Na co należy zwrócić uwagę podczas lutowania PCB?

Na co należy zwrócić uwagę podczas lutowania PCB?

Istnieje kilka czynników, na które powinniśmy zwrócić uwagę podczas lutowania PCB. Na przykład, powinniśmy unikać przegrzania złącza. Powinniśmy również zwracać uwagę na wentylację. Ponadto, powinniśmy używać stopów bezołowiowych. Jeśli wystąpią jakiekolwiek problemy z przepływem lutu, możemy skontaktować się z producentem i poprosić go o naprawę.


Właściwa wentylacja podczas lutowania płytek PCB ma kluczowe znaczenie dla zapobiegania problemom z układem oddechowym. Korzystanie z lokalnego systemu wentylacji wyciągowej pomaga usunąć większość oparów lutowniczych, które mogą być wdychane. Ważne jest monitorowanie jakości powietrza w miejscu pracy, aby upewnić się, że jest ono bezpieczne dla wszystkich pracujących w nim osób.

Hakko FA-400 to dobra opcja dla okazjonalnych projektów lutowniczych, ale nie nadaje się dla pracowników, którzy spędzają wiele godzin dziennie wdychając opary. Jakość powietrza wpływa nie tylko na osobę lutującą, ale także na obszar wokół niej. Wynika to z faktu, że przeciągi i prądy będą przenosić opary w całym pomieszczeniu. Dlatego też konieczne jest zainwestowanie w system filtracji, aby uniknąć tego ryzyka.

Pozostałości strumienia

Topnik jest kluczowym elementem lutowania, ponieważ usuwa tlenki z powierzchni płyty, dzięki czemu połączenie lutowane jest tak mocne, jak to tylko możliwe. Obecność tlenków na płytce może powodować słabe przewodnictwo elektryczne i prowadzić do słabego połączenia lutowanego. Dostępnych jest kilka rodzajów topników lutowniczych.

Typowym topnikiem jest kalafonia. Ten typ jest najczęściej stosowany w lutowaniu elektrycznym.

Przegrzewające się złącza

Podczas lutowania płytek PCB, jednym z najczęstszych błędów jest przegrzewanie połączeń. Problem ten występuje, gdy lutowanie nie jest wykonane prawidłowo lub gdy temperatura lutownicy jest zbyt niska. Aby temu zapobiec, należy rozgrzać lutownicę przed rozpoczęciem pracy.

Przegrzanie połączeń spowoduje utlenienie lutu, co może spowodować uszkodzenie elementu elektronicznego. Niewystarczające zwilżenie złącza lutowniczego może również prowadzić do tombstoningu, czyli sytuacji, w której pad lutowniczy nie kończy procesu zwilżania. Na szczęście problemu tego można uniknąć, dokładnie kontrolując proces lutowania i używając odpowiednich narzędzi.

Stosowanie stopów bezołowiowych

Stosowanie stopów bezołowiowych podczas lutowania PCB jest doskonałą opcją. Można je wykorzystać do uzyskania mocnego, trwałego połączenia bez ryzyka związanego z ołowiem. Dostępne są różne topniki ułatwiające ten proces. Podczas lutowania płytek PCB ważne jest, aby używać odpowiedniego topnika do danego zadania.

WS888 to bezołowiowa pasta lutownicza, która spełnia wymagania niezawodności dla zespołów PCB. Wykazuje spójność i powtarzalność w szerokim zakresie temperatur i wilgotności względnej. Nie pozostawia również żadnych pozostałości na płytce drukowanej i jest łatwa do czyszczenia wodą. Ponadto NC722 to bezołowiowa pasta lutownicza bez konieczności czyszczenia, przeznaczona do niskotopliwych stopów cyny i bizmutu. Ma doskonałą trwałość szablonu i nie pozostawia pozostałości topnika. Co więcej, NC722 jest testowalna i ma niską temperaturę topnienia.

Czyste korpusy złączy

Pierwszym krokiem podczas lutowania złącza jest oczyszczenie korpusu komponentu. Przed rozpoczęciem procesu lutowania należy oczyścić korpus elementu alkoholem lub chusteczką higieniczną. Następnie nałóż płynny topnik na wszystkie wyprowadzenia po przeciwnej stronie elementu.

Ma to na celu usunięcie wszelkich zanieczyszczeń powierzchniowych. Przydatnym narzędziem jest skrobak. Ważne jest również oczyszczenie korpusów złączy, ponieważ chromowanie może utrudniać zwilżenie ich lutowiem.


