloss at SMT patch may be caused by a number of reasons. One common problem is improper solder paste storage and operation. The solder paste may be too dry or have an expired date. The solder paste may also have a poor viscosity. In addition, the solder paste can become contaminated with tin powder during the patch.

Typically, this problem occurs when PCBs are left unprotected for a long time. Another common cause of poor solder joints is oxidation of the surface mount pad. Oxidation can occur on the surface of the PCB during storage or during shipping. Regardless of the cause of the issue, it is important to take steps to prevent this from happening.

Solder balls

Solder balls are tiny balls of solder which can have serious consequences for the functionality of a circuit board. Small balls can move components off-mark and larger balls can degrade the solder joint quality. Also, they can roll on to other parts of the board, causing shorts and burns. These problems can be avoided by ensuring that the PCB base material is dry before reflowing.

Choosing the proper solder paste to use during soldering is a key element in minimizing the risk of solder balls. Using the right paste can greatly reduce the chances of having to rework a board. A slow preheat rate will allow the solder to spread evenly throughout the surface and prevent the formation of solder balls.

Excess solder

Excess solder gloss in SMT patch processes is often caused by a combination of factors. The first is a low preheating temperature, which will affect the appearance of the solder joint. The second is the presence of solder residue. The latter can make the solder joint appear dull or even numb.

Soldering paste smearing on the stencil is another common cause. If the paste has not reflowed properly, the excess solder can flow and obscure the solder joint connection. To remove excess solder, use a solder sucker, a solder wick, or a hot iron tip.


Solder joints with insufficient gloss can be a result of miswelding. The solder may have poor wetting, be dark or non-reflective, or be too rough to look good. The underlying cause is that the solder was not heated sufficiently to reach a high enough temperature for the solder to melt completely.

Solder paste fails to do its soldering job because it is not properly mixed or stored. The paste may not be completely re-dissolved in the solder bath, and the tin powder may spill out during the soldering process. Another cause is that the solder paste may have an expired date. A seventh possible cause of insufficient solder gloss at an SMT patch is a result of the production technology used by the solder paste supplier.

Solder voids

Solder voids in SMT patches can negatively impact a component’s reliability and functionality. They reduce the solder ball’s cross-section, which reduces the amount of solder that can transfer heat and current. Also, during reflow, small pre-existing voids can merge to form large voids. Ideally, voids should be eliminated or reduced to a manageable level. However, many studies indicate that moderate voids can increase reliability by reducing crack propagation and increasing the solder joint’s height.

Solder voids in SMT patches are not a serious problem if they are infrequently occurring and do not affect reliability. However, their presence in a product signals a need for adjustment in manufacturing parameters. Some factors may contribute to the presence of solder voids in SMT patches, including trapped flux and contaminants on circuit boards. The presence of these voids can be visually detected in X-ray images, where they appear as a lighter spot inside the solder ball.

4 Steps to Manufacture a Perfect Aluminum PCB

4 Steps to Manufacture a Perfect Aluminum PCB

To manufacture a perfect aluminum PCB, there are several steps that you must take. The first step is deciding the stackup and layer count of the PCB. Then, you must choose the materials to be used in different portions of the PCB. Then, you need to decide whether you want to place the aluminum in a core layer or be bonded to the surrounding dielectric layers with a separator membrane. Another option is to have a back-side-mounted plate, or even cutouts.

Processes used to manufacture a perfect aluminum pcb

The aluminum PCB is a common material used in many applications. The largest users include power companies, LED converters, and radio frequency companies. Most aluminum PCB is made as a single layer. This is because a single layer of aluminum forms a significant part of the thermal structure of the board. In the manufacturing process, holes are drilled into the aluminum base layer and backfilled with a dielectric material.

The properties of aluminum PCB make it an excellent material for electronic equipment. It has high conductivity and a low coefficient of expansion. These properties make it ideal for high-power applications. Aluminum PCBs are also suited for use in high-temperature circuits.

To manufacture an aluminum PCB, the design of the board needs to be prepared. After the design is completed, the fabricator will start the manufacturing process. The aluminum core is then covered with a separator layer, and the PCB laminates are then bonded onto the aluminum carrier plate. During this step, through-holes are drilled to create a large enough space to fit the components. These through-holes are then plated with solder and finished with a solder mask.

Materials used

Aluminum is a metal with excellent heat resistance and is used to manufacture circuit boards. Its thermal conductivity measures how much heat can be transferred through a unit of area per kilowatt hour (kW/m.h.). The higher the thermal conductivity of the material, the better it is for thermal insulation and heat dissipation. Aluminum back PCBs are ideal for applications where high thermal dissipation is required.

Aluminum PCB manufacturers use a variety of methods to create this type of circuit board. They can bore the board and include several tiny holes. These holes are used to mount circuit components, such as switches and microchips. They need to be connected to the PCB in order to function properly. The aluminum board is also coated with insulating materials, which makes it nonconductive.

Aluminum PCBs are the most common type. They have an aluminum core surrounded by copper foil. This material is excellent for heat dissipation and works well for applications that demand more power. Aluminum PCBs were first developed in the 1970s and are currently used in power systems, LED lighting, and automotive systems. In addition to being heat-resistant, aluminum PCBs are also recyclable.

Solder mask printing

Several factors determine the type of solder mask to use, including the size and layout of the board, the type of components and conductors, and the intended final application. Additionally, regulated industries will have specific requirements. Today, liquid photo-imageable solder masks are the most common type, and are very reliable. They are also known to minimize PCB glare.

When using solder masks, the area of relief between solder paste and the printed circuit board must be precisely positioned for the solder to adhere properly. If the solder mask does not cover the entire surface of the pcb, it may result in a short circuit. In addition, solder masks can include test points and vias.

Solder masks are used to identify openings on the board and then the component pins can be soldered onto them. In some cases, the solder masks are printed onto the board using epoxy or film methods. The solder paste is applied to the board using these openings in order to make a secure electrical bond between the components. The top-side mask is used for the top side of the board, while the bottom-side mask is used for the bottom side of the board.

High-pressure test

When manufacturing an aluminum PCB, it is imperative to ensure that the insulating layer is free from any cracks or scuffs. In addition, the controlling position and outline tolerance must match the requirements of the design. It is also important to eliminate any metal crumb, which can influence the electrical capacity of the board. To meet these demands, a high-pressure test must be carried out. Pressure is applied to the boards at a pressure of ****KV DC, and the creepage current is set at **mA/PCS. During testing, the testers must wear insulated gloves and shoes to protect themselves from the high-pressure environments. Also, the OSP film must be within the specified scope.

Performing an automated test is critical to the manufacturing process. This method is more accurate and faster than manual inspection, and it can identify trends that can lead to process improvement. The PCBs that pass this test are moved onto the final stages of PCB manufacturing.