Podczas lutowania płytki drukowanej należy uważać na grot lutownicy. Grot powinien być większy niż odstęp między elementami elektronicznymi na płytce. W przypadku małych elementów odpowiedni może być grot stożkowy. Następnie włóż element do otworów. Grot lutownicy powinien stykać się zarówno z płytką, jak i przewodem. Gdy oba elementy się zetkną, lut zostanie podgrzany i połączenie zostanie wykonane.

Podczas lutowania PCB, grot lutownicy powinien opierać się o wyprowadzenie komponentu. Jeśli lut nie dotyka przewodu, nie będzie do niego przylegał. Grot powinien być pokryty lutowiem i tworzyć kopiec. Gdy połączenie jest gotowe, zdejmij lutownicę, a lut powinien płynąć gładko.

Pasta lutownicza

Pasta lutownicza to połączenie metalowych cząstek lutowia i lepkiego topnika, który zapewnia tymczasowy klej utrzymujący elementy do montażu powierzchniowego na miejscu. Pasta lutownicza występuje w różnych rodzajach, z których każdy ma inną lepkość i skład chemiczny. Niektóre z nich nie zawierają ołowiu, podczas gdy inne są zgodne z dyrektywą RoHS. Niektóre pasty lutownicze zawierają dodatek wykonany z wyciągu z sosny.

Pasta lutownicza jest zwykle nakładana za pomocą szablonu. Pozwala on na prawidłowe umieszczenie lutowia i pomaga równomiernie rozprowadzić pastę. Szablony pomagają uniknąć nakładania zbyt dużej lub zbyt małej ilości pasty, co może skutkować słabymi połączeniami i zwarciami między sąsiednimi padami.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of FPC Winding Displacement

The Advantages and Disadvantages of FPC Winding Displacement

There are advantages and disadvantages to FPC winding displacement. It is a popular winding technique that helps prevent unwanted static buildup between two FPCs. It can also be used for reel-type packaging. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these factors.

fpc winding displacement

There are advantages and disadvantages of fpc winding displacement. One of the advantages is that it reduces the size and weight of the electronic product. It is useful for developing high-density, miniaturized, and high-reliability electronic products. It has been widely used in aerospace and military applications. Another advantage is that it allows the electronic component assembly to be integrated and rearranged according to the spatial layout requirements.

The advantages and disadvantages of fpc winding displacement can be derived from the installation process. First, the FPC connector assembly is placed in a relative position to the installation notch. It is then fixed to the circuit board by bending the fixed arms left and right. This process minimizes the overall height value of the installation structure and allows for the installation of the FFC 14.

fpc reel-type packaging

The advantages and disadvantages of fpc reel-type packaging are numerous. This type of packaging provides many advantages, such as reduced weight and size, and can be used for the development of miniaturized, high-density, and high-reliability electronic products. This packaging method has also found applications in the military and aerospace industries. The flexibility of this type of packaging allows for the assembly of electronic components in a flexible package.

FPCs are also easily transported to the processing machine through the use of a reel. This type of packaging offers a number of advantages, including preventing crumples caused by external force, a convenient supplying method, and an increase in throughput. A typical FPC reel-type package 58 is formed by winding bar-like materials 54 onto a reel. Once a reel is wound, a punching device 60 sequentially cuts the bar-like materials into a plurality of pieces.

fpc pre-press head

A fpc pre-press head is a tool used to transfer an FPC onto a glass substrate. It sucks up the FPC’s top surface and then transports it to a processing chamber, where the FPC is adhered to the glass substrate. The resulting photonic device can then be processed as a large scale integration chip or color filter.

The process system includes an FPC reel-type package, punching device, transporting arm, and pre-press head. The FPCs are formed by winding bar-like materials onto a reel. The punching device then cuts out each of the bar-like materials sequentially, while the transporting arm transports the cut FPCs to the final processing stage.

fpc pattern placement on flexible plate

An FPC pattern is a flexible plate that contains one or more electrical contacts. The circuitry can be either single or multiple sided. The FPC pattern should be assymmetrical as possible to minimize stress concentration. Several techniques are available to design a flexible plate with an optimal FPC pattern.

When creating a FPC pattern, the thickness of the plate must be equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the board. It must also have an internal angle of at least 1.6 mm. An additional factor to consider is the bending radius ratio. A larger radius means a stronger board that is less likely to tear. Ideally, the board will be evenly oriented with no rough areas or sharp edges.

The FPC pattern placement on the plate can be automated by reel-type packaging. Reel-type packaging can deposit the FPC patterns in multiple layers and is an excellent option for a multi-layered FPC design. The PI material makes the FPC softer and prevents it from breaking during repeated bending. In addition, a double-sided adhesive fixing area should be included at the gold finger connector joint. This will prevent the gold finger connector from falling off the FPC during the bending process. The FPC placement screen should also be provided on the junction of the FPC connector to prevent the FPC from skewing during assembly.

Recommend 4 Free PCB Design Softwares

Recommend 4 Free PCB Design Softwares

If you’re new to PCB design, you might be interested in learning how to use free PCB design software. There are several different options available to you, including the popular Altium CircuitMaker, EasyEDA, PCB123, and ZenitPCB. All of these softwares are suitable for most novice designers, and are extremely easy to learn and use.


EasyEDA is one of the most popular PCB design softwares available for free online. It is used by over two million people, including makers, electronics engineers, students, and educators. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to use and understand. There are also courses and tutorials available to help you learn how to use the software.

EasyEDA offers advanced features including schematic capture, simulation, PCB layout, and 3D visualisation. It works on the cloud and has an extensive library of PCB components. It allows you to save and share your work privately and easily collaborate with other users. EasyEDA also supports Altium, KiCad, and LTspice schematic files. The software also includes a free PCB realization service.


Whether you are a budding electronics designer or are just looking for a free tool to design circuit boards, you have many options when it comes to PCB design software. Fortunately, there are a few leading free PCB design softwares that can do a professional-level job. These PCB design softwares are easy to use and will produce competent results.

ZenitPCB offers a clean, straightforward interface with the main workspace in the center. Quick keys and application buttons allow you to navigate between different tools and functions. The interface also features an easily navigable parts library, available netlists, and shortcuts for different operations. There is a GerberView button that can help you view and print out schematics and other electronic schematics.


Whether you are an engineer new to PCB design or a seasoned pro, you can always turn to PCB123 for help. Its user manual walks you through the basics and explains how the software functions. It also provides useful tips and tricks on the best practices to follow when designing your PCBs. And it has a 3D view of your design to help you visualize all of the components.

PCB123 is a full-featured EDA tool that focuses on fast circuit design. Its suite of EDA tools include a BOM management system, real-time design rule checking, and a large online parts library with over 750,000 predefined parts. The software also includes a 3D rendering view to help you visualize and inspect your components and the board’s layout.


Pulsonix pcb design software offers a wide range of design features and advanced technology. This PCB design software supports component placement and routing modes, as well as advanced post processing capability. It also has the industry’s largest import filter, allowing you to maintain Intellectual Property (IP). Other features of Pulsonix include complete assembly variants, interactive push-aside routing, constraint-driven design, and rules-based design. The company has sales channels all over the world.

The user-friendly interface of Pulsonix PCB design software facilitates easy and quick creation of schematic drawings. It also facilitates reuse of circuit elements. In addition, it offers automatic electrical rules checking. Finally, it allows users to import and export data, ensuring accuracy in design.

The Difference Between Rigid Flex Board Assembly and Multi Plate System Assembly

The Difference Between Rigid Flex Board Assembly and Multi Plate System Assembly

One of the differences between rigid flex PCB and multi plate system assembly is the materials used for the substrate. In rigid flex PCB, the substrate material is typically woven fiberglass or an epoxy resin. However, these materials are not as reliable as polyimide.


When constructing a multi plate system with a rigid flex board, the placement of stiffeners is an important part of the assembly process. These components are often applied using either a pressure sensitive or a thermal set adhesive. The former is less expensive, but it requires the flex PCB to be placed back in a lamination press, where it will be cut to the desired stiffener shape.

When choosing a rigid flex board, be sure to carefully consider the number of bends and where stiffeners will be applied. The type of bend is also an important consideration. For example, you can use a static bond or a dynamic bond, and one type is more durable and flexible.

Another option is a segmented plate element joint, which is composed of multiple plate elements connected by pins and rotational springs. This type of joint allows for reasonable bending stiffness, but it can be tedious to create.

Flexible PCBs

Whether you’re a designer or a manufacturer, you probably already know that flexible PCBs are a common component of electronics. Circuit boards are vital for many kinds of devices, and these days, they’re more flexible than ever before. The components of these boards are the same as those found in rigid PCBs, but the board can be bent to the desired shape during application. A flexible PCB is usually composed of a single layer of flexible polyimide film, which is then covered with a thin layer of copper. This copper layer is the conductive layer, and it’s only accessible from one side.

Flexible PCBs are also designed differently than traditional PCBs. The flexibility of these boards is an advantage, but the process of assembly is more complicated. The flexible board’s shape can be too complex for a single assembly, or it can result in failure. This means that PCB designers need to take special precautions when designing these boards.

Card edge connectors

Card edge connectors are an excellent option for interconnecting multi-plate and rigid flex board assemblies. These connectors have an array of capabilities that help meet a wide variety of signal requirements. For example, they can handle low-level, controlled impedance signals, high-speed signals, and even higher current carrying requirements. Additionally, their versatility allows them to fit into a variety of enclosures. This type of connector is also more cost-effective than many other connector types, thanks to their lower-point-of-interconnection and locking/high retention force designs.

Card edge connectors can be formed in many different shapes, including rounded and radiused edges. These edges are typically formed using a router or equivalent shaping tool. In addition, printed circuits are typically made from polyimide (1 or 2 mil thick), which is fabricated in flat sheet form. Copper circuitry is then adhered to the polyimide sheet using standard photo lithographic techniques.

Card edge connectors can be gold or nickel-plated. In addition to tin, these connectors can be nickel-plated or gold-plated. The plated metal is usually nickel or gold-plated to provide a good surface for copper circuitry.

Cost of assembly

The cost of rigid flex board and multi plate system assemblies varies depending on the number of boards and components required. Rigid flex PCBs are an excellent alternative to wire harnesses. These flexible PCBs are made of multiple layers with copper insulators connected by vias or plated through holes. These boards have low cost and high reliability and are a common choice for replacement of wire harnesses.

Cost of rigid flex PCB and multi plate system assembly may be more expensive than traditional PCB assembly methods, but the overall manufacturing cost is lower. By eliminating the need for board-to-board connectors, rigid flex PCBs and multi plate systems save space and manufacturing costs.

Rigid flex PCBs are coated with protective materials to prevent damage from heat and chemicals. These materials are widely available and are inexpensive. They are also excellent insulators and resist flames. Rigid flex PCBs are also used in computer motherboards and in transmitting information.

Solder Bridge of Wave Soldering Causes and Solutions

Solder Bridge of Wave Soldering Causes and Solutions

In the process of soldering components, a problem called Solider bridge of wave soldering can occur. The problem can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some causes and solutions. Listed below are three possible causes of this problem. The first reason is a result of improper soldering.

Solider bridge of wave soldering

Solider bridges are made by joining two soldered leads. Unlike traditional soldering, wave soldering uses an elastic barrier to separate the leads from the solder. This barrier protects the solder from oxidation and helps to maintain the high surface tension of the solder.

Wave soldering offers better accuracy than manual welding, but it also has certain drawbacks. The curing temperature is high, and the quality of the adhesive can be poor. Wave soldering can also lead to a dirty PCB surface, especially on large and uneven PCBs. It’s also possible for the solder to come off the PCB because of a high flux content or an extreme preheating temperature.

Wave soldering can also result in solder bridges between adjacent SOD components. Solder bridging is a serious defect because it can cause an electrical short. Another problem is the tombstone effect, in which a component is lifted during wave soldering. This is often the result of using components with different solderability requirements or utilizing the wrong lead length.


A solider bridge can occur when solder is applied across the last pad of a soldered connection. This can occur in a number of different ways. Often solder thieves are located adjacent to the last set of pads, or in a soldering arc. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent solder bridges.

Solder bridging is a common soldering defect that can lead to electrical shorts. In wave soldering, solder may flow between two connectors, which can lead to this problem. Incorrect lead lengths and using different solderability requirements are two common causes of solder bridges.

Another common cause of a solider bridge being dropped from the wave is an improper solder pot temperature. If the temperature of the solder pot is too high, the solider bridges will break off. Several factors can affect this problem, including flux type and quantity, as well as the angle at which the component is traversed through the wave.


Solider bridge of wave soldering can be caused by several factors. First, a low preheat temperature can fail to activate the flux. In such a case, the excess solder is often drawn back to the wave. Also, a small amount of excess solder can create a bridge.

Second, the solder thief can be a cause of solder bridges. In general, this phenomenon occurs in through-hole connections with components that are less than 100 mils apart. Solder thieves can be very useful in these cases, though they are not required in all cases. If you do not want to use a solder thief, choose components with larger centers-to-center spacings. This will minimize the possibility of a solider bridge.

Another cause of solder bridges is the oxidized surface of the components. The oxidized surface of the component will make it more difficult for the solder to adhere to it. This is due to the fact that surface tension causes the solder to repel the oxidized surface.


Solder flow is not a continuous flow. The solder is spread across the board, forming a thin wave that reaches the bottom of the PCB. The front and rear baffles are curved so that the wave is flat. The bottom of the wave lies slightly above the front baffle, while the top is just above the rear baffle. The wave’s surface tension prevents the solder from flowing over the back baffle.

If the solder is applied to the board without sufficient oxygen, it will drop to the wave state. This will make it difficult to see the solder inside the board, but will still make the electrical connection. One solution for this problem is to increase the number of leads on the board. Alternatively, you can change the stencil design to prevent off-contact solder paste printing.

Wave soldering can be confusing. It has been around before most people were even born. Despite this fact, many people find it difficult to understand and control. Luckily, there are now automated methods for mass soldering